Grover and Herbert Birdsfoot go to the Moon

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 1:

Herbert Birdsfoot got on an elevador that was being operaded by Grover.

"It is good to see you again, Herbie", said Grover.

"Oh, thank you Grover", said Herbert, who got on the elevador, "Take me to the thirteenth floor, please!"

"So", said Grover, "What are you here for?"

"I am going to have an examination", said Herbert, "I'm planning a trip to the moon, and want to make sure that I don't have any medical conditions that might prevent me from going".

"Oh, I have always wanted to go to the moon", said Grover, "But I do not think I would want to live on the moon".

"Uh, Grover", said Herbert, "You've past the thirteenth floor".

"Oh, sorry", said Grover, who then pulled the stick down.

"You know, in all my five years as Global Grover I have not even been on the moon", said Grover.

"Hey, why don't you come with me", said Herbert.

"Oh, that sounds like a great idea", said Grover, "I have been working so hard that I need another vacation".

"Uh, Grover", said Herbert, "Now you'e gone too far down".

"Oh, I am so embarrassed", said Grover, who pulled the stick up.

On the thirteenth floor, Mr. Johnson, Kermit, Prairie Dawn, and Bert were all waiting for the elevador.

"Gee, I wonder what's taking the elevador so long", said Bert.

"I think I know", said Mr. Johnson, "And we'll get much worse service when we get on".

"Maybe we should take teh stairs", said Prairie, "It'd be much better excersize".

But then the elevador door opened, and Grover and Herbert Birdsfoot got off.

"Well, it's about time", said Bert.

"Yup, I was right", said Mr. Johnson.

They all got on.

"Hey, Grover!", said Kermit.

"What is it, Froggy Baby?", asked Grover.

"Aren't you going to take us to where we need to go?", asked Kermit.

"Oh, I cannot do that", said Grover, "I am on my way for an exam".

"But then how will we get down?", asked Mr. Johnson.

"Oh, you just pull that stick, and you can go up or down", said Grover.

"Come on, Grover", said Herbert, "Time's a-wasting!"

"Bye bye", said Grover, who left the elevador.

"Maybe we should just take the stairs", said Bert.

"Good idea", said Kermit.

"I don't believe this", said Mr. Johnson.

They all got out of the elevador and went to the stairs. When they all started walking down the stairs, some steps broke, and they all fell down to the bottom floor.

"Well, I was wrong", said Priaire, "The elevador would have been safer".

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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chapter 2

The next day, Grover and Herbert Birdsfoot were getting ready for their trip.

"All right, Grover, do you know how to dress for a space trip?", asked Herbert.

"I sure do", said Grover, "And I got myself a cute little space suit. I will try it on".

Grover left, and came back in his Marshal Grover attire.

"Here I am, astronaut Grover."

"No, Grover", said Herbert, "That's not a space suit. That's a cowboy outfit."

"Oh, of course it is", said Grove,r covering up his mistake, "I will come back with the proper space suit".

Grover left, and came back in a basketball uniform.

"And now I am in my space suit", said Grover.

"No, you're not", said Herbert, "That's what baksetball players wear".

"Oh, you may be right", said Grover, "I'll be back in a second".

Grover left, and came back wearing a construction worker outfit.

"And now I am ready to go to the moon", said Grover.

"Once again, Grover, you are wrong",s aid Herber,t "I'll change into my space suit to show you how astronauts dress", said Herbert.

Herbert changed into a space suit.

"See? This is a space suit", said Herbert.

"Oh, of course it is!", said Grobver, "And the clothing store I work at has just gotten its new supplies of space suits".

Grover went to get his space suit.

"Well, at least he knows what one looks like now", said Herbert.

Grover came back.

"Uh, Herbie", said Grover, "Can you loan me 25 dollars? Apparantly, I do not get a discount anymore."

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 3

Grover and Herbert Birdsfoot were at the space station, waiting to blast off. Kermitt he Frog gave news coverage.

"Hi ho, Kermit the Frog here at the space station where Grover and Herbert Birdsfoot will leave the earth from."

"Hey, froggy babyyyyy....", yelled Grover, who then slaped Kermit on the back.

"Uh, Grover, how do you feel to be going to the moon?"

"Oh, I feel happy", said Grover.

Mr. Johnsonw as watching the news coverage on TV.

"Hmm, I really hope he leaves soon", said Mr. Johnson, "Then I should be able to get some good service".

"So, Grover", asked Kermit, "Why are you going to the moon?"

"Oh, because my very good friend Herbie invited me", said Grover.

Herbert then showed up.

"Oh, Mr. Birdsfoot", said Kermit, "Why did you decide to go to the moon?"

