Round Fozzie face?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Since we know how much Gonzo has changed, I'd like to add that one person (okay, bear... okay... Muppet of a bear) hasn't...

well, except his look.

I have noticed they started using a rounder head of Fozzie, with a rounded top and bottom jaw.

I don't know why, but it was really evedent in AVMMCM when Fozzie was performed by Eric (who, I think did a good job).

It's funny, because I have the Palisades figure (MY FAVE, along with Animal and Scooter) and he's got the more traditional 1980's pinapple shaped head.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I pointed this out on the old MC. I think that Fozzie started out the Muppet Show with a pear shaped head, then it got rather round toward the 4th and 5th seasons. It then slowly became more and more pear shaped until MTI when it was really severe. I treally think MTI Fozzie's head looked funky. Since then it has been getting round again. I like the roundness actually. :embarrassed:

Just be glad it's not this shape:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I didnt like Fozzies head in The Muppet Show when it started going a bit square.

And did anyone else notice that in Its A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie when Fozzie got burnt his botom jaw was bigger than it should have been ?

They probably built it a bit wrong and thought it could stay like that , Because its getting burnt anyway !

see ya


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Originally posted by frogboy4

Just be glad it's not this shape:
Yeah. I went into that store for the first time (I was VEEEEERY SQUEAMISH ) and saw those. They didn't look great, but they didn't look THAT bad. Bad photography I guess. The Animal on the site looks Much worse looks like a Muppet/Garfield half breed!

Anyway, I pointed this out because I was watching MFS one night, and holding my Foz figure, and the toy didn't look right in comparison to the Foz on screen, but looked dead on in comparison with the decal photo on the box!

Chilly Down

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Someday I'd like to see a pictoral history of all the characters. That's one of my many unfinished projects that will never see the light of day. :wink:

So far as I can tell, here are the number of different Fozzies over the years:

1. Season 1 Fozzie obviously looked very different from the rest, with the too-wide jaw, the extremely pointy head, and the "dirty" fur.
2. For Season 2 and part of Season 3, Fozzie's fur was VERY bright, making his eyebrows extremely pronounced. See the Edgar Bergen ep and the Loretta Lynn episode for examples of Fozzie's highly expressive eyebrows.
3. Starting with the Muppet Movie (?), we have yet another Fozzie, with slightly darker fur, and his eyebrows often seem hidden under his hat. Since TMM was filmed halfway through the third season, that Fozzie is used for the remainder of Season 3, starting with the Harry Belafonte episode. Unless I guess incorrectly, this is the Fozzie used in Season 4 and 5, and Great Muppet Caper as well. When I think of Fozzie, this is the one I most think of.
3) Starting with the Muppets Take Manhattan, I believe, Fozzie's face became rounder, giving him more teddy-bear-like features. This is the Fozzie of MFC, JHH, MWDW, and Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson. I like this Fozzie a lot as well.
4) Starting with MCC, Fozzie's face became more pear-shaped again, but noticeably different than Fozzie #2. This is my least-favorite Fozzie; he's just weird-looking. That one picture of him with the group, where he's wearing the blue bandanna (why?) just looks strange, and it drives me nuts that they use it so much. (It's used as the cover for the 25th anniversary CD.)
5) I think Fozzie has changed again, starting with VMMCM, but I could be mistaken. It could just be that Eric's performance made it seem like "Fozzie's back" even without a change to the puppet.

Anyway, those are the changes as I see 'em. We could do this for every character, but we'd probably have to start a whole new thread. :smirk:


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Off the subject - what is it with Kermit Green? He seamed more "pea soup" colored in TMM and GMC but now he seems more of a dark green and his skin looks smoother. :smile: :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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The Animal on the site looks Much worse looks like a Muppet/Garfield half breed!
I don't know. I think their Fozzie looks worse than their Animal.

By the way, Chilly, in response to that list you wrote, I haven't noticed that Fozzie had so many changes in his looks over the years. I know he looked different in the first season (since I have the Vincent Price ep), but I thought his second season look was his permanent look. I should look through my Muppet video collection again to examine this more closely. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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I've noticed that the Fozzie used now has an over bite. The Fozzie I most remeber is the one from TMM and that one didn't have an over bite, I think. It's weird how much these puppets change appearance. Piggy and Gonzo have to be the top two changers.:concern: :mad:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I think I've always remembered him having an overbite sometimes. It just depends on his expression, too, because sometimes it seems he was able to pout his bottom lip out or pull ihs bottom lip in more.

Sometimes, watch his bottom jaw; like mentioned, it does fluctuate. In the VMC movie I think we can blame his bottom jaw on being swollen due to the burns (?)
