Harvey Kneeslapper's Punishment

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Okay, I am going to write a three-part harvey Kneeslapper sketch soon. Enjoy.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Part 1

(Harvey Kneeslapper walks up to a green man)
Harvey Kneeslapper: Hey, do you have a spare L on ya?
Green man: No.
Harvey Kneeslapper: Well, I do! (holds up L) Do you want this L?
Green Man: No, I'd rather you get the L out of here.
Harvey Kneeslapper: Well, you can't always get what you want! (He slaps the L on the green mans chest and laughs)
(A woman, who looks like Harvey Kneeslapper only with long curly blonde hair, no mustache, and angry eyes and eyesbrows, shows up behind Harvey)
Harvey Kneeslapper's Mother: Harvey Kneeslapper!
Harvey Kneeslapper: (startled) Mom!
Harvey Kneeslapper's Mother: I saw what you did. You're grounded. Come with me, young man. (grabs Harvey by the ear and pulls him away)
Harvey Kneeslapper: But mother, mother...
Harvey Kneeslapper's Mother: No "buts", young man, you'll play no practical jokes for a week.
Harvey Kneeslapper: Awww...

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 2

(Harvey Kneeslapper is sitting in a corner, wearing a pointy hat labled "Dunc" and having his arms spread out, balancing three books per hand)
Harvey Kneeslapper's Mother: Now, you just sit there for three hours, ya understand me?
Harvey Kneeslapper: Yes, mother.
Harvey Kneeslapper's Mother: You will only get one five minute bathroom break, and one four minute snack break.
Harvey Kneeslapper: Yes, mother.
Havrey Kneeslapper's Mother: And just wait 'till your father get's home.
Harvey Kneeslapper: Yes, mother.
Harvey Kneeslapper's Mother: I called your father, and he told me that he is going to stop by the hardware store and buy a new hammer.
Harvey Kneeslapper: (shivering) Yes, mother.
Harvey Kneeslapper's Mother: I'll see you later... (she is about to leave, but then turns around) On secodn thought, I think I'll C you right now. (slaps a C onto Harvey Kneeslapper) HAHAHAHA! I get to pull pranks, and you-oo doo-on't, I get to pull pra-anks, and you-oo do-on't....

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Part 3

(Harvey Kneeslapper is still sitting in the corner when his mother and father enter the room)
Harvey Kneeslapper's Father: (holding a big hammer) Harvey Kneeslapper!
Harvey Kneeslapper: Yes, Pop?
Harvey Kneeslapper's Father: Put down those books!
Harvey Kneeslapper: Oh, finally.
Harvey Kneeslapper's Mother: Are you sure, honey?
Harvey Kneeslapper's Father: I'm sure. And harvey.
Harvey Kneeslapper: Yes, dad?
Harvey Kneeslapper's Father: Take off that ridiculous hat.
Harvey Kneeslapper: Okay. (takes his "dunc" hat off)
Harvey Kneeslapper's Mother: Now, Harvey, bend over.
Harvey Kneeslapper: y-y-yes, mother. (bends over)
Harvey Kneeslapper's Father: (holding hammer up high) Now, Harvey, you've been bad. It's time to do what must be done...
(Harvey Kneeslapper's parents put their hands to their faces and pull them off, revealing that they were actually Oscar and Grungetta in disguises)
Oscar: Fooled ya, didn't we?
Harvey Kneeslapper: What the...?
Grungetta: This whole thing was just a trick.
Harvey Kneeslapper: A trick? Now I know how my victims feel.
Oscar: Yeah, well, what do you think about this?
Harvey Kneeslapper: What do I think? I think that's the funniest prank that was pulled by someone other than me! (laughs wildly)
Oscar: You mean... you liekd it?!
Harvey Kneeslapper: yeah!
Grungetta: Oh, no.
Harvey Kneeslapper: And I leanred a very valuable lesson, as well.
Grungetta: Oh, no.
Oscar: What did you learn, not to pull pranks on others?
Harvey Kneeslapper: No, I learned that it's okay to pull unpleasent pranks on random strangers.
oscar: That's my boy! If I was your real dad, I'd be proud!
Harvey Kneeslapper: (turning to audience) Actually, I kinda expected them to be somebody in disguise as my parents, on account of the permaneant facial expressions their faces had.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Cute...cute sketch. But a hammer; wouldn't a belt have been more appropriate? I like the idea of balancing books; might as well develope some muscles while being punished, eh?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Fragglemuppet said:
But a hammer; wouldn't a belt have been more appropriate?
That depends..... wouldn't being hit with a hammer hurt worse than a belt?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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:wink: This was one of the cleverest fan fics you ever wrote.

The twist at the end is just brilliant:big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2002
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Perhaps, for the second part of your script, I think the letter U should replace the letter C for the "I'll see you later" prank.

Harvey Kneeslapper's Mother: I'll see you later... (she is about to leave, but then turns around) On second thought, I think I'll see U right now. (slaps a U onto Harvey Kneeslapper) HAHAHAHA! I get to pull pranks, and you-oo doo-on't, I get to pull pra-anks, and you-oo do-on't....