Don Music and the Piano Salesman

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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(Don Music is at the piano, playing and singing a "new" song...)
Don Music: (singing) It's not easy being green....

(a knock is heard at the door)

Don Music: Oh, it's not easy being yellow, either. (gets up from the piano and walks to the door) Oh, I'll never get it right... Not if peopl,e keep knocking at my door.

(Don opens the door. It's Grover, in salemsan attire)

Grover: Hello there, I am Grover, the door-to-door salesman, and I have something to sell you that you might like. May I come in? (comes in)
Don Music: Oh, alright. What is it your selling?
Grover: I am selling pianos. Just let me know how many you would like to buy, and sign this order form, and...
Don Music: Oh, I don't need a piano.
Grover: You do not need a piano? Why not?
Don Music: Well, because...
Grover: (interrupting) Oh, I bet I know. Usually my good friend froggy won't buy what I sell just because he does not have the right parts for what I try to sell him.
Don Music: But the reason I...
Grover: There was the time I wanted to sell hima pair of earmuffs, but he does not have any ears...
Don Music: The reason...
Grover: And there was the time I wanted to sell him a nose warmer, but he has no nose.
Don Music: I am trying to tell...
Grover: And when I wanted to sell him a toothbrush, he had no teeth. And even though he did have eyes, he did not have any ears or nose to hold the sunglasses that I wanted to sell him.
Don Music: Well, the reason...
Grover: Of course he did not buy my weather machine, even though he did not need any body parts for it. But let me figure out what you are lacking.
Don Music: I'm not lacking anything.
Grover: (not listening) In order to play the piano you need hands.
Don Music: And I've got...
Grover: (interrupting) Oh, you must not have any hands. (starts crying) Oh, I am so sorry....
Don Music: (annoyed that Grover has been interrupting him) I do too have hands. See! (shows Grover his hands)
Grover: Oh, so you do.
Don Music: I tried tot ell you that I did.
Grover: But if you have hands, why will you not buy any of the pianos that I am selling?
Don Music: Because I already have a piano. Se? (points to his piano)
Grover: Oh, you do have a piano.
Don Music: Well, I tried to tell you.
Grover: You know, I would like to learn to play the piano some day.
Don Music: Well, I could teach you. I'll give you a free lesson now as a matter of fact.
Grover: Oh boy!
(Don walks to his piano)
Don Music: First, I'll let you hear thew song I'm writing. (starts playign the piano and singing) It's not easy being green, having to spend each day the color of the... of the... oh, I'll never get it right! (bangs head on the piano)
Grover: It is okay. Just let me see if I can play like you just played.

(Grover gets in front of the piano, Don walks away, and Grover bangs his head on the piano)

Grover: (groaning) Ohhhh, I do not think I want to play the piano after all.... (slips onto the floor)