Count Von Count Songs


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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How many songs did he have? Here's the ones I remember...
Bones Inside Of You
Do The Batty Bat
The Coconut Counting Man
One Potatoes, Two Potatoes, Three Potatoes, Four

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ah ha! A subject near and dear to my own little black heart! Not sure how many songs have been sung by the Count himself, but here's some to get you started.

1 The name of the song you remember is "The Batty Bat".
The following are from a VCD of songs I got from my deals with Justin.
2 The Song of the Count.
3 Knick-Knack Paddywhack.
4 My First Day of School.
5 Count Up to 9.
6 Eight Beautiful Notes.
7 My Transylvania Tootsie.
8 Not sure what it's name is, but there's a song where the Count goes to the market and ends up counting potatoes, umbrellas, and newspapers.
9 Not sure what the name of it is, but there's a sweet song that could be considered "The Count's Lullaby", a song he sings for all his pets to go to sleep.
10 Not exactly a song sung by him, but there are the spoken inserts during the song "It's Been a Long Long Time".
That's 2 Longs and 1 Time!
11 The song he sang about what a person can do with their hands, his favorite part of the body because of counting all those things.
12 Not exactly a song sung by him, but he did appear along with Reporter Kermit at one moment during the video for the song "40 Blocks from my School".
13 The Transylvania Polka part of one of the Sesame Street Live shows from the 80's, I believe it's the one of the Case of the Missing Bird where Big Bird's hoodwinked into showbuisness by PT Barnswallow.
Hope this is enough and have a vonderful night!


Sep 19, 2004
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I have this old cassette with The Count singing all I want for Christmas is my two Front Teeth.
That cassette has long since become unusable :frown: Anyone know if it was ever released in CD format?

Mickey Moose

Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2004
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Violia said:
I have this old cassette with The Count singing all I want for Christmas is my two Front Teeth.
That cassette has long since become unusable :frown: Anyone know if it was ever released in CD format?
Yeah, it was on the Sesame Street Christmas album which was released on CD a few years ago. You can probably find it on