Just because I like to stir things up a bit, I present to you... Survey Madness!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2003
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1. What time is it? 9.51 pm
2. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 29
3. Date that you regularly blow them out? April 26
4. Pets: 2 dogs 1 cat and a bunch of fish.
5. Eye color: green
6. Real/Died hair color: brown
7. Piercings: ears but normal
8. Tattoos: None
9. How much do you love your job? I get paid to post on here...I love it
10. Favorite color: Purple
11. Current residence: Home with my family
12. Favorite food: Mexican.
13. Been to Africa? Nope
14. Been toilet papering? What kind of question is this???
15. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes
16. Been in a car accident? Yes just a few weeks ago
a. been hit by a car while walking? No
b. been hit by a car while riding your bike? Nope
17. Croutons or bacon bit? Croutons
18. Sprite or 7UP? Sprite
19. Favorite movie? The Muppets take Manhattan
20. Favorite Holiday? Christmas.
21. Favorite day of the week? none I have to work everyday.
22. Favorite word or phrase: "Whatever!"
23. Favorite Restaurant: Noodles
24. Favorite Drink: Coke
25. Favorite sport to watch: what is that??? LOL
26. Preferred type of ice cream: Edy's french silk
27. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Grover
28. Disney or Warner Bros? Disney
29. Favorite Fast food restaurant: Captain D's
30. When was your last hospital visit? November 11..was rear ended
31. What color is your bedroom carpet? tan
32. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None
33. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No
34. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Diamond Store...hehehehe
35. What do you do most often when you are bored? Surf this forum
36. Most annoying thing people ask me/say to me? where's the bathroom
37. Bedtime: 10ish
38. Last Movie you saw: Muppets take Manhattan
39. Do you prefer Theater or movie: Movies
40. Time when you finished this: 9:57pm

Jeffrey Gray

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2002
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1. What time is it? 9:08 P.M.
2. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: Do you REALLY think I'd tell you that?
3. Date that you regularly blow them out? December 28
4. Pets: None
5. Eye color: Brown
6. Real/Died hair color: Brown
7. Piercings: None
8. Tattoos: None
9. How much do you love your job? Job? What job?
10. Favorite color: Ahhh, I dunno
11. Current residence: Still living with my family...
12. Favorite food: Cheese pizza, baby-back ribs, cheeseburgers, the list goes on and on...
13. Been to Africa? Ehhhh...no.
14. Been toilet papering? Hmmm? What's toilet paperING?
15. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? No.
16. Been in a car accident? Not yet...
a. been hit by a car while walking? No
b. been hit by a car while riding your bike? No again
17. Croutons or bacon bit? Croutons, of course...
18. Sprite or 7UP? Sprite
19. Favorite movie? I don't like to have favorites. I don't want any movies to think I like them less than other ones which I really like...:smile:
20. Favorite Holiday? Christmas...
21. Favorite day of the week? Saturday, of course...when I'm not forced to DO anything.
22. Favorite word or phrase: "Heh"
23. Favorite Restaurant: Anywhere that serves food that I really like
24. Favorite Drink: Coca-Cola Classic (diet soda is EVIL, I tell you!!!)
25. Favorite sport to watch: Baseball
26. Preferred type of ice cream: Baskin-Robbins' "Gold Medal Ribbon"
27. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Cookie Monster
28. Disney or Warner Bros? Neither
29. Favorite Fast food restaurant: Carl's Jr., In-N-Out Burger, Fuddruckers
30. When was your last hospital visit? When I cut my chin open at age 3...so basically, a VERY long time ago...
31. What color is your bedroom carpet? I don't have a carpet...my floor is WOOD!
32. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Have I taken my driver's test yet? I can't remember...:smile:
33. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No...
34. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? I don't shop very much...
35. What do you do most often when you are bored? Use the Internet, and fill out stupid surveys like this...
36. Most annoying thing people ask me/say to me? "What are you doing?"
37. Bedtime: Too early.
38. Last Movie you saw: In the theater? "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers."
39. Do you prefer Theater or movie: It's like comparing apples and oranges...in other words, I don't prefer one to the other.
40. Time when you finished this: 9:16 P.M.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Reaction score
1. What time is it? 8.39 PM

2. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake:

3. Date that you regularly blow them out? February 20

4. Pets: None

5. Eye color: Blue

6. Real/Died hair color: Dark Brown

7. Piercings: None

8. Tattoos: None

9. How much do you love your job? Ah, currently I hate it.

10. Favorite color: Blue

11. Current residence: Rooming with a friend.

12. Favorite food: Italian

13. Been to Africa? No

14. Been toilet papering? I really don't know what to say....

15. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yeah.