"Oh, for the same reason that Neil Armstrong went to the moon", said Herbert.

"And why did you invite Grover to come with you?", asked Kermit.

"Oh, becaus ehe's a good friend of mine", said Herbert.

"You didn't invite me", said Kermit.

"Well, we aren't as close as me and Grover are", said Herbert.

"He has got a point, froggy", said Grover.

Ernie and Bert were watching the news coverage.

"Hey, Ber,t why don't we go to the moon?", asked Ernie.

"No, I do not want to go to the moon", said Bert.

Ernie, not listening, replied, "I'll go and pack".

"He never listens", moaned Bert.

"And a number of celebrities have come to the event", said Kermit, "Here comes Placedo Flamingo, Meryl Sheep, Little Jerry and the Monotones, Sonny Friendly, and Don Music."

"I am happy to be here", said Don, "But I'll never get to the moon, never..."

Don started to sniff.

"I'm sure glad you didn't bring yopur piano with you", said Kermit.

Big Bird and Mr. Snuffleupagus had also come.
"Well, good luck, Grover", said Big Bird.

"We wish we could come", said Snuffy.

"Well, why are you not coming?", asked Grover.

"Because we're not big enough to fit in that rocket", said Snuffy.

"Good luck, Grover", said Maria.

"Yeah, have a saf etrip", said Luis.

"I'll write a song about your trip before you get back", said Don Music, "I just hope I get it right".

"And I'd like to sing that song", said Placedo Flamingo.

"Oh, you should", said Don, "You've got a terriffic singing voice".

"Well, so do you", said Placedo.

"If you keep saying goodbye, you never leave",s aid Cookie Monster.

"Oh, right, I have got to go", said Grover.

"Where no monster has ever gone before", said Herry.

"Though I did eat the moon once in dream sequence", said Cookie.

"Slimey has alreayd been to the moon", said Oscar.

"Moon! Moon!", cheered Slimey.

"Come, Slimey", said Oscar, "I'll read you a chapter of Trash Gordon".

"Yayyyy!", cheered Slimey.

"Well, come on", said Herbert, "Let's get in the rocket".

"One minute to countdown", said Dr. Nobel Price in the controll room.

Grover and Herbert Birdsfoot got into the rocket.

Countess von Backwards then went to make the countdown.

"Ten, nine, eigth, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! A-ha-ha!"

A wolf howl was then heard as the rocket blasted off.

"That's my countess", said The Count.
"Oh, my, I did not know that the blast off would be this scary", said Grover.

"Well, soon we will be on the moon", said Herbert Birdsfoot.

Back on earth...

"Hmm, maybe I shoudl jump over the moon, and make it before the rocket does", said Gladys, who then jumped, only to fall back down right after jumping.

"Oh, rats, I couldn't jump high enough", said Gladys.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 4

Grover an d Herbert Birdsfoot were in the rocket as it had left earth.

"Boy, this is scary, Herbie", said Grover, "How long will we be away from our homes?"

"Oh, probably a few days at the least", said Herbert.

"OH", said Grover, surprised, "I did not know we would be gone that long. I thought it would only take a few minutes."

"It takes awhile to travel anywhere out of town, Grover", said Herbert.

"Yes, but.. There are so many people I will miss. I will miss my mommy, and Mumfy, and Froggy, and Elmo, and my boss, Charlie, and my most-frequent customer..."

"I know how you feel", said Herbert, "I'll miss people, too. I'll miss my family, and my next-door neighbor, and my girlfriend..."

"Oh, I did not know you were in a relationship",s aid Grover.

"Yeah, not many people think I'm that kind of person", said Herbert, "In fact, for some reason people think I am boring."

"You?", questioned Grover.

"Yeah, that's one of the reasons I decided to go to the moon", said Herbert, "To show everybody how exciting I can be".

"Maybe when we get back", said Grover, "I should have Super Grover make him my sidekick. Hmm, nahh..."

Back on earth...

"Elmo really misses Grover", said Elmo.

"Yeah, me too", said Zoe.

"Me remember all Grover's performances on Monsterpeice Theater", said Cokie Monster, "Including Upstairs, Downstairs, and The 39 Stairs. He's really diverse, you know".

"Oh, and Cookie, remember when the three of us sang Fuzzy and Blue togetehr?", asked Herry.

"Of course", said Cookie, "He fuzzy, blue monster just like us!"

"I remember the time that I had trouble counting balloons, and Grover helped by poping them",s aid Ernie.

"And I remember the time I gave Grover 15 seconds to say an S word, and the time he had to demonstrate surprise", said Prairie, "Those were good times".

