Jay Marshall, Magician and Puppeteer, Passed Away.

Dagger Claws

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2004
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Hello everyone. I would just like to let you all know that Jay Marshall has passed on. Mr. Marshall was a well known and talented magician, the Dean of Magic in America. He also was a very talented puppeteer and Punch professor, classically trained in England in the art of Punch and Judy. His most famous character was Lefty, his white gloved left hand which he would turn into a ventriloquist rabbit character for performances. I knew Jay only a little bit. I met him through the Chicago Land Puppet Guild and meetings were often held in the back room of his store, Magic Inc. In the small amount of time that I knew him, he was a nice man who would make sure that if a puppeteer came to him looking for work, that he would help them out any way he could. He was 85 years old.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2003
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Sad news indeed. I have seldom heard of anyone in the magic industry being held in higher regard than Jay. In a world where secrecy and selfishness reign supreme, he was always one to give freely, and make anyone he encountered feel welcome.

I shall have to break a wand for him.