Minor Muppetz' TMS Outline: James Taylor

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Well, it's been a loooooong time since I last wrote a Muppet Show outline, but here is another one, and for the first time it features a guest star who I already included in a Jim Henson Hour outline, James Taylor. This outline takes place during the fourth season.

Cold Opening/ Dressing Room
Scooter: James Taylor! Fifteen seconds 'till curtain!
(three Snerfs are in James Taylors dressing room, blowing loud trumpet noises into his ears)
James Taylor: (yelling) WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU! Stop it you Snerfs!

Statler and Waldorf: Statler asks Waldorf if he thinks the balcony guard is still there.
Gonzo's Trumpet: Gonzo blows "Pong" sound effects from his trumpet.

Kermit introduces Scooter and Robin.

Opening Number: A Little Bit at the Beginning
Scooter and Robin sing the song from Sesame Street.

Waldorf: Well, we've got a little bit of the beginning.
Statler: That's great. When will we get a little bit of the end?

Beauregard and Beaker install a new arcade in the canteen (it's only seen from the side, with no side artwork, in case you are wondering what the game is). Beaurgeard leaves the canteen while Beaker plays it.

Kermit introduces James Taylor.

Song: Fire and Rain
James performs with the jugband, in a sunset setting. Jerry, Lou, and Zeke get to sing along.

Kermit and Miss Piggy comment to Jame son hisa performance. Miss Piggy flirts with James, but gets jealous when he flirts with Annie Sue Pig.

Muppet News
Newsman: Here is a Muppet News Flash! This just in concerning a new fact that theater food can be dangerous to your health. If any of you bought food from this theater, please get rid of it!
(food is seen being thrown at The Newsman)

Bunsen tries to get Beaker to stop playing the arcade and start preparing for Muppet Labs, with no success. The people in line (Robin, Scooter, Gloat, and Link Hogthrob) complain about waiting in line for such a long time.

Sam the Eagle proudly introduces James Taylor.

Song: Sweet Baby James
James Taylor sings, backed by Bobby Benson and his baby band.

UK spot: Cruella DeVille
Rowlf sings the song from 101 Dalmations, first by pointing out that its from that movie (and that he's seen that movie in theaters more times than any movie), and starst singing. After the entire song is done, he plays a big long solo, joined by Muppet on maracas, Rover Joe on trombone, one of the female dogs on guitar, and Baskerville on tambourine. Halfway through the number, Statler and Waldorf shout at Rowlf to finish the song, and the dogs repeat the song.

Bunsen informs [/U][/U]Kermit that he can't get Beaker away from the arcade. James Taylor overhears this and sasy that he would like to assist Bunsen.

Muppet Labs
Bunsen shows off his latest invention, a coffee fountain. He turns it on, showing that it does produce coffee. Bunsne lets James be the first perosn to taste the coffee. James puts coffee in a coffee cup, but the coffee tastes like paint to him...

Statler: Of course it tastes like paint.
Waldorf: Why?
Statler: Because the coffee shop has mislabled it's products.

Sam tells James that he was a fan, but now, after that last sketch, he is very disappointed in him.

Veterinarian's Hospital
The patients are a plate, a fork, a spoon, and a knife. Dr. Bob decides to touch the plate, but it burns his hand: it was a hot plate!

As the others continue to complain about waiting in line, Beaker continues to play the arcade game, until the arcade explodes.

Closing Number: How Sweet it Is
James Taylor sings with The Electric Mayhem. In this number, Zoot plays tambourine.

Good Night
Kermit and James are joined by Bunsen, Beaker, Miss Piggy, Zeke, Janice, and Annie Sue Pig.

After Credits-balcony
Statler: Well, I'm staying.
Waldorf: Why? The show's over!
Statler: Exactly!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Another great one minor. :big_grin:

I love the song "Cruella DeVille" Rowlf and the other dogs perform.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Yes, very artfully done! *aplause* Darn, now you've got that Cruella Diville song stuck in my head...

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Fragglemuppet said:
Yes, very artfully done! *aplause* Darn, now you've got that Cruella Diville song stuck in my head...
Well, I had that song stuck in my head most of last sunday. And I frequently get two other songs from this outline, "Fire and Rain" and "A Little Bit at the Beginning", stuck in my head frequently.