Has anyone ever heard of PEEK? the bunny? and the video?


New Member
Sep 29, 2006
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Hey there! I am looking for a rare video that a little boy I used to baby sit for had. (way back in the late 80's) I am 99% positive it was a Jim Henson Bunny. And through the whole little video, all this little bunny did was peek around things and say "Peek!".... If I remember right, that is the only word that was said through out the whole thing. But it was just precious. He would whisper it sometimes, yell it.... I really think my 8month old would just love it.
And I am pretty sure it's not Bunny's picnic. (that is the only thing I could find when I googled and looked on ebay)

Would anyone know what the title is? Or where it could be found? Or does anyone even know what I'm talking about? It is just the sweetest little video.
Thanks if for any help !

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Sounds to me like you are talking about Peek-a-Boo, a video that was released as part of the Jim Henson's Play-Along Video series of videos in 1988. I rented that once and only watched it once, and I can't remember very many details about it. It has been out of print for a long time. You might want to search E-bay.


New Member
Sep 29, 2006
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Thank you so much for the info! I did look on ebay under that title.... and on google... and froogle... and nothing. I am thinking this is going to be really hard to find. I appreciate the time!~ Take care!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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The only video store in my town that had this (and a few other of those videos) closed a long time ago, so I haven't seen any of the Play-Along Videos in a long time (my local library has a copy of Mother Goose Stories, but otherwise I haven't seen these since 1994). There are a few flea markets and goodwill shops in my town, and none of them have the play-along videos (or the Muppet Show compilations released in 1985). They have all kinds of other stuff, but when it comes to the things that I am most looking for, they don't have them.