16. Been in a car accident? Three so far. None serious though.

a. been hit by a car while walking? No
b. been hit by a car while riding your bike? No

17. Croutons or bacon bit? Eithe
18. Sprite or 7UP? Sprite

19. Favorite movie? Raging Bull, Boogie Nights, Lord of the Rings, The Empire Strikes Back, Goodfellas and so on.

20. Favorite Holiday? Christmas.

21. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
22. Favorite word or phrase: Funky

23. Favorite Restaurant: Michael's in Brisbane City

24. Favorite Drink: Coke

25. Favorite sport to watch: Rugby League

26. Preferred type of ice cream: Chocolate

27. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Ernie & Cookie

28. Disney or Warner Bros? Disney

29. Favorite Fast food restaurant: Hungry Jacks, aka Burger King.

30. When was your last hospital visit? Never had to go to hospital.

31. What color is your bedroom carpet? A brownish colour.

32. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Passed first time.

33. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Not yet.

34. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Anywhere that sells DVDs.

35. What do you do most often when you are bored? Watch DVDs

36. Most annoying thing people ask me/say to me? Wassup

37. Bedtime: Too late.

38. Last Movie you saw: Gangs of New York....again.

39. Do you prefer Theater or movie: Movies

40. Time when you finished this: 8.47



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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Two years later, Dan posted!!

1. What time is it? 7:28pm
2. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 13. There'll be 14 next week!
3. Date that you regularly blow them out? April 9th
4. Pets: None
5. Eye color: Brown
6. Real/Died hair color: Black, but it will be red next week- so I'm slightly nervous
7. Piercings: None. Hope to get chin pierced once I'm 18
8. Tattoos: None
9. How much do you love your job? I'm a student, and I despise it
10. Favorite color: If rainbows count then that. If not, kryptonite green, the colour of my room!
11. Current residence: J'habite avec mes parents
12. Favorite food: Pizza
13. Been to Africa? No
14. Been toilet papering? No.....?
15. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes
16. Been in a car accident? Not yet **knock on wood**
a. been hit by a car while walking? No
b. been hit by a car while riding your bike? No
17. Croutons or bacon bit? Neither
18. Sprite or 7UP? I don't know. I actually prefer Mountain Dew, but we don't get that in the UK. I suppose it'll be Sprite
19. Favorite movie? All of the muppet movies, About A Boy, Sixth Sense, Legally Blonde, Mrs Doubtfire, Magic Roundabout, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Magic Roundabout, Shark Tale, Monsters Inc., Phone Booth, Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame, Mean Girls and The Stepford Wives
20. Favorite Holiday? Florida
21. Favorite day of the week? Friday
22. Favorite word or phrase: Fabulous, shut up and boogre
23. Favorite Restaurant: Pizza Hut and Frankie and Benny's
24. Favorite Drink: Tea, strawberry milkshake, Ribena
25. Favorite sport to watch: Hate it all
26. Preferred type of ice cream: Strawberry
27. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Bert and Ernie (I'm convinced they converted me but I bless them for it!)
28. Disney or Warner Bros? Disney by far!
29. Favorite Fast food restaurant: Pizza Hut
30. When was your last hospital visit? I had a fairly personal operation once!! :wink:
31. What color is your bedroom carpet? I have wood flooring
32. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None
33. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Not as of yet
34. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? HMV, Game, Schu, H&M, Primark and Gap
35. What do you do most often when you are bored? Write songs, go on MC, text someone, put Muppets Go To The Movies, phone Katie
36. Most annoying thing people ask me/say to me? Hey, are you the gay kid [to which I will roll my eyes and say yes!]
37. Bedtime: Supposedly 10, but that has sort of deteriated recently!!
38. Last Movie you saw: Either Valiant or Hitch
39. Do you prefer Theater or movie: Both. Unless what I'm watching isn't a musical- then it's just movie
40. Time when you finished this: 7:37pm