"And I remember the time he did two chin-ups, just to show the number two", said Big Bird.

"And I remember the time Grover hoped for a short time, and then for a long time, to demosntrate the difference between long and short", said Zoe.

"And Elmo rememb ers when Grover taught Elmo how to be a super hero, and when he taught Elmo how to deliver singing telegrams"< said Elmo.

"I guess we all really miss him", said Big Bird.

But then, Mr. Johnson walked past them.

"Well, I've had another happy day. Just another great meal with better-than-perfect service at Charlie's Resturaunt. I hope this lasts."

Oscar then showed up.

"I heard all of your tales of Grover", said Oscar, "And I've gotta say, this better be the only emotional chapter of this fan fic!"

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 6

Still in space, Grover looks out the window, bored.

"I am bored waiting", said Grover.

"Well, why don't we pass the time by counting the stars", said Herbert.

"Okay", said Grover, "And you know, I have never been this close to the stars before".

And then theyt started counting:

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28..."

Grover stopped and interrupted Herbert's counting.

"When do we stop?", asked Grover.

"Oh, we stop when we';re finsiehd", said Herbert.

"But there must be millions of stars up here", said Grover.

"I know", said Herbert.

"Are you really the Count?", asked Grover.

"Let's just start over again and count", said Herbert.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..."

But then the ship crashed.

"Aaaah!", screamed Grover.

"I wonder what we crashe dinto",s aid Herbert.

"I will open the dor and we will find out", said Grover.

"But don't open the door right away", said Herbert, "We need to get into our space suits, because we can't breath in space otherwise".

"Oh, right", said Grover.

So they got on their space suits and opened the door. They were now on the moon.
"Oh boy, we mad eit!", shouted Grover.
"Yes, we really did", said Herbert.

"I wan tto explore the moon",s aid Grove,r "Maybe even meet some of the residents..."

"Uh, you can't do that", said Herbert, "There is no intelligent life on earth".

"Are you sure?", asked Grover.

"I am positive", said Herbert.

But then two martians suddenly appeared.

"Yip, yip, yip, yip... vis-it-tors!", said the Martians.

"Uh, on secodn thought, I could be wrong", said Herbert.

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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chapter 6: the real chapter 6, not chapter 5 or 7

Grover decided to teach the Martians some concepts.

"Do you martians know the difference between near and far?", asked Grover.

"Near? Near?", said one of the martians.

"Far? Faaaarrr?"< yiped the other martian.

"No, no, nope, nuh-uh-uh", said the martians.

"Well, then I shall teach you", said Grover.

"{This is near", said Grov e,r near to them before runnign away, "And this is far", shouted Grover.

Grover ran back to the martians.

"Now, do you know the difference?", asked Grover.

"Nope", siad the martians, "No no no no, nope".

"Fine, I will demosntrate again ", said Grover.

"This is near", said Grover, then runnign far away, "This is faaaaaaar", then ran back, "This is near", and then ran away again, "This is faaaaar". Grover ran up close, "Near", then back, "Faaaaaaar!"

Grover ran back to the martians.
"Do you understand now?", asked Grover.

"Yip yip yip yip yip", said the Martians, "Near", and then they ran far away from eahc other, "Far".

"Oh, good", said Grover, who then fainted... But due to a lac of gravity, Grover didn't hit the ground, instead floating up from the ground.

"Hey, Grover!", shouted Herbert, "I've got the news satelite ready!"

"Oh, I will try to be there ina minute", said Grover, who struggled to get out of the sky.

Kermit was on the monitor.

"Okay, we're about ready to broadcast", said a crew member.

Mr. Johnson was watching a mystery on television.

The man on the television said, "And the person who attacked me was..."

But then the program was interrupted.

"We interrupt your program with a Sesame Street News Flash!"

"oh, no", said Mr. Johnson, "And right when the culprit was about to be revealed..."

"H ho, Kermit the Frog here, and Herbert Birdsfoot and Grover Monster have just landed on the moon. I will interview them by satelite monitor."

Kermit turned to Herbert Birdsfoot on the monitor.

"So, what's it like on the moon?", asked Kermit.

"It's great", said Herbert, "We met some martians".

The martians then popped up.

"News! Yip yip yip!", said one amrtian.

"Uh-huh! Uh-huh!", said the other martian.

"I see", said Kermit.

"Hey, Bert!", said Ernie, "Grover has made it to the moon!"

"Oh, that's great, Ernie", said Bert, "Let's see how it turns out".

Back at the control room...

"May I talk to Grover?", asked Kermit.

"Of course", said Herbert, "Grover, hurry, quick!"

"I am coming as fast as I can", said Grover, who was stil floating in air, going around in circles.

