Minor Muppetz' TMS outline: Flip Wilson

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Well, it's been awhile since I last wrote an outline for The Muppet Show, so here is an outline that takes place in the fifth season.

Cold opening/ Lobby
Pops: Who are you?
Flip Wilson: I'm Flip Wilson. I;m your guest star.
Pops: Oh, yeah, I heard that you didn't want to be on this show. What made you change your mind?
Flip Wilson: The devil made me do it.

Kermit wants to open the show on a really high note, so Gonzo and Lips both blow horns into Kermit's ears (Gonzo is on the right, Lips is on the left).

Opening Number: "I've got a brand new pair of rollerskates, you've got a brand new key"
Annie Sue sits on a stoop and sings.

Statler: I've got a brand new key.
Waldorf: Is it for roller skates?
Statler: No, it's to the theatre. Now we can close it.
(they laugh)

Sam introduces some religion with the help of guest star Flip Wilson.

The Church of What's Happenin' Now!
Flip Wilson plays a minister and talks about being against frog-pig marriages. kermit supports his decision but Miss Piggy is against it. Also in the crowd are Floyd, Rowlf, Gloat, and Rizzo.

Statler: Well, I've got some bad news.
Newsman: (showing up) hey, I'm the newsman! I give the news reports!
Statler: Yes, and you get hurt while doing them.
Newsman: Good point. (leaves)
Statler: Anyway, my bad news is that the keys are not to this theatre.
Waldorf: Oh?
Statler: But the good news is that they are to the bears car.
Waldorf: Oh, good, let's take it.

The swedish Chef takes some soup to Scooter, who falls asleep after eating it. Rowlf decides that Scooter should be a patient for veterinarians hospital.

Veterinarians Hospital
Scooter is the patient, but he is fast asleep. jancie thinks about giving him some sleeping pills, but Rowlf points out that he is already asleep. Miss Piggy says that they should give him some pills that cause insomnia, but Rowlf says he already ate the last of them. Announcer: "Tune in next week when you'll hear Scooter say...... hmm, I guess nothing."

Kermit introduces The Carpendars.

Song: "We've Only Just Begun"
Beauregard, a pig, a female whatnot, and a male whatnot sing The carpendars song while trying to build a house.

U.K. Spot: Baby Love
Bobby Benson's baby band perform a song.

Kermit tells the audience that The Swedish Chef will be giving away free soup for the audience.

The Swedish Chef serves soup, spilling some in the process.

Kermit introduces Geraldine Jones.

Song: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better
Geraldine Jones (Flip Wilson) and Miss Piggy sing about each other being better.

kermit introduces Fozzie bear.

Fozzie's Monologue
Fozzie tells some jokes and is relieved that Statler and waldorf are not heckling him, but then realizes that they are sleeping and can't heckle him. He also realizes that the entire audience is asleep.

Backstage/ Closing Number: "Everybody Sleeps"
Scooter wakes up, Kermit is worried about the audience sleeping, and everybody figures out that it is the soup that put them to sleep, though Zoot isn't sleeping because of the soup. Kermit considers canceling the closing number, but Flip decides that they can all sing together anyway, backstage, and he leads them in the song Everybody sleeps.

Kermit decides to close the show for those who are still awake. He and Flip are joined by Fozzie, Miss Piggy, Rizzo, Annie Sue, Janice, and Pops.

special closing
The band is tired and tries to stay awake to play the closing theme, which sounds more like a lullaby than the usual theme.

After credits
Statler and Waldorf wake up and realize that they slept through part of the show.

Philip Kippel

Uh, minor_muppetz, Dave Ebersole already did TMS Outlines for Flip Wilson (set in Season 3) and Billy Joel (set in Season 1).

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I read the Flip Wilson one, but I didn't know that a Billy Joel one was written. I don't think there's anything wrong with multiple members writing fan fiction with the same guest star. Besides, mine is different from the other Flip Wilson fan fic.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Here is a listing of who performs who. Unlike in other listings for previous fan fics, I'm going to list performers of regular characters as well, even though we know the regular performers.

But before that, I will mention that the closing number features kermit, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Floyd, Janice, Rizzo, and gaffer.

And now, the performers:

Jim Henson- Kermit The frog, Rowlf, Waldorf, The swedish Chef, and The newsman.

Frank Oz- Fozzie Bear, Miss Piggy, and Sam The Eagle.

Jerry Nelson- Floyd, Pops, the announcer, and the Pig Carpender.

Richard Hunt- Scooter, Statler, Bobby Benson, Janice, and the male carpender.

Dave Goelz- Gonzo, Beauregard, Gloat, and a Baby.

Louise Gold- Annie Sue Pig, a baby, and the female carpender.

Steve Whitmire- Lips, Rizzo, and a baby.

Kathy Mullen- Gaffer and a baby.

Brian Meehl- additional muppet performer.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Of course there's nothing wrong with double ups for outline guest stars. As long as they don't plagiarize each other.

Anyway my favourite part is the cold opening. Actually I can picture the muppet devil from the Devil went down to Georgia number appearing when Flip says "The Devil made me do it." and crying "That's right. Blame me for everything." Then bursting into tears.