Red's Sea Monster


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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As Gobo's getting ready to get his postcard, he looks outside and sees that the silly creature has a magic wind weapon, which, to us is just a fan blowing on seaweeds that Doc is saving. Gobo tells Wembley about what he sees, and decides to be quick today. Just as he gets his card, the hairy monster tries to get Gobo, and as he does, he knocks over the seaweed, and Gobo gets tangled up, catching a horrific scent.
Red is in the Fraggle pond, getting ready to beat Gobo's holding-your-breath-under-water record. However, when Mokey, Boober, and Marlon Fraggle count while she's under water by rockbeatles, (one rockbeatle, two rockbeatle...) they're all off count. But as they're all telling her about how long she stayed underwater, Boober smells something, then Gobo and Wembley appear. Gobo tells them he got contaminated in outerspace by a magic wind weapon, and everyone else, besides Red, instantly become interesed in Gobo's latest adventure. Red gets jealous, telling everyone else that he exaggerates everything. After she storms off, she goes for a walk, feeling really down about what happened. Then she sings a great song, "Bring Back the Wonder." And as she finishes the song, a trunk-like thing pops out of the water, blowing wind in her face. Red screams for excitement, and as she does, the figure goes back underwater...
Red runs inside Gobo's room with Mokey, and Red tells Gobo, Boober, and Wembley about what she saw in the pond. When they ask her what it looked like, she said it had a magic wind weapon. Gobo, right away, doesn't believe her, so she invites them all to go and see the creature for themselves. After the five of them wait for a long time, everyone except Red finally leaves. After they leave, however, the sea monster's entire head shows up, telling Red that he's the last of the lilly creatures. Red asks if she can show him to her friends, and before he can respond, Red says thank you, and runs off whooping and hollering, scaring the sea monster once again.
Red is surrounded by a bunch of Fraggles, telling them about what she just saw and heard. She then asks for one volunteer, and Marlon Fraggle begs her to let him come along. She reluctantly lets him go with her, while Gobo works a plan to get Red to come back to reality...
As Marlon and Red are talking, Marlon tells Red that this is the best way to gain popularity, and that's all Marlon wants. Just then, the two of them see a shark fin going through the water, and just when they think it's the sea monster...surprise!'s Gobo. Red gets really mad and storms off once again. As she's returning to the place where she saw the sea monster, she's packed up all of her belongings, and has decided to move there until she sees it again. Despite the fact that Mokey and Gobo beg her to stay, she still goes on. And when she gets there, she sees that Marlon has set up a trap to catch it. After she gets Marlon to leave, she gets rid of the trap. And as she does, the creature shows up again. He thanked Red for saving him, and that he comes to the surface to smell the lillies. After Red lets him go back and says good-bye, she goes back to the Great Hall.
Wembley and Gobo are playing a blues song on the guitar, while Mokey sings "Take My Only Friend Away" in tribute to Red leaving.When the song is finished, Red shows up, telling everyone that she's sorry for what she did; she tells them that she didn't see what she thought was there. After that, they sing an upbeat version of the song they just sang, and all is well again. :excited: