Star Wars Novels


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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Is anyone here as big of a fan of the Star Wars novels as the movies? I know I am. I started reading them when I was twelve years old, the same year the Star Wars movies were re-released in theaters. And I'm still collecting and reading them today. Right now, I'm reading Survivor's Quest, by my favorite Star Wars writer, Timothy Zahn. He's the one who started the whole Expanded Universe in the mid-90's when he wrote Heir To The Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command. There are books that describe Luke's formation of a new Jedi Order to how Han and Leia got married. They had three kids; Jacen and Jaina (twins) and Anakin. And some of you may know this, but there's even a book where Chewbacca dies. In The New Jedi Order series, the Imperials are no more; instead, our old-time heros face off with a new kind of species that are immune to the Force called the Yuuzhan Vong. It's the events that center around these characters that make the Star Wars world dark, once again. And yes, Luke is married to a woman by the name of Mara Jade, who was once known as the Emperor's Hand, which means she was an assassin of Emperor Palpatine who settled smaller disputes, while Vader handled the bigger assignments. They have a kid by the name of Ben. I still haven't read The Unifying Force, which is the last book in the New Jedi Order series. And I know what you're thinking: how come Luke's married? According to the trilogy, that's not allowed. Well, the writers don't disregard that at all. They were really good at explaining a few mistakes with the Jedi Council and said that there were to be changes. But I'm sure the authors would have liked to have known about this beforehand. Mara Jade's a Jedi, too. She just didn't know it during her time serving the Emperor. Anyway, I've written more than I thought I would... anyone got a favorite Star Wars novel and would like to talk about it?