Muppets at NYU


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Jul 25, 2003
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Hi ho, Sarah here, reporting live from NYU, where amazing things are happening!
This week, NYU showed 'The Muppets Take Manhattan' as part of its orientation week schedule. I, of course, went, along with about 40 other NYU students. First of all, I (obviously) had never seen this film in the theater with an audience before. But BOY what a thrill! It was so incredible to watch it with an audience! The laughter and the reactions to the movie were astounding. I wish you all could have heard how much fun everyone was having--it was almost inspiring! I talked to a lot of the people and found out that most of them had never seen MTM before--and some had never seen a Muppet movie before period. But everyone loved it!
Just letting you know this. Maybe you all will get some joy knowing this--I sure do!
PS: Sometimes the laughter was so loud you couldnt hear the movie. I can't remember all the parts, but one I remember was when Kermit and Jenny were introducing themselves and the dialogue goes like this (if you don't remember)
"My name's Kermit"
"Oh hi Kermit my name's Jenny"
"...I'm a frog"
Well, that got a HUGE burst of laughter, as well as:
"If you two are in love, I don't want to hear about it"
Tata for now

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Oh wow Sarah, that's awesome! I wish my college had shown a Muppet Movie for its orientation!

That's great that it got sooo many great big laughs...did Janice's ramblin' line about not takin' her clothes off even it is "artistic" garner a big laugh? I hope so, it should have! lol :stick_out_tongue:



Active Member
Jul 25, 2003
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Janice & Mokey's Man said:
Oh wow Sarah, that's awesome! I wish my college had shown a Muppet Movie for its orientation!

That's great that it got sooo many great big laughs...did Janice's ramblin' line about not takin' her clothes off even it is "artistic" garner a big laugh? I hope so, it should have! lol :stick_out_tongue:

Ya it did!! HAHAHA!!! I just remembered that :smile: They also gave a big laugh to Kermit's big shpeal before he regains his memories about 'a frog in love with a pig' and 'i guess you'll bring home the bacon. ah the sounds of love: suuuuuieeee' Well, it started out as an 'awww' which worked its way into a laugh hehe!