Puppets in Arizona & Toronto


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Apr 16, 2002
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Puppets in Arizona & Toronto this weekend

Not sure if we have any members near Phoenix, but The Great Arizona Puppet Theater is hosting a New Year's Puppet Slam Friday and Saturday, January 2 & 3 at 8:00 pm.

I've never actually made it to a PuppetSlam (I'm trying to get to one in Boston or NY this year) but I hear they are a lot of fun. The performances scheduled for this weekend's "Slam" in AZ include:

Skeleton Puppet Theater - Ghouls from Outer Space
Tucson Puppet Works - Mr. Punch Meets the Devil
Elastic Theater - Flamingos and Gnomes: The Final Battle
Rude Rabbit Productions - Oedipus Rex
Keep It Short Theater - Itsy Bitsy Looks Back at 2003

Great Arizona has a 20th Anniversary Exhibit that will apparently be open during intermission. For more information, visit www.azpuppets.org or call 602-262-2050.

And up here in my neck of the woods, this weekend is the last opportunity to see Puppetmongers' excellent "Tea at The Palace" at Artword Theatre in Toronto, Canada. They have a special gala show today, followed by two shows tomorrow and matinees Saturday and Sunday. For info see their web site.