Harvey Kneeslapper's Chair Prank

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
(Harvey Kneeslapper is in a western salloon, sawing part of a chair and then laughing)
Patron #1: What are you laughing at?
Patron #2: Yeah!
Harvey Kneeslapper: Oh, I just cut part of the chair legs (laughs more as they walk over to the bar). So when somebody comes to sit in that chair, the chair will break, and he or she will fall! (laughs really hard)
Bartendar: That sounds like a mean trick!
Patron #2: Yeah!
(they hear the sound of the chair breaking)
Harvey Kneeslapper: Oh, it sounds like somebody already fell... (laughs) Somebody fell for my prank! (alughs really hard)
Patron #1: Uh-oh!
Harvey Kneslapper: (holds down his laughter) Uh, what? Who fell for my prank?
Patron #2: Bad Bart.
(dramatic music plays as Harvey looks at the camera, frighteend)
Harvey Kneeslapper: Oh, no...
Bad Bart: All right, who sawed parts of the chair legs!
(the patrons and bartender point at Harvey Kneeslapper)
Bartender: He did!
Patron #2: That's right!
Bad Bart: Is this true?
Harvey Kneeslaper: Uh, yes, it is true... uh, uh, no hard feelings.... (sticks out hand)
Bad Bart: (looking at the camera, then at Harvey) Oh, well, I forgive you!
Patrons and Bartnedar: Really?
Bad Bart: Just don't ever do it again.
Harvey Kneeslaper: Gotcha!
Bad Bart: Put it there! (sticks out hand)
(Harvey shakes Bad Bart's hand, but then gets electrocuted)
Bad Bart: Ha ha! I had a joy buzzer on my hand! (shows his joy buzzer to the camera) The joke sure is on him!
(Harvey Kneeslaper walks to the doors, aboutt o leave, but then turns his head)
Harvey Kneeslapper: (frightened) Oh, no!
Patrons: What?
Harvey Kneeslapper: Sinister Sam is comming!
(all the patrons scream and duck, instead of Bad Bart)
Bad Bart: (frightened) Oh, no! Sinistr Sam is comming! I still owe him money! I've gotta hide? (runs out the back door)
(Harvey Kneeslapper laughs hysterically as he exits)