Purple Chili

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I just realised something crucial I forgot to specifically mention: The yellow line they are following is a line made of light.

Chapter 9

Rizzo the Rat and Uncle Deadly followed the yellow line, seeing a red line, a blue line, and a black line, then they finally found the green light line.

"There it is!", said Rizzo.

"It's so easy being green", said the green light line.

"Now follow the green line until you see the white line", said Deadly.

They followed it, finding a yellow line, another yellow line, and then finally, a white line.

"Now we just keep following this one until we get to the third purple line", said Deadly.

They followd the white line, finding a purple line, a red line, a blue line, another purple line, another blue line, a green line, another green line, ANOTHER green line, and then, finally, the third purple line.

"Okay, now how long do we follow this one?", asked Rizzo.

"Oh, we don't follow it", said Deadly, "we have to put our right hands at the center where the lines meet."

They put there hands there.

Uncle Deadly then got out his bag of crumbled cracker crumbs.

"Now we need to eat these", said Deadly.

"Well I am hungry right now", said Rizzo.

They ate the crumbs, then big psychedelic lights kept flashing....

And then Rizzo got out of his coma.

"I'm... I'm back in the hospital."

All Rizzo's friends who were there had cheered.

"You're alive, Rizzo!", said Gonzo.

"I've missed you, buddy", said Bubba the Rat.

"Hey, where's Uncle Deadly?", asked Rizzo.

"I'm in the bed next to you", said Uncle Deadly, who was laying in the bed next to him, which Rizzo would have seen if he had turned his head.

"Well, thanks for getting me out of there", said Rizzo.

"Si, si, it's good you're back, okay", said Pepe, "but I was looking at your will and didn't see my name once, okay. Now it's not too late to fix your mistake, okay."

Back at the boarding house...

"Well, Beakie, it's too bad the police officer couldn't understand what you said", said Bunsen, "I thought you were speaking clear english. Maybe we should invent a hearing aide for him."

Rizzo and the others walked in.

"That purple chili gave me a weird experience", said Rizzo, "that's the last time I eat something that The Swedish Chef makes."

"Purple chili?", asked Bunsen.

"Where were you for this story?", asked Rizzo.

"Beaker and I were at the police station because somebody had stolen...."

Bunsen then noticed his container of purple pool chemicals, by the Swedish Chef's pot of chili.

"Why didn't you just tell me that the Swedish Chef stole our invention, Beakie?"

Beaker turned his head, letting out a "M'well...."

Bunsen and Beaker walked into another room, while The Swedish Chef entered from another direction, with a tray of purple spaghetti with maple syrup and green hot dogs.

"Hwer de derr eat-eat spuguhtu und hoot doogs ymmy ymmy!", shouted The Swedish Chef.

"Say, don't mind if I do", said Rizzo.

"I thought you said you weren't going to eat another thing that the chef made", said Sam the Eagle.

Uncle Deadly walked in and saw Rizzo about to eat it.

"Wait, stop!", said Deadly, "don't eat purple spaghetti with maple syrup and green hot dogs! The consequences are horrible!"

"What, will it make me unconscious as well?", asked Rizzo.

"No", said Deadly, "but it will give you horrible chest pains and nausea!"

The End.... except wait, there's a little more!

"We hope you enjoyed this story", said Uncle Deadly, "but we have a very important public service message to give you."

"Don't eat purple chili", said Rizzo, "it may look delicious, but it'll make you go unconscious."

"And you'll go to one of the worst and most confusing places of all time", said Deadly.

"So far we're the only two to have survived purple chili", said Rizzo.

"Purple chili won't actually kill you, though", said Deadly, "you'll go conscious, and there's always a chance of coming back, but you also might die naturally while in your coma. But if you want to get out of there, make sure you have some crumbled cracker crumbs. You can find them somewhere in that land, but it's better to have a bag of crumbled cracker crumbs with you before you eat the purple chili, just in case."

Rizzo added, "And you eat them while putting your left hand...."

"No, Rizzo, it's your right hand", said Deadly.

"You know what?", said Rizzo, "I don't feel like doing this. Just reread this story to see how you can escape the unconsciousness world of purple chili."