The return of Rick's Muppety Chat Server!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I've made some changes! After a glorious crash a few months ago, and other things taking place, I am proud to say that Rick's Muppety Chat Server is coming back!

Last Thanksgiving, my hard drive in my main server box decided to go clackety-clackety-clackety crunch! Needless to say, that's not a very good sound for hard drives to make. I ended up getting a new hard drive for my server and lo and behold, my backup sets were not readable! (Imagine Boober running around yelling "we are doomed!" - thats what I looked like). It turns out that when the hard drive was going bad, it crosslinked a file in my backup shell-script (kinda like a .BAT file in DOS or Windows) that controlled my backup routines. The part that ERASED the CDRW worked just fine, but the part that wrote the new data to the disc got trashed! I thought I had lost everything, but I found some old disc sets I made in mid November and never labelled. (phew!)

Anway, I restored them over Groundhog day, and at the same time I switched from a Verizon peice-o-junk-as-reliable-as-a-box-of-rocks 640x128 DSL line (which in real-life ended being like 490x70 - and Verizon called it "acceptable") to an AT&T Broadband cable modem (2.3 megs down and about 500ish k up!) and got everything running again this weekend!

Anyway, I've got it running. I am working on getting an easy-to-use webchat interface (any ideas folks?) but for those of you that are in-the-know, you can try pointing your IRC client to:

(in most IRC clients, you can use /SERVER to change servers)

and I would reccommend joining channel #muppets. It's in beta testing right now - please try to break it and if you do, let me know how so I can fix it. Eventually, I would like to sponsor and host special events, etc. I'm also working on an Eggdrop bot to recognize people etc when the join the chat. More on that to follow...

-Rick "Wembley" Miller
..."You can NOT leave the magic!"


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks for the update Rick! Continue to keep us informed.