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
1. What time is it? 1:48p.m.
2. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: today is my birthday,#35
3. Date that you regularly blow them out? April 1
4. Pets: a hamster,and share a tabby cat
5. Eye color: medium brown
6. Real/Died hair color: dark brown with a touch of white
7. Piercings: 3 in left ear,3 in right ear(plus one in upper right ear)
8. Tattoos: just got #26+ today
9. How much do you love your job? It's pays the bills
10. Favorite color: turquoise & lavender
11. Current residence: same house,been here for over 32 years,the suburbs
12. Favorite food: pizza(meat lovers),sushi(California roll),chocolate
13. Been to Africa? No,hope to one day
14. Been toilet papering? Not since Rocky Horror
15. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes,love hurts
16. Been in a car accident? yes,not serious and all 3 not my fault
a. been hit by a car while walking? No
b. been hit by a car while riding your bike? Nope
17. Croutons or bacon bit? croutons,bacon bits is too salty for me
18. Sprite or 7UP? Sprite
19. Favorite movie? The Godfather I & II,Sleuth,Talk Radio,Yellow Submarine,Brainstorm,Wizard of Oz,Alice in Wonderland,Hair,The Deer Hunter,Diner,Four Seasons,Children of a Lessor God,etc...
20. Favorite Holiday? Halloween,New Years is a close 2nd
21. Favorite day of the week? Thursday is kinda nice
22. Favorite word or phrase: Imagine. Serendipity
23. Favorite Restaurant: China Moon
24. Favorite Drink: Figi bottled water
25. Favorite sport to watch: NFL football & Nascar(does that count?)
26. Preferred type of ice cream: most flavors by Ben & Jerry's or Starbucks
27. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Ernie
28. Disney or Warner Bros? Warner Bros
29. Favorite Fast food restaurant: Burger King,Checkers is nice too
30. When was your last hospital visit? A few months ago,for an asthma attack
31. What color is your bedroom carpet? beige with blue & red flecks
32. How many times did you fail your driver's test? once,failed to see the stop sign at the end of the test
33. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No
34. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Target
35. What do you do most often when you are bored? Read,surf the 'net
36. Most annoying thing people ask me/say to me? Are your tattoos real?
37. Bedtime: Around 8 or 9pm(Mon-Wed),and 10 or 11 rest of the week(I need the full 7-8 hours)
38. Last Movie you saw: Closer(going to see Sideways today)
39. Do you prefer Theater or movie: I enjoy both
40. Time when you finished this: 2:05

Glad to see the old threads are turning up once again.:zany:


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2003
Reaction score
I feel like I filled this out before... weird...

1. What time is it? 2:08 P.M.
2. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 18
3. Date that you regularly blow them out? October 5
4. Pets: Calico cat, Teazer
5. Eye color: Hazelgreengreyblue
6. Real/Died hair color: Dark brown
7. Piercings: One in each ear
8. Tattoos: I have plans for some but none yet
9. How much do you love your job? I have no job
10. Favorite color: Black
11. Current residence: Some city I don't like
12. Favorite food: Chocolate
13. Been to Africa? No
14. Been toilet papering? No
15. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes
16. Been in a car accident? No
a. been hit by a car while walking? No
b. been hit by a car while riding your bike? No
17. Croutons or bacon bit? Croutons
18. Sprite or 7UP? Neither
19. Favorite movie? The Ring
20. Favorite Holiday? Talk Like a Pirate Day
21. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
22. Favorite word or phrase: "teh r0xx0rz"
23. Favorite Restaurant: India Palace
24. Favorite Drink: Coke
25. Favorite sport to watch: None
26. Preferred type of ice cream: Phish food
27. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Cookie Monster
28. Disney or Warner Bros? Both good
29. Favorite Fast food restaurant: None
30. When was your last hospital visit? I carn't remember
31. What color is your bedroom carpet? Whitish
32. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Haven't taken it yet
33. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No
34. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Suncoast or Hot Topic
35. What do you do most often when you are bored? Pace in circles whilst listening to headphones.
36. Most annoying thing people ask me/say to me? Can't think of anything
37. Bedtime: Too late
38. Last Movie you saw: I <3 Huckabees
39. Do you prefer Theater or movie: Both good
40. Time when you finished this: 2:15

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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A tear kinda came to my eye when I opened this thread and realized that it began with A LOT of my old friends from MC who've moved on or away, and one who's passed away since. Gosh, suddenly I'm sentimental.

That Announcer

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2005
Reaction score
1. What time is it? 12:47 PM

2. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: I haven't had a birthday cake in two years

3. Date that you regularly blow them out? If you must be that way, July 25th

4. Pets: One ex-cat

5. Eye color: Can't tell

6. Real/Died hair color: Red (real, not dyed)

7. Piercings: a) Intentional- none
b) Unintentional- one staple, left thumb, three days

8. Tattoos: None now, none planned

9. How much do you love your job? Ask me in three years.

10. Favorite color: Average blue.

11. Current residence: Halifax, NS, Canada (I do not know Terry Angus, but a close relative does)

12. Favorite food: Chicken quesadillas

13. Been to Africa? No, talk to my buddy Ben

14. Been toilet papering? See above answer

15. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Once, won't reveal the name (if you know me you know her)

16. Been in a car accident? No
a. been hit by a car while walking? No
b. been hit by a car while riding your bike? Have never ridden a bike

17. Croutons or bacon bit? Bacon bits

18. Sprite or 7UP? Mountain Dew

19. Favorite movie? Garsh! MTI, MCC, TMM, Back to the Future, Beauty and the Beast

20. Favorite Holiday? Atheist, so I'll have to say Canada Day

21. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday (why? You don't wanna know)

22. Favorite word or phrase: "I know, I know..." (as Bobby Benson)

23. Favorite Restaurant: Jim's (local)

24. Favorite Drink: Pepsi

25. Favorite sport to watch: Golf

26. Preferred type of ice cream: Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

27. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Ernie (hee hee hee hee hee)

