one thread!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Let's all talk about sesame Street segments featuring that underrated number, 1.

The first episode was brought to you by the numbers 2 and 3, but not 1 (since that was the first episode it would have made sense to be sponsored by 1). It seems like this number doesn't sponsor sesame street very often, as number 1 segments seem to be rarely shown. I guess it's possible that one was a sponsor more often in the first season, since the show only taught numbers 1-10, and the first season episodes had two numbers for sponsors (instead of just 1), and with 130 episodes in the first season, 1 was bound to be a frequent sponsor. With the exception of the baker films, it seems like most counting series of films skip one (even the jazzy spies films from the first season didn't have a one segment).

Here are some segments about the number one that I do know of:
*The Baker #1
*Monsterpiece Theatre: one flew over the cukoos nest
*a cartoon where some kids count the ducks in a pond, but there is only one
*a sketch where harvey Kneeslapper holds a cookie and asks, "do ya want one?", and unless you don't know anything about Harvey Kneeslapper I guess you can figure out what happened next....
*Number of the Day: one
*a sketch where after Grover told John John that he loves him, John John
randomly says "count this penny", which is one (I am not sure if that should count, but it is included on the video Learning About Numbers, although the first half of the skit is edited)
•I have read about a song on the Sesame Street Numbers album called Just One Me. Was this recorded for the album or used on the show?

What other one segments were there? Does anybody know why Sesame Street doesn't focus on the number one very often? The only reason I can think of would be if the writers didn't know how to write many skits about one (or if the shows producers thought it would be boring to teach kids to count to one).


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2005
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minor muppetz said:
What other one segments were there? Does anybody know why Sesame Street doesn't focus on the number one very often? The only reason I can think of would be if the writers didn't know how to write many skits about one (or if the shows producers thought it would be boring to teach kids to count to one).
I've seen a few other segments for #1 that have been shown in the more recent episodes:
1) the "brown people dogs" (Fay, Vatty, ect.) build a #1 out of log pieces.
2)a bunch of kids all chant over and over "were #1!, Were #1!" (live)
Both of these are found on # 4013