Monsterpiece Theater: Chariots of Fur vs. ABCD Blue

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Well, I haven't posted any "vs." threads in a few weeks, so today I thought I'd ask, which of the two Monsterpiece Theater segments starrign Grover and Herry do you like better, "Chariots of Fur" or "ABCD Blue"?

Chariots of Fur:

ABCD Blue:

I really like them both, but I prefer Chariots of Fur. When it comes to inanimate objects, I usually have trouble picking a favorite, but Chariots of Fur is my favorite Monsterpiece Theater segment. I don't know why, but I just like it that much. As a kid I felt like it wasn't shown enough, making it feel like an event whenever it was broadcast. And yet I felt the other MT segments I knew of were shown more often. I don't know if it's just me or if it really was shown infrequently (so I guess it's a good thing it was in two episodes shown on Noggin, in addition to being at and we most likely would have gotten this on Old School Vol. 3 if it came out).

I wonder if the intro/outro for Chariots of Fur ever was reshown. This and "Upstairs Downstairs" are the only ones at shown with the pipe scenes, and I don't know of any 1990s episodes with this segment. I remember watching the show almost every day during season 30, with the hopes of being able to catch that segment (in additon to a few others I hadn't seen in a long time at that point, which I also didn't see that season). In fact, Chariots of Fur is the first thing I sw on YouTube.


Nov 8, 2010
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to be honest i enjoy both, Harry monster is amazing when it comes to acting, of course the one about amazing mumpy were harry falls of the stage, but other then that both were cool watch again.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
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I had actually never seen ABCD Blue before this. It was alright sketch. I thought Cookie was pretty funny at the end, questioning about who wrote that stuff. However my vote had to go to Chariots of Fur. It too was one of my favorite Monsterpiece Theatre sketches when I was a kid. The dramatic music combined with the slow motion running, not to mention the rarity of seeing Herry and Grover´s legs (making them seem more full bodied), it was just one of the more epic sketched to me. Plus it really did seem like it was hardly ever shown, makng it one of those rare treats.