New Muppets Election Special in November 2008


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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We're not being hosed or let down. We are getting the Christmas special a whole year sooner and an all-new non-Christmas-themed network Muppet special next year. With all the Disney love being poured into the Muppets already there's no need to so negative. :mad:

I would have liked the Muppets to have used this year's election as their television special theme, but Disney decided that sticking the Muppets in something so quickly destined to be dated would be a bad idea. It's better to have something they can run several times = more Muppet exposure = a good thing. This new future special would help promote the Muppets before their theatrical film that we hear is still very much happening! :smile:
You Know, as much as I would have actually liked to have a laugh at this election cycle (we have way too many things riding on it as it is), and as much as I would have loved to have seen a Muppet special, I can say this... no big loss.

Personally, I'd rather have seen what they did in 1992 on GMA, little muppet skits about the news than a full fledged special. Espeically if the money and time will go to something else... something with more time behind it. hopefully a Halloween special. After all, with all the goblins, ghouls and monsters, it's a lot less scary than politics anyway.

Now, if the Christmas thing falls through... then we have to be negative and panic.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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It sounds to me like you're looking for reasons to panic and be negative.
You know that's not healthy right, I used to be that way and it gave me stomach ulcers, you may want to lighten up a bit.:big_grin:
Just some friendly advice:wink:
Good advice indeed. All indicators are that the times, projects and opportunities are all aligning for the Muppets. It is a rare time! I mean Statler is actually running for President along with Mrs. Bitterman! :embarrassed: (kidding, of course…kinda)


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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Hmmm... the way some of the canidates are complaining about satire these days I'm kind of glad this special got put aside. I would hate to see the muppets get criticized the way saturday night live has. Given old guys giving the muppets a hard time because of their humor would be nothing new.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Hmmm... the way some of the canidates are complaining about satire these days I'm kind of glad this special got put aside. I would hate to see the muppets get criticized the way saturday night live has. Given old guys giving the muppets a hard time because of their humor would be nothing new.
I swear... for the love of Pete... Bill Clinton had a sense of humor being portrayed as a Frat boy... someone wants to be brutally honest about a political candidate who's a joke period.... that's UnAmerican! :attitude:

Maybe their political party would be happier in one of those countries where you're sent to work camp if you make fun of a politician.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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You know, as far as it having become dated right away, they could have just written it as an basic election story based on picking a new actor for some important role in a movie among themselves..something timeless like that :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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But more to the subject... I wouldn't have been too excited anyway. Looks like this really needed more time to happen. It was announced in August, and for release the first week of November. That's not too much time, and it would seem rushed (look how rushed the Elmo Christmas special was...)

While something closer to the date would be more up to the minute, I doubt it would have worked as well.