Crazy Ernie and Daffyfan2003

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Trouble could have been saved had this all remained in the Muppet Dorm thread, I'm sure it would have worked there.

The Count recounted the account of the game, but here's the link directly to it for those unsure what the heck is going on:

Also, Erine81981, I don't think Tommie or anybody meant any harm. A while back we had a whole thread discussion about using the abbreviations for you and you're and etc. as "u" and "ur" and we had agreed to forego those abbreviations and stick with the real words. That's what they were alluding to, I'm sure.

I wish that when we talk sarcastically to one another we could overlook it and not let our feelings be hurt; but, on that same note, when explaining something to one another, I don't think we should be sarcastic during moments when it could very likely be personal to the one we're talking to, which is why I usually just tell the truth and explain things like I did above.

Oh, and when posting a thread about another thread, sometimes it's a good idea to provide a link and explain more about what's going on. Even Daffyfan was a bit confused it seems, and he's a part of it all!

Hope everything is cleared up now.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks for that small bit of exposition Big Kev. Now I know what Erine keeps meaning whenever he says "U" and "UR". And yeah, not only did Daffyfan2003 get confused as to which Muppet he was supposed to post a descript of regarding to the reason as to why Erine needed the description, but Janice & Mokey's Man also got confused to that same end in another similar thread in the Classic Muppets thread.

BTW: It's too bad this isn't the Palisades forum, otherwise I'd have taken bets as to how long it would take Phillip and the other moderators here before they locked down or closed this particular thread.
Hope this helps and have a good day.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Maybe not close the thread as much as seamlessly combine the 2 threads together as one. Wait, I think I just made this a puppet building thread? Get it? Seams? Threads? HAA!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Well if u read you will see I tried to do it in the same form but no one wrote back or posted their discribsion. So I figured I would make my own thread so members would then give their discribsion better. Hope this helps.