"I see that Grover's having some problems", said Kermit.

"Yeah, but I think he can manage", said Herbert.

Grover got closer to the camera.

"Hi, mom!", shouted Grover.

Grover's Mommy was watching the TV.

"Hi, son!", said Grover's Mommy.

"Oh, I knew it",s aid Mr. Johnson, "Even when he's not around he ruins things for me. I might never know how that mystery ended".

Fred the Wonder Horse was watching the news broadcast at Forgetful Jones' home.

"Thanks for inviting me over, Buster", said Fred.

"Oh, you're welcome", said Buster.

"What's Grover doing on TV?", asked Forgetful Jones.

"Grover went to the moon", said Buster.

"He's famous", said Fred.

"The moon? Where's that?", asked Forgetfcul Jones.

"The moon is in outer space",s aid Buster.

"You mean Outer Space, New Jersy?", asked Forgetful.

Buster and Fred both groaned.

"Well, I guess you will be getting back soon", said Kermit.

"Yes, we will", said Grover, "I just need help getting down".
Mumford was watching this on TV.

"I'll help!", said Mumford, "A la peanut butter sandwhiches!"

However, Mumford's trick caused Mumford to float off the ground instead.

"Well, this is Kermit the Frog, returning you to your regularly scheduled program."

"Oh, finally", said Mr. Johnson.

The program that Johnson was watching went back on. The man's voice was heard, saying "I already told you who attacked me six times. Do I need to tell you a seventh?"

"Yes!", said Mr. Johnson, "Say it a seventh time!"

"No", said another man's voice, "Six tiems is enough."

Mr. Johnson moaned.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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chapter 7

"Hey, Grover", said Herbert, "Before we go back, let's play a game".

"Okay, Herb", said Grover.

Herbert had put out three rocks and one brick.

"Let's play One of These Things", said Herbert, who then sang, "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong, can you guess which thing is not like the others by the time I finish my song?"

"I have guessed", said Grover, "And that one is different!"

Grover pointed at a rocki with green spots on it.

"Hmm, well, that is the only one with green spots", said Herbert, "But I was referring to...."

"You were referring to that one", said Grover, pointing to a rock that was bigger than the other objects.

"No, this brick", said Herbert, "The brick is different because it is not a rock".

"Oh", said Grover, "I am so embarrassed".

"Well, I'll save you from embarrassment", said Herbert, "Let's just get in the space ship and go home".

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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chapter 8: the final chapter

Everybody on Sesame Street was awaiting Grover and Herbert Birdsfoot to return.

"Boy, this big crowd reminds me of the crowd that was there when I returned here from Oceanview, Illonois", said Big Bird.

"WEll, it reminds me of the parade that happened when Slimey returned from the moon", said Oscar.

"Moon!", said Slimey.

"Don't you mean moooooooon?", said Gladys.

Kermit was getting ready.

"Thgis is so exciting",s aid Kermit to a crew member before realising that he was on camera, "Oh! Hi, ho, Kermit the Frog here for Sesame Street News. Today is the day that Herbert Birdsfoot and Grover Monster return to Sesame Street. They were on the moon for awhile, and soon they'll be back. Right now let's talk with Grover's mother. Excuse me, ma'am."

"Yes?", said Grover's Mommy.

"I was wondering if you can tell me how you feel that your son is coming back", said Kermit.

"Oh, I am happy that Grover's coming back", said Grover's Mommy, "The whole family has missed him greatly."

"Including his father, right?", asked Kermit.

"What?", asked Grover's Mommy.

"Well, I hope that Grover can play some games with me when he gets back here", said Ernie.

"Yeah, and I hope he comes back soon", said Bert, "He can be your playmate".

"I'll play some welcome back music", said Hoots, who played a tune on his saxaphone.

"Hey, I see the rocket!", said Big Bird.

The rocket soon crash-landed onto the street. Grover and Herbert got out, a bit hurt.

"Wow!", said Grover, "That was fun."

"I knew we'd have a good time", said Herbert.

Everybody cheered. Mr. Johnson then walekd onto the stret.

"Hey, what's all the excitement about?", asked Mr. Johnson.

Mr. Johnson then saw that Grover's back.

"Oh, no. The golden age is over!", moaned Mr. Johnson.

Kermit interviewd Grover and Herbert.

"How does it feel to be back from the moon?", asked Kermit.

"It feels great, froggy", said Grover.

"I hope that people think I am more exciting now", said Herbert.

"Well, I thgink they do".

"I would now like to go home and take a nap",s aid Grover.

"You should", said Kermit.

"But I have got to go to work", said Grover.

The End