The Dark Crystal vs. Labyrinth


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Sep 16, 2002
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I just think the movie itself is a bit slow and only has it's moments. I don't really get why so many fans prefer it over Dark Crystal.
It is weird how people have such different reactions to the same films, hehe. I really find Dark Crystal too slow, there's not enough going on. As impressive as it definitely is, I can never finish it. Plus it feels more unapproachable. But I always adore the characters and adventures in Labyrinth. I feel tense wondering if Sara will win, and I enjoy the warmth and humor that comes from the characters. They seem more down to earth and relatable.

But you know, with different people will come different reactions, and that's cool. :smile:

And RedPiggy, thanks for sharing that about Labyrinth's plot! Like I said, the story IS there, but it could have been explained better with exposition at the beginning. I still prefer it to DC though. :smile:


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Apr 13, 2002
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The Theater Experience

:zany: Again, the advantage of growing up around this and with access to many local cineplexes resulted in my seeing all six theatrical Muppet movies, Follow that Bird, Dark Crystal and Labyrinth in the initial actual theater setting. It's an honor not taken lightly!

That being said many people were first introduced to one or both of these films on home video. This means they were usually cropped, less than stellar transfers dwarfed by a smaller screen where they could be paused, scanned through and have the flow of the film experience broken in a way that was not intended. Home video is one of the best things to happen in entertainment, but that is its drawback. Well, that and it somehow encourages people to talk more in actual theater settings because they're used to watching NetFlix at home.

:scary: Back to the topic at hand. I was 8 when seeing The Dark Crystal and was totally entranced with the world. I remember wanting it to be more Muppety at first, but soon forgetting that and losing myself in the film. Only the romance dragged it down for me, but at 8 I think that normal. One reason Crystal can alienate people is the actual lack of people in the film. I think it was brave and it worked, others disagree and felt at arm's length. I felt like part of the action in the film.

I was 12 when seeing Labyrinth for the first time. I remember it being the opening day matinee. It dragged in the middle. I remember that even though things were happening on screen much of it seemed to meander and not propel the plot forward. It's beautiful in many ways, but I really think it should have been scarier and tightened up. That doesn't mean shorter, just beefier in parts. That romance didn't bother me, but it was creepy. I liked that. However I felt like a show was being performed in front of me that I never truly escaped into. There really was a soundstage feel to it.

I love Labyrinth and can understand why other choose it as their fave, but there's something magical about the Dark Crystal that surpasses all other live action fantasy pictures and is still unmatched in my eyes today.

:excited: One thing I don't get is the Muppet fans that don't care for either picture? I don't think the entire world of Jim Henson's work has ever come close to being adequately captured in documentary specials or in print. There is so much his body of work offers. The Muppet Show characters are by far my favorite (look around the design of Muppet Central's banners) but there is so much more to explore in Jim's work.

Super Scooter

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Dec 17, 2002
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