Puppetry & Podcasting


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Questions about podcasting came up in the Alien Alerts thread so I decided to do a few short pieces about podcasting and how it works in my blog this week. I've posted the first of these here so if you're interested in getting in to doing puppetry and podcasting feel free to check it out.

This might also be a good thread to discuss the subject in, if anyone has questions.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
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Yes Andrew,

Here is a question. Since I have been encouraged to podcast at least one of my projects I realize now that ideas I had, that I knew were hard sells to any broadcaster (since most believe puppetry if just for pre-school show concepts) can be made into a podcast.

I am getting to the question (trust me). Do I need to create a new website for this podcast, or would I just use one of those video podcasting sites you mentioned (in your blog)?

I actually have a website that is half built (and has been waiting for over a year to be finished). THe plan was to offer my video shorts on the website (which seems to be like pod casting in many ways; except it not being available to portable devices of course).

I have seen some of the podcast sites and some are nice cool websites (which I would love to have) and others are much like a basic blog template.

I don't know a lot about computers, but I figured out enough to create my own blog.

What are your thoughts about finishing my website versus working on a new podcast site? Is there any word about what will be the standard presentation (flashy website or otherwise)?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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There's no reason you can't incorporate a podcast in to an existing site, although I would probably create a special directory for it. I've seen problems with sites that mix multiple RSS Feeds in the same directory if you're using publishing software like Blogger or Movable Type.

I don't think you need to have a fancy site - a show like "Ask A Ninja" which is insanely popular just uses a basic Blogger template. Rocketboom is probably the most popular and it's a very sparse site.

There's no standard presentation. Most people don't care about the site itself. For the shows I watch, I never visit the actual site, I just download them from the RSS feed and watch them on my PC. The original idea behind podcasting was to allow people to take content with them on mobile devices, laptops, phones, etc. so I think time and energy should be spent on the podcast itself, not the site.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2003
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al i can say is that you two are speaking english but i have no idea what is going

i guess im not quite on the cutting edge, :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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For anyone still trying to get a handle on this podcasting stuff, who better to ask than a Ninja?

Watch the video, it's pretty funny and educational too. Well, it's funny. Somebody could have done this show with a puppet!