The Sesame Street Library Video Collection Volume 11

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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(The title appears on-screen, as "volume 11" fades onto the screen)

(Big Bird is in his nest area, with a microwave turned on)

Big Bird: (noticing the audience) Oh, hi, there. I just got this new, magical microwave. I just turn it on, and in a few minutes, something magical will come out. Yeah. Hmm, but I'm tired of waiting. Why don't you all go to the movies while I wait?

(cut to the following sketches: Ernie gets emotional at the movies, The Remembering Game, and Sesame Street News: The Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe)

(Big Bird is still waiting for the microwave to go off. A "ding" sound is heard)
Big Bird: Oh, boy! It's finished! Now, let's see what is in here. (opens the door. There is an eleven inside) Oh, the number 11. I should have known. (sighs)

(cut to the following skits: It's a Lovely Eleven Morning, Pinball Number Count #11, Eleven Cheer, and Mad Painter #11)

(Gordon is in the courtyard, showing a box to a group of kids)
Gordon: Hey, kids! This is a box.
Kids: Wow!