Roosevelt Franklin and the other Muppets


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I can recall bits and pieces of Roosevelt Franklin when I was small. How he often appeared in school acting as a teacher to his fellow students since no adult teacher ever seemed to show up.

But something I can't recall. Does anybody know if he ever made any appearances interacting with Big Bird, Bert and Ernie, the Count or any of the other main cast muppet characters? Or any of the human cast members?

Any info appreciated please.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I don't know if he ever had any conversations with other regular characters (besides his mother and classmates), but the fourth season premier began with various characters, including Rosevelt Franklin, saying their names and the letters beginning with their name for an alphabet sequence.

There was also a skit where Ernie had Bert stay outside the apartment, and at the end, when bert finally got inside, it turned outt hat Ernie was throwing bert a surprise party, and Roosevelt Franklin was one of the party guests (though he didn't speak).

There was also a skit that took place at Roosevelt Franklin Stadeum, in which Roosevelt Franklin coached Hard Head Henry Harris for something called the "headball". Although he didn't interact with them, Bert, Guy Smiley, Biff, Sully, Grover, The Count, Herry Monster, and Simon Soundman all sat in the audience.

Finally, I think that Roosevelt Franklin appeared in the big finale in The Muppet Movie.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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It's funny how little intimate association Roosevelt seems to have had while he was living on Sesame Street. Maybe that's why he and his mother moved away lol
shock horror Discrimination and the Cold Shoulder on Sesame Street:eek: :eek:


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2006
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Thoughtful comment there, Bill; at the risk of taking the Muppets too seriously, discrimination would also explain why Roosevelt clowned around in class. Kids like that are usually struggling to prove they aren't inferior, after all.

I'd also imagine that his school was named after a relative of his, judging by the segment that began with a chorus of "Roosevelt Franklin [chimes ring] Elementary School". With a great educator in the family, it makes sense that little RF felt responsible for learning everything possible...and showing his class that he was smarter than they were.


New Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Roosevelt Franklin has remained fresh in my memories because as a child I named one of my mom's vacuum cleaner parts after him -- you know the attachment that has about 3" of black "hair" standing up, for vacuuming fabrics and such? To this day I still call that part "Roosevelt" and now my kids call it that, too, though they've never actually seen the "real" Roosevelt.

One of the reasons I joined this forum was because I am hoping to find some pictures -- or, better yet, videos -- of Roosevelt Franklin. Can anyone help me in that department?



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Apr 5, 2006
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By the way, is there a way to set things up at this forum so that one can mark certain threads so one can receive e-mail notification when a new reply is added?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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Roosevelf Franklin was a very popular Muppet and is still remember by a lot of big Muppet fans around the world. Why, this Muppet become so popular that he was even given his own album entitled "The Year of Roosevelt Franklin", a.k.a. "My Name Is Roosevelt Franklin", some years back. Sadly, however some people felt that this character was too much like the stereotypical Afro-American, and the schoolroom where he taught, was too rowdy, not giving a good example of what school is like at the least. So the character was drop and never seen on Sesame Street agian.

That was way before my time, but I study up on Muppets, it's not how long you've been wacthing, it's how much you love it. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2002
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JJandJanice said:
Roosevelf Franklin was a very popular Muppet and is still remember by a lot of big Muppet fans around the world. Why, this Muppet become so popular that he was even given his own album entitled "The Year of Roosevelt Franklin", a.k.a. "My Name Is Roosevelt Franklin", some years back. Sadly, however some people felt that this character was too much like the stereotypical Afro-American, and the schoolroom where he taught, was too rowdy, not giving a good example of what school is like at the least. So the character was drop and never seen on Sesame Street agian.

That was way before my time, but I study up on Muppets, it's not how long you've been wacthing, it's how much you love it. :wink:
I've noticed that many other SS Muppets have been written out of the show as well (Don Music, Leo Monster, Sam the Robot, Prof. Hastings, etc.). I think that sort of thing happened with that character named Lyman in the early years of Jim Davis's comic strip "Garfield".

Also, when Charles Schulz did his "Peanuts" strip, several characters, including Shermy, Violet, Frieda, and Patty, were removed as time progressed.

Anyone else notice any of this?