28. Disney or Warner Bros? Disney (they have the better DVD cases)

29. Favorite Fast food restaurant: I hate fast food, but under pressure- Carl's JR

30. When was your last hospital visit? Two years ago, broke my wrist in a drama rehearsal

31. What color is your bedroom carpet? a) Freshly vacuumed- white
b) Three weeks since vacuuming- dark gray

32. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Ask me in three years

33. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Partially (stole from a flea market table)

34. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Borders

35. What do you do most often when you are bored? Randomly spout Muppet quotes

36. Most annoying thing people ask me/say to me? "You're from Newfoundland, aren't you?" (I've got the accent, but I was born and live in Halifax)

37. Bedtime: Around 11:30 PM

38. Last Movie you saw: a) Theaters- "Robots"
b) DVD- "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events)

39. Do you prefer Theater or movie: Movie

40. Time when you finished this: 12:55 PM


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
oh..what the heck..I'm bored..

1. What time is it? Time for Cookies!
2. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: I dunno 13 or something..I hate all that birthday stuff.
3. Date that you regularly blow them out? ..what did I just say?
4. Pets: yeah one .
5. Eye color: brown
6. Real/Died hair color: black
7. Piercings: nah
8. Tattoos: I could never settle on something..
9. How much do you love your job? not very much.
10. Favorite color: orange or green , depending on what kind of mood I'm in.
11. Current residence: a house.
12. Favorite food: pizza
13. Been to Africa? no
14. Been toilet papering? what?..Of course I have! What kin..oh wait, I get what you mean..yeah..
15. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Nope
16. Been in a car accident? only minor stuff
a. been hit by a car while walking? no
b. been hit by a car while riding your bike? no
17. Croutons or bacon bit? bacon
18. Sprite or 7UP? same thing..
19. Favorite movie? just one?
20. Favorite Holiday? the ones you get the day off work for
21. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
22. Favorite word or phrase: Hey
23. Favorite Restaurant: -
24. Favorite Drink: ..orange juice
25. Favorite sport to watch: motor sports
26. Preferred type of ice cream: caramel
27. Favorite Sesame Street Character: grover
28. Disney or Warner Bros? WB
29. Favorite Fast food restaurant: red rooster
30. When was your last hospital visit? dunno
31. What color is your bedroom carpet? it's like a cream colour, but I have those mexican rugs over it
32. How many times did you fail your driver's test? written, twice.
33. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? convicted?..never..
34. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? I dunno, comic store,maybe.
35. What do you do most often when you are bored? Draw.
36. Most annoying thing people ask me/say to me? I hate when people ask me things they already know the answer to.
37. Bedtime: whenever I get sleepy
38. Last Movie you saw: the incredibles
39. Do you prefer Theater or movie: movie.
40. Time when you finished this: 4:00 pm


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Since I can't sleep I'll do this

1. What time is it? 2:12AM
2. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake:2 (a candle shaped like a "3" and one shaped like a "6") :smile:
3. Date that you regularly blow them out? ..April 28
4. Pets: a dog & 2 cats
5. Eye color: hazel
6. Real/Died hair color: brown
7. Piercings: no
8. Tattoos: nope
9. How much do you love your job? no job due to my circumstances
10. Favorite color: orange or green ,Green (if it's pastel)
11. Current residence: cardboard box in the middle of nowhere!(just kidding...a house)
12. Favorite food: fettucini Alfredo
13. Been to Africa? no
14. Been toilet papering? what?..never...I'm a good girl! :halo:
15. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Heck yeah.
16. Been in a car accident? no
a. been hit by a car while walking? no
b. been hit by a car while riding your bike? no
17. Croutons or bacon bit? bacon bits
18. Sprite or 7UP? 7up
19. Favorite movie? Tough choice
20. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
21. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
22. Favorite word or phrase: OK
23. Favorite Restaurant: - Olive Garden
24. Favorite Drink: ..iced tea
25. Favorite sport to watch: I don't like sports
26. Preferred type of ice cream: PB & Chocolate
27. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Prairie Dawn
28. Disney or Warner Bros? Warner Bros.
29. Favorite Fast food restaurant: Sonic
30. When was your last hospital visit? 1998 (and let's hope it's the last one!)
31. What color is your bedroom carpet? No carpet...wood flooring
32. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Never (can't drive).
33. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No
34. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Barnes & Noble (bookstore)
35. What do you do most often when you are bored? Go Online
36. Most annoying thing people ask me/say to me?When are you going to lose some weight?
37. Bedtime: whenever I can fall asleep
38. Last Movie you saw: Ice Princess
39. Do you prefer Theater or movie: movie.
40. Time when you finished this:2:28AM