SST 2.0 Outline: Gordon Forgets His Papers

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Here's another outline for what I call "Sesame Street 2.0". For those who don't know, it was the subject of an april fools joke I did on april 1 2012. You can read the thread here:

And now, here is an outline for one of the episodes mentioned in that "article".

Scene 1
Gordon gets ready for work but decides to go to Hooper's for a cup of coffee. Gordon talks about his lesson plan to Chris (he's going to teach about The American Revolution, how to count to 40, and plans on a pop quiz about the letter L), but then he has to go to the restroom very badly. However, somebody is using the restroom (and according to Chris had been there for awhile), so Gordon runs back home. After leaving, Harvey Kneeslapper comes out, asks if Gordon's gone, and then laughs very uncontrollably... Turns out when Chris wasn't lookign Harvey had put laxatives in the coffee.

  • Bert and Ernie: 10 Q
  • Henson Q Claymation
  • Q candles
  • Sand Animation: Q
  • "Show Me the Signs" with Chris Brown
  • Subtracting gumballs

Scene 2
Gordon is late to class but gets started quickly (a Q word!). He's about to pass out yesterdays homework papers on the American Revolution, only to realize that he had left the papers at home. The students laugh at his mistake.

  • The American Revolution: Surprising the British
  • "What's It Like to Be in School?"
  • Henson #7
  • The Count counts flowers
  • Kermit News: Christopher Columbus
  • Guy Smiley's audience goes to lunch
  • "Touch, Hold, Feel"
  • "I Want a Monster to Be My Friend"
  • Seven Monsters

Scene 3
Gordon worries about what would happen if his boss finds out he forgot to bring in the homework papers. He imagines his boss taking away his alphabet collection, then imagines his boss taking away his number colection... And then remembers that he doesn't have either such collection. He then imagines his boss firing him, and then firing him out of a cannon, and then making him divorce Susan and move away from Sesame Street. Then a voice on the intercom asks for Gordon to come to the principals office.

  • Grover applies to be a life guard
  • "We Coulda"
  • The Little Letter L, a poem by Louise
  • Rebel L
  • Typewriter: L-lion
  • "Admiral Bird"
  • Monsterpiece Theater: The 400 blows
  • Jazz Alphabet
  • Jazz #7

Scene 4
The principal has found out that Gordon forgot to turn in the graded homework papers, but says that he won't fire Gordon. In fact he's been such a good teacher for so long he'll give him 27 additional chances (as long as he promises not to ccount those chances). The principal then tells him that when he was Gordon's age he was also a teacher and made a similar mistake, except that he not only forgot to turn in papers, there were many (once a week) instances where he forgot to grade homework on time, and now he's the principal. Gordon thanks the principal for understanding and leaves. After thinking about how it might lead to Gordon becoming principal some day, the principal wonders if he made a mistake in not firing him.

  • "Felines"
  • "Mad"
  • Bert and John-John: Lost Paperclips
  • Forty Blocks from My Home
  • Road Runner film
  • Kermit and Cookie Monster: The beginning, the middle, and the end

Scene 5
Gordon talks with Susan, Chris, Gina, Big Bird, and Grover about what had happened today, and they all laugh with Gordon. Big Bird is surprised to know that grown-ups can make those kinds of mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Really good story. I could picture Harvey being a recurring character on a version of the show targeting at adults, unless he's too busy playing Foozball at the Slicery with Sabrina. Oops. Wrong Harvey. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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This is cute. I can totally relate to the situation; whenever I make sure that I have a certain object in my bag, I automatically lose another object most of the time.