PIGS IN SPACE...and beyond...

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Hey, gang!

I hope this thread can continue as a reference for this popular skit and those like it.

I'm working on a project and I need some help. Hope Ebersol, the God of Muppet Knowledge, will pick up on this thread and help me out.
I know Pigs In Space on TMS consisted of Capt. Link Hogthrob, First Mate Miss Piggy, and Dr. Julius Strangepork, all aboard the Swinetrek.

Is there any place online that has kind of a Pigs In Space episode guide? Was there a particular name for the Starfleet from which the Swinetrek came? Were there any other crew members named during the series of sketches other than the three mentioned above?
I've asked this before, but I'm stupid and forgot the answers. I also loaned out my Muppets Tonight tapes so i can't research it there:

What was the Pigs In Space spin-off on Muppets Tonight called, and what was the name of the main crew members? Name of the ship? Is there also a link online of a sort of episode guide to these sketches? Were there any other crew members named during this series?
In Muppets from Space we learn that Gonzo is an alien. What was the name of the planet his people hail from (is it Koozebane)? What was his people called (Gonzo was originally a Frackle, is that what his family is)? Were the names of his family members ever given, and what were they (in a book, script, anywhere)?
Planet Koozebane had MANY crazy type creatures. Who can list the citizens of the planet? Also, is there a "episode guide" that consists of all the Koozebane references in Muppet History?
Is there any other Muppet/Space related information you want to add?
Your help in gathering all this information will help me produce something very VERY cool, gang!! But, i want to be chronologically correct and I want to be sure that any references I make will be spot-on canon with all other Muppet productions!

Kev le Foz

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Thanks, but it's all questions. I'm looking for answers. I didn't do anything helpful. Yet. But the project will be cool (I think).

The Narrator

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Feb 28, 2004
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I don't have anything beyond the book Jim Henson: The Works at the office and I'm going purely from random web searches and my sketchy memory of pleasant days past, so YMMV on the answers below.

Fozzie Bear said:
What was the Pigs In Space spin-off on Muppets Tonight called, and what was the name of the main crew members? Name of the ship? Is there also a link online of a sort of episode guide to these sketches? Were there any other crew members named during this series?
Pigs in Space: Deep Dish Nine was the name of the sketch in episodes #103 (Paula Abdul), #105 (Garth Brooks) and #112 (Jason Alexander) of Muppets Tonight!. The crew of the Swinetrek II included First Mate (though I seem to recall her being the Captain in one episode) Piggy and Science Officer Craniac... and the Captain, who I can't seem to recall at all. Come to think of it, I think the third member of the cast changed in each episode... I've had no luck on finding actual PiS-DD9 episode guides on the web.

Fozzie Bear said:
In Muppets from Space we learn that Gonzo is an alien. What was the name of the planet his people hail from (is it Koozebane)?
I don't think the name of the planet is ever actually mentioned. I'm certain, however, that Gonzo is not a Koozebanian.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Thanks for the answers.

I got an email a while back (which I just remembered) stating that the 3rd PIS:big_grin:D9 member is Lt. Pighead, pronounced "Pee-zhay." Is there someone with better memory than mine that this is correct?

The correct title, per a website I found, says it's:
"Pigs In Space: Deep Dish 9--The Next Generation of Pigs In Space"

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Just some notes to me from me by me and stuff:

Dr. Julius Strangepork, Science Officer of the Swinetrek (official title)

PIS: When Piggy puts the Swinetrek off balance:

PIS: Atari

SciFi.com Review of the PLayset from Palisades:

How Pigs Perceive Space:

Pigs In Space: The Band

From: http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~csilvers/muppet-characters.html
Deep Dish Nine
Captain Peejay -- Bald captain
Craniac -- Science officer (brain creature)
Miss Piggy

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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TMS Episode Listing from above link:
Pigs in Space (seasons 2-5)
Edgar Bergen
Milton Berle
John Cleese - pirate John
Judy Collins - mid-course correction
Elton John
Madeline Kahn
Cloris Leachman - chopped liver
Jaye P. Morgan - need to jettison one pig
Pearl Bailey - snacka waves
Harry Belafonte - dissolvatron
Roy Clark - toaster wires used to fix the ship
Alice Cooper - electroshock g
Cheryl Ladd - invisible pills
Leo Sayer - first pigs on Koozbain
Lesley Ann Warren - dummo rays
Alan Arkin - weight problem
Carol Channing - force field
Crystal Gayle - Dirth Nader
Phyllis George
Dudley Moore - music machine
Diana Ross - nitroglycerine
Star Wars Cast - Luke takes over the Swinetrek
Joan Baez
Carol Burnett - hungry alien
Deborah Harry - meteor shower
Gene Kelly - meaning an purpose of life
Melissa Manchester - Crab Nebula
Tony Randall
Linda Ronstadt - battle robot
Loretta Swit - first mate Loretta

and from: http://vr.ncsa.uiuc.edu/BS/Muppets/MT!/lists.html#MT_LIST_PS
Pigs In Space: Deep Dish Nine
#2 Garth Brooks - Mixed Meta-fours
#8 Jason Alexander - Exploring the Ford Galaxy
Featured the Swinetrek II.

Atari Game Sticker picture:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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anybody got anything to add in regards to PIS PIS:big_grin:D9?

What about Koozebanians? What are all the different names and types of Koozebanians? Any idea?

What about any links to good PIS photos or art?