Question for "Children of the 50's and 60's"


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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First thanks for a really nice history lesson Beebers :smile: It was really interesting to read. Anyway...

I think somehow the past will always be associated with something that was better than now. Or more idyllic. Like when I think of my parents being together and how much greater that was, when it really might not have been all that great and did involve a lot of problems. I agree that divorce is really stupid and people should be able to solve their problems in a marriage and fight for it instead of giving it up. But back in the 50ties and 60ties divorce was hardly a possibility, which I think is aweful, especially for a child growing up like that. (I didn't, my parents don't hate each other or anything - they just couldn't make it work at the end, sadly..)

Living at two places isn't always the greatest thing on earth but living in a home where the parents clearly can't stand each other and argue all the time isn't great either. So maybe people didn't divorce like now a days, but some couples sure could have needed it. Not saying that it's awesome that so many people divorce just... I honestly think it's good that now the unhappy families actually have the oppertunity to do it and get some more honest and happy lives - like beebers said (at least I think it was beebers) instead of living superficially.

I agree in a lot of what you said anyway D'snowth. - Wasn't it D'snowth who posted this thread :stick_out_tongue: ? Especially the sex thing... Seems you can't have decent conversations in any chatrooms without the subject somehow involving you know.. And teenagers or kids even have more or less pornographic pics on their mobile, sending them to their buddies, and there we go. They have seen it all before they know what it's about at all. - And THAT is ALSO a new thing, or a thing that the 50ties didn't have anyway -mobile phones. The new and easy way to bully kids, and it really is being used for that a lot... However a mobile is an extremly good invention like the computer and the internet. I just think that where there is new stuff, there'll always be a lot of critizising and sceptical views at it, and comparison with old fascilities, which may have been crap compared to the new invention - but we don't entirely know the new-ness and that I think sometimes freaks us out. Because we are scared of what we don't know, until we get to know it and "it" becomes the new old fascility when there is yet a new invention... invented. - Those who can follow me please raise your hands... Right... then I better stop now :wink: I guess I got a bit carried away.

Conclusion: ... I have no idea, but hope you enjoyed the reading =P