Blog Help

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
So depending on your POV, I did either a brave thing or a foolish thing today, I launched a blog page of my own. Unfortunately, the controls confuse me and I have no idea how to post articles. The problem comes mostly with me being a visually handicapped person and not knowing which edit field or link to click on to get which desired results. Yes, there's a "New Post" link to create an article... But then I get a Post Title edit, a Publish button/link, Save button/link, Create button/link, and Compose button/link. And below that there's a Rich Text Editor frame which I suppose is for writing the text of my articles, but there's no button/link below it to then have said article up on the main page.

And yes, I would eventually like to attach music files from my computer to accompany a particular article, and I'll ask on how to do that as well, but first things first.
Dunno, I'm not even sure how to handle this thing. If no real good use comes out of it I might decide to just leave it be, abandoning it to the ether of the net.

Hope someone who knows about this stuff can help me out. :batty:


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Ed, never messed with this stuff, but I'm guessing "Post title" you click on and then title your post; "Compose" to start writing; and "Publish" to post it live.

Hope you get it sorted. :smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks Kris. Actually I've been playing around with it a little, got an article up and now I know how to properly space the text. Still don't know how to attach songfiles though. Meh, you can find the blog through the other thread I started in the On The Web section.