Searching for Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem poster


New Member
Sep 21, 2007
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I have remembered seeing a poster of Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem band I was wondering if anyone had an available copy or knew of where I could get one? Thanks:big_grin:


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I wish that ugly amateurish Photoshopped cast poster would go away and make room for other images like the classic 70s poster just mentioned.

That hodge-podge cut and paste job looks too contrived to me. It may be difficult to make out here, but the size, shadows and color correction are incongruent on the actual piece. Much of the source art is beautiful, I don't see why they did that awful stuff to it. That composition would get an automatic D in any respectable art school.

Just my thoughts (as an artist who has worked with Muppet graphics professionally), but to an avid Muppet fan there are some great posters out there - vintage and a few new ones - of more Muppety standards. :wink:

:flirt: I wish I had that classic Mayhem poster too! I know that image is on some vintage lunchboxes. :big_grin:

Edit: By the way, I found this teeeny tiny little jpg on the web. Wish they had a print of that in the Zazzle Disney Ink Shop.