Calling And Talking To Sesame Workshop Experiences.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Here's a very scarry experience I once had. I had a question about a Sesame Street old School DVD I purchased. I had first called the online Sesame Street store to see if anyone from there can help me. They couldn't answer my question and advised me to call Sesame Workshop. To get the number, I had to call Channel 13 Wnet. From there, I got the phone number and was advised to call and speak with Mrs. Westen. I got to the front desk and asked to speak to Mrs. Westen. After I was connected to her, I began to ask my question I had about the DVD. She spoke to me in an angry voice and I got very nervous. I currently have an anxiety disorder and deal with depression as well. Beyond that, I had also mentioned and discussed to her that I was a fan of one of their shows that no longer airs. Immediately, she exploded and in raging anger, demanding me to ceist and desist , and then demanded to know who I was. Sesame Workshop does not like fandom of anykind, and I feared of her pressing or filing legal charges against me. I tried to explain to her that I'm currently on disabilities and rely on my beneifits for my daily living needs,. But she still yelled in anger, telling me that she didn't care.
My anxiety had risen greatly as I had strong concerns that she may have me down in her records , and I don't want to have a criminal record against me. Since then, I had a hard time enjoying the Sesame Workshop DVD's I've purchased. I'm no longer going to purchase anymore products from Sesame Workshop.

Muppet fan 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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What the hey? Is this for real?
Whenever I call, I always got polite answers to any questions or comments I had. I think you might have dialed someone who works in SW, you can't base the entire company on one person you spoke to.

Also, we gotta remember that Sesame is very busy all the time, especially in the past few months, they got a lot on their hands and they lost two key performers. They're super busy and can't be disturbed. I suggest you call to the main desk next time, the people there are always very helpful and very nice and can direct you to anyone who they think is best. I never found any problem with them.

Also, truth is, if I called some executive in Disney or Pixar they would also probably yell at me for stuff like that, they don't want to be called for stuff like that.
So what are we supposed to do? Boycott Disney?
Nah, I couldn't do that..their Muppet stuff is too hard to resist, same for SW.

I can't think of a way to end off this message, so you get this cheesy ending instead.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I have never had any real contact with Sesame, but when I was doing interviews for here and other places I have spoken to people at Disney, and Henson. They where both very friendly.
Sesame dose care about the fandom, both young and old. You just have to be careful with whom you are calling, and in most cases e-mail is the best way to go.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
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Sorry to hear that you had this experience, and though I can't really say much about it, I will say that I don't think that you should base your entire opinion of the organization on one person. Every company or organization, even such a friendly one, has a few bad apples involved. I'm pretty sure that most of Sesame is very nice and caring, after all, how can you be working with Jim Henson's creations and really be mean?

Besides, remember that what you buy at Sesame Workshop goes back into the productions in the US and around the world. Should the kids really suffer just because of one employee who happened to be having a bad day?

Not trying to be mean or anything (hope I didn't come off that way), and sorry to hear that you had this experience. I just personally wouldn't judge the great organization because of this.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2013
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Oh, my gosh! That's really terrible. No matter the circumstances, I still don't think that she should've treated you in that manner, especially with your disorder. I know Sesame is busy and all, but I don't think that she should have yelled. I am sooo sorry that you had this experience!


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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What was the issue with your DVDs?

And I wouldn't go so far as to say SW doesn't like fandom; they allow fans to upload their videos on YT and they evan based their original video site on that notion.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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And I wouldn't go so far as to say SW doesn't like fandom; they allow fans to upload their videos on YT and they evan based their original video site on that notion.
Also, in 2008, Sesame Workshop allowed fans on it's facebook page to nominate clips for Sesame Street: 40 Years of Sunny Days, to vote for certain things to appear in Sesame Street: A Celebration - 40 Years of Life on the Street, and to vote for nominated clips for the Best of Friends DVD.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I would think that now a days you would need to contact Waner Bros home video, for any problems with the dvd's


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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If you were having problems with your DVDs, why didn't you just return them and exchange them for better copies?