I Just Have To Say This(Farscape Fans, Muppetdom, etc)


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Awwwwwwwww!!! Ok guys, Im sorry...I have to get this off my chest. While it is quite cool to see so much fan enthusiasm in the Farscape fans...why arent they bringing their hardcore zealous fanatcism to the Muppet side!?!?!?!??!

Every time I go to SaveFarscape, not only do Muppet threads get ignored or get called 'Off Topic'(OT? ***, its JHC!) but I wonder if these folks even know who Brian Henson or heck, JHC is.

This just bugs the crap out of me. Every time I got to the Farscape forums and sites its teaming with thousands of crazed extremist fans willing to bungee jump with a 'Save Farscape' parachute, fly a plane with a huge Save Farscaoe banner, or other crazed acts. Yeah, its a nice little tv show...heck its the best dang weekly sci fi show ever, and its a shame those pigs up at Sci Fi decided to sabotage it. But theres a much bigger and rich legacy that encompasses all of JHC, not just Farscape. Marching on sci fi, taking out huge expensive ads, ok...

Meanwhile I come on Muppet Central and theres like 15 regulars, if that. Geez...50 years of everything from Sesame TMT Fraggle Rock to Farscape Dark Crystal and Ninja Turtles...and all we can muster is a small handful of folks? This is pathetic...thats not a slight toward Phil or MC as a whole...but to the whole thing.

Why arent Farscape fans making their way to the Muppet related forums? Why arent more people buying the figures? Why do people still think of the Muppets as kiddy nostalgia?
Last year I decreed 2003 the year of the Muppets return. But with the buyout up in the air, a possibility we may not even have that new Muppet show on fox in 2003, no movie coming out, etc...whats there to be hopeful about(besides Pepe merch?)

I hope this is the calm before the storm. The Farscape thing and fandom online seems to be out of control, meanwhile we barely have enough people to fit a small bus.

Anyways, so thats my little rant. I am not afraid to say, but so far...as of right now Muppetdom as a whole seems to be in a slump, or stuck in uncertain mud.

If only we could inject a little Farscape like fanaticism in Muppetdom.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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I agree!

At least frascape has benn on the air! I dont think its been off air for very long (Ive never seen it, for i dont have cable) why dident people do the same when the muppet show or muppets tonight or fraggle rock or the story teller went off? I mean maby the internet was not so widley used but there are other ways, well I guess what Im trying to say is im with ya!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Re: I agree!

Originally posted by Krazedmuppet
At least frascape has benn on the air! I dont think its been off air for very long (Ive never seen it, for i dont have cable) why dident people do the same when the muppet show or muppets tonight or fraggle rock or the story teller went off? I mean maby the internet was not so widley used but there are other ways, well I guess what Im trying to say is im with ya!
Heh, thanks! Glad some are listening^_^ Yeah I sometimes wonder what itd be like if they had the internet in the 80's...
*imagines posting on a ACII graphic Muppet forum on a BBS nod about the Jim Henson Hour episodes, LOL*


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I'LL bungee w/a "Put Muppets back on the Air" or a "Fraggle Rock DVD set" parachute, if you wish.....:big_grin:
Hmmmmmm.....Maybe we SHOULD start mailing Fox execs dozens of little Kermit figurines....
I SWEAR, if I had the money, I'd be buying up Muppet merchandise by the DOZENS.....The only thing is, I DON'T have money, and what I DO have is needed for food....and clothes, and other such essential things....
We REALLY SHOULD organize some kinda grassroots campaign for the Muppets like Farscape fans did....Make a "save the Muppets" commercial or something....Or simply walk around carrying signs that say things like, "Bring back Fraggle Rock", or "Save Kermit"......
Maybe we could all pool our money and buy the Muppets OURSELVES.....:wink:
....Sarcasm aside, I'm w/ya!!!! The JHC has done SO MANY awesome things over the years, and they really deserve our support!!!! (Though I admit I've never seen Farscape. No Sci-Fi.)


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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I Got a $1!

Seriously thats all I have... Im what ALOT short.... It would be the coolest thing in the world to own them! I want soooo badly to work there, but its almost impossible (also I dont think I want to move to New York, Calafornia, or London, no affence to you from there, Im from colorado and I couldent leave my moutains!!) but maby we could post a petition or something (I mean Farscape fans do, I doubt it will help much but we could try!) (Sorry for spelling)


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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That settles it. Instead of "Support Manda's College Fund", the tip jar will NOW say, "Help Us Save the Muppets." :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Yeah... those Farscape guys will like send death threats to the stars of that Dream analizing show. Just kidding. But why put a dream analizing show on the Sci-fi network... I mean, it's Science fact, not fiction!


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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Yeah, WHO NEEDS TO GO TO COLLAGE TO WORK FOR THE JHC WHEN YOU CAN OWN IT! he he he... I like that logic. That solves my problem next year when I go! good thinking Manda! :big_grin:, Did you know that the Art Insitute of Colorado cost 60,000 to go for 3 years?! I rater put that money toward buying the company and go to a community collage then tranfer over, its ALOT cheeper that way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Well Im torn with the Farscape thing...I mean Im so glad Brian Henson's dream project has gotten unparralled support(not thrilled about ci Fi's high treason Judas act they pulled on the show) but it just gugs me how savefarscape and other like sights are bursting at the seems with hardcore zealot fervent fans, yet MC only seems to get a handful of regular posters each day.

...then again, I think its just the uncertain foggy climate figuratively as far as visibility...Im sure when that new Fox show hits, hopefully it will be like a new Muppet fan rennisance(well one can hope^_^) At any rate, its truly cool seeing all the enthusiastic new folks on here!