Monsterpiece Theater: My Dog Skip


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2002
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(Monsterpiece Theater overture plays on the recent Monsterpiece Theater opening from 1996-99; scene cuts to Cookie Monster as Alistar Cookie; overture music fades away)

ALISTAR COOKIE: Good evening. Me Alistar Cookie and welcome to another "Monsterpiece Theater." Tonight, me proudly present our latest feature film, "My Dog Skip." It about a dog, whose name is Skip. (clears throat) And now, "My Dog Skip."

(scene fades to two horses galloping.)

FIRST HORSE (as recycled from the Fred the Wonder Horse puppet): Boy, I think my feet are gettin' a bit tirin'!

SECOND HORSE (as recycled from the Buster the Horse puppet): Keep going! You're doing great!

ALISTAR COOKIE: (off-screen) No, no, no, no! Cut! Stop!

(scene cuts back to Alistar Cookie.)

ALISTAR COOKIE: Sorry folks. That not "My Dog Skip!" That film was "My Horses Gallop." Not very clever. OK, now here it is, "My Dog Skip."

(scene fades to How Now Brown's Moo Wave performing on stage)

HOW NOW BROWN'S COWS: (singing) Mooooooo-moooooo-moooooo--

ALISTAR COOKIE: (screaming off-screen) HOLD IT! STOP!

(scene cuts back to Alistar Cookie again.)

ALISTAR COOKIE: Oh, me sorry again. That not "My Dog Skip" either! Me believe it was, um, "My Cows Sing." Alright, me represent..."My Dog Skip."

(scene fades to three penguins from The Muppet Show.)

FIRST PENGUIN: You know what we always like to do best while we're having fun?

SECOND PENGUIN: What's that?

FIRST PENGUIN: Hopping in the air!

(Three penguins start flipping themselves.)

THIRD PENGUIN: Wow! This is fun!


(scene cuts back to Alistar Cookie again)

ALISTAR COOKIE: (angrily) That NOT "My Dog Skip" either! That "My Penguins Flip!" What me thinking? (calming himself down) OK, OK. As me represent for last try,...(clears throat) "My...Dog...Skip." Me hope it right film.

(Scene fades to a Muppet dog skipping)

MUPPET DOG (as recycled from the Watson puppet): (singing while skipping) Zip-e-dee-doo-dah, dip-a-dee-a, my oh my, what a wonderful day...

(Pumpkin Anything Muppet man enters the scene.)

PUMPKIN ANYTHING MUPPET MAN: No, no, no! Your name is 'Skip!' That's what the movie titie's about!

MUPPET DOG: Oh sorry. I didn't notice that.

(scene cuts back to Alistar Cookie.)

ALISTAR COOKIE: And there you have it! "My Dog Skip!" Well that all the time we have for today. Tune in next time for another...

(As Alistar Cookie speaks, How Now Brown rushes in angrily)

HOW NOW BROWN: Hold on there, Alistar Cookie!

ALISTAR COOKIE: Hey, what you doing here?

HOW NOW BROWN: I just want to sue you for using my background singers and all my background performers from my band!

ALISTAR COOKIE: Oh, me sorry! It me mistake! (as Monsterpiece Theater closing plays, to the viewer) Anyway, as me was saying again, tune in next time for another "How Now Brown's..."uh, "Monsterpiece Theater!"

(Both Alistar Cookie and How Now Brown start arguing as the Monsterpiece Theater closing ends.)