Minor Muppetz' TMS outline: Stan Freeberg

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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here is another one of my awesome Muppet Show outlines, set in the first season.

Fozzies Joke: "do you know why the man dated his sister? because his mom told him to take out the trash!"
Gong: Gonzo hits the gong and the ceiling falls on him.

kermit introduces the opening number.

Opening Number: Rainy Days and Mondays
Janice (accompanied by the other members of the electric mayhem) sings on the set used for the song "Old fashioend love Song" from the paul Williams episode (and it is raining outside the window as well, and there is a daily calendar in the room which says "Monday").

Statler hates sunny days and tuesdays while Waldorf doesn't care for windy days and wednesdays.

kermit scolds george for not mopping the floor good enough, so george mops again, but then Hilda enters and slips down the stairs.

kermit introduces Stan Freeberg.

Stan Freeberg is a banker. Sam needs a loan. sam says that he works 10 hours a day, makes more than 200 dollars an hour, always pays his rent on time, and never misses a deadline. Stan denies the the loan. His boss, Gonzo, arrives and says that Stan is fired becasue Gonzo has just hired a more better qualified banker: Animal.

Waldorf wonders aloud if Stan would give him a loan, and Statler reminds him (but doesn't convince him) that Stan freeberg was only a banker for that sketch only.

Hilda has amnesia. She thinks she is kermits daugther, Scooters grandmother (Scooter: "my unlce owns the theatre, remember?" Hilda: "no, both of your parents are only childs"), Miss Piggys best friend (Piggy: "yyyyuck!") and Gorgon Heaps dinner (Gorgon Heap: "Sorry, lady, but I don't eat expired food").

Muppet News
The newsman interviews Mr. Charlie Clancy (Stan Freeberg), a stock broker, over the recent stock market error (where it looked like every stock went up at once). Mr. Clancy hopes that this doesn't cause another black tuesday. the Newsman hopes so too, since he put ten dollars on five different stocks (wool, bricks, rain, feet, and air).

At The Dance

catgut: I just got the most dangerous job in the world.
boppity: what job was that?
catgut: dog catcher.

Zoot: I just got the most dangerous job in the world.
Janice: what is that?
Zoot: overnight driver.

Male Pig: I just got the most dangerous job in the world.
female Pig: what job is that?
male pig: theatre critic.
female pig: what's so dangerous about that?
male pig: i have to review the muppet show.
Female Pig: good point.

Rowlf: I just got the most dangerous job in the world.
Wanda: really?
Rowlf: no, I was just kidding. I am still unemployed.

Male Pig: of course, my new job is more than my last job.
Female Pig: what job was that?
Male Pig: Stunt Double for Gonzo The Great.

U.K. Spot: Ain't No Mountain High Enough
The Goggolalla Jubilee Jugband performs.

Conversation Panel
Todays topic is "Innapropiate Behavior". Joining Kermit are Stan Freeberg, Fozzie Bear, and Mildred. Fozzie and Stan both keep telling jokes at the wrong times. Statler and Waldorf heckle them. Everybody gets blown up.

Now, Hilda thinks that she can run through things. Silly girl.

Gonzo asks Stan for an autograph. Stan signs his name on Gonzos picture of Stan with his toungue.

kermit and fozzie are in the forrest, and hear loud noises. Fozzie is scarred but Kermit keeps telling him to calm down. A hunter (stan freeberg) suddenly appears and kidnaps kermit, but Fozzie isn't scarred (kermit is, though).

Veterinarians Hospital
Hilda is the patient. rowlf tries to cure her amnesia with bad jokes, but that doesn't work. Hilda thinks she is the head nurse, which doesn't go over well with Nurse Piggy. Tune in next week when you will hear Hilda say "...uh, I think I will forget my line next week".

Stan Freeberg has large warts on his hands from touching kermit in his last skit, so he asks Rowlf if he will check on him. However, Rowlf is completely booked. He even has patients coming on vacation with him.

Zoot tries to play the saxaphone, but an onion falls into his saxaphone. all the musicians start crying. (Zoot: "yeah, I know, it's sad... now my saxaphone doesn't sound very good anymore")

Hilda is convinced that she can fly, so she gets on top of the stairs and jumps off. She falls straight to the ground and gets her memory back.

Closing Number: You are the apple of my life
Gonzo sings to an apple.

Good Night
Stan still has warty hands. Stan and Kermit are joined by Sam The Eagle, Fozzie, Animal, and Janice.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Very clever. Hilda's memory troubles are great, and I love the sketch with Kermit and Fozzie. And the "At the Dance" jokes were pretty good, too. Good job, minor muppetz.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Stan Freeberg

for those of you who don't know, Stan freeberg is a comedian who has made many comedy albums and done a lot of cartoon voices. he performed and voiced cecil on Time for Beany (and I believe that he voiced Cecil on the beany And Cecil cartoon) and provided voices for many Warner bros. characters, like Junior Bear (from the Three Bears cartoons), Pete Puma (from rabbits Kin), and all characters in Three Little Bops (the only looney tunes or merrie melodey cartoon where he got a voice credit). He was also one of Weird Al Yankovics childhood idols, and was a semi-regular on the short-lived Weird Al Show, playing both Weird Als boss, J.B. Topplesmith, and a puppet called Poppa Boolie.

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I like that first S & W comment, an onion falling in Zoot's sax, and At the Dance. Didn't get the Hilda plotline at first until I re-read the part with George mopping the floor.

How do you come up with these so quickly?

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Gorgon Heap said:
How do you come up with these so quickly?
I get a lot of free time, and even when I am busy, and especially when I'm away from the computer, I think up ideas. I think of them when I am at work, the mall, school, or anywhere else. I have some more ideas, but I don't want to reveal them untill after I post them, since anything could happen before the next time I get online, and I wouldn't wan tto dissapoint anybody if I announced an idea and then for some reason didn't post it.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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here is who I would have perform the various non-regular performer characters:

peter friedman would have performed the Boppity and Catgut in at the dance.
Stan Freeberg (hey, he was a puppeteer on Time For beany, so why not?) would have performed the pig couple in At The Dance.