Series 9 & 10 after Toyfare


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Aug 5, 2002
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With the knowledge of Uncle Deadly, Nurse Piggy and Sweetums definitely coming in 2004 and Naked Rowlf coming with the Backstage playset, what are everyone's new guesses for series 9 and 10? :smile: Remember the line ups are looking like this:

Series 9

Series 10

My Guesses:

Series 9
TMS Lewis Kazagger
TMS Annie Sue Pig
GMC Pops
MTI Fozzie as Squire Trelawney(sp?)
MFS(Ex) Tutu Pepe

I originally thought Rowlf would come with this series but he is now with the backstage set for now. With Nurse Piggy designated to one of these two series I don't think Benjimina Gunn would be up for the MTI spot and seeing as BOP Fozzie would be 3 series gone by this point a new Fozzie could be a great main character to carry this line. And yes, before anyone gripes, I WANT AN ANNIE SUE FIGURE! :mad: With Uncle Deadly getting a spot, I don't think it is too far off that this pig should get her figure in the line! Uncle Deadly was mainly in the first few seasons where Annie Sue was mainly in the last few! And there needs to be another female character in 2004 besides Nurse Piggy!

Series 10
TMS Uncle Deadly
TMS Lips
TMS Nurse Piggy
MT Sal Manilla
TMS(Ex) Sweetums

Seems logical enough to me, so no explination needed! :halo:

Any comments!?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2002
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I think I agree. I don't care much about Uncle Deadly, but Lewis Kazzager is the one I want most of the TMS muppets. One problem about Annie Sue, who I really want badly, is that she makes non-fans say "ühg, what an ugly Miss Piggy!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2002
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I also agree! Except with the mti fozzie! We have way to many fozzies!
1. series 2 fozzie
2. vacation fozzie 1
3. vf2
4. invisable spray fozzie
5. bear on patrol fozzie
6. Recently announcesed a tux fozzie
7. your mti fozzie!
way to many.


King Prawn

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Actually one of the Muppet spots from series nine currently taken up by a TMS character is actually a PAL character.

so the series looks like this:

Series 9

1) PAL
2) TMS
3) GMC
4) MTI

PAL stands for PALisades which simply means it has no real place anywhere, such as the tuxedo theme or vacation theme.

Anyway these are my guess'

Series 9

PAL- Tuxedo Fozzie w/ Chucky
TMS- Uncle Deadly
GMC- Pop's
MTI- Gonzo w/ Mad Monty pack in

MFS- Tutu Pepe

Series 10

TMS- Nurse Piggy
TMS- Dr. Bob
TMS- Lewis Kazzenger (Sp?)
MT- Sal



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
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King Prawn said:
Actually one of the Muppet spots from series nine currently taken up by a TMS character is actually a PAL character.

so the series looks like this:

Series 9

1) PAL
2) TMS
3) GMC
4) MTI

PAL stands for PALisades which simply means it has no real place anywhere, such as the tuxedo theme or vacation theme.

Anyway these are my guess'

Series 9

PAL- Tuxedo Fozzie w/ Chucky
TMS- Uncle Deadly
GMC- Pop's
MTI- Gonzo w/ Mad Monty pack in

MFS- Tutu Pepe

Series 10

TMS- Nurse Piggy
TMS- Dr. Bob
TMS- Lewis Kazzenger (Sp?)
MT- Sal

Your list sounds good to me... The only thing I might change would be Clueless Morgan with Mad Monty pack in instead of Gonzo. But Gonzo would be cool too...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well, actually, there a few more corrections that need to be made to this lineup before you guys throw out your guesses.

1 Sweetums will not be part of any regular series lineup. Ken stated that Sweetums would be retailed as an exclusive figure.
2There are only five Fozzie figures made to date as part of the line. The Tux Fozzie is just an idea floating around and hasn't been sculpted or anything, much like the suggestion of Fozzie as Squire Trelawney from MTI.
Also, the only Fozzie figures that were truly part of the line are S2 Fozzie Bear and S6 Patrol Bear Fozzie. The others are exclusives and not part of the series' lineups, so a new Fozzie figure by either S9 or S10 would be a good bet to help anchor those lineups.
3 The lineup designations stand thus:
Series 9
Pal (A figure whose concept might have been seen on one of the shows or movies, or rully wasn't but the stretch of the concept can be made so as to allow Palisades to make such a figure and label its designation as their own like the Tuxedo, Vacation, or Superhero figures.)
Exclusive: PAL

Series 10
Exclusive: Pal.

4 As for the extra spots, there's a few points to make here as well.
a. There's an exclusive figure to be made for Target, which will be sold in two batches alongside S9 and S10.
b. There's a new Gonzo figure rumored to be coming in the second half of 2004.
c. There's the 2004 Tour Kermit figure coming next year, we just don't know which specific costumed variant it'll be.
d. There's the possibility of a third Kermit figure for 2004, though nothing's been finalized on that front as of yet.

Other than that, I'd like to see Pops as a definite possibility for the S9 GMC spot, Louis Kazagger, Angus McGonnicle, Annie Sue, the Diner Rats from TMTM and Spamela Hamderson from MT.
Ken said that he was doing some 2005 thinking and asked for photo references of a few characters. You should go over to the Palisades forum and ask him yourselves.
Hope this helps and have a good day.

King Prawn

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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floydnjanicefan said:
Your list sounds good to me... The only thing I might change would be Clueless Morgan with Mad Monty pack in instead of Gonzo. But Gonzo would be cool too...
the reason I put Mad Monty instead of Clueless was because in my opinion Clueless is quite a big character to be considered a pack in with any other character unless that character was Rizzo, If it had been Rizzo taking up the MTI you can be sure i'd have put Clueless instead of Mad Monty but I seems to me as if Palisades will leave the best for last.

anyway time will tell... hopefully we'll see Clueless soon.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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wembleyfraggle said:
I also agree! Except with the mti fozzie! We have way to many fozzies!
1. series 2 fozzie
2. vacation fozzie 1
3. vf2
4. invisable spray fozzie
5. bear on patrol fozzie
6. Recently announcesed a tux fozzie
7. your mti fozzie!
way to many.

When considering line ups in the regular line you have to drop exclusives for retailers and conventions. As far as the general public is concerned, Fozzie is only in two series: series 2 and 6. So, a MTI Fozzie in series 9 is plenty of time from series 6.

Palisades ran into a bit of a problem at the begining of the l;ine. Since it was a TMS line at that time, there weren't too many characters they could do as an exclusive and ones that were exclusives had to be sculpted already. So, when the line was in it's early days we got a lot of Beakers and Fozzies pretty fast. Now when people see Fozzie or Beaker as a possible figure, they think "We have too many already!" even though we really only have 1 Beaker and 2 Fozzies in the regular line.

Basically, Palisades can't make figures based on the completists wants. If they did, people would think we had 7 Kermits counting series 7 instead of the actual 1 in the regular line. It's all about how you look at it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2002
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Hmm, I don't like PAL-figures. Maybe the first regular I won't buy.

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Ken just said on the Palisades forum that S9 & 10 will be revealed at the Dallas con this weekend, and revealed in general after that.

Keep in mind though that Ken said S9 & S10 are in flux right now and could change before next year.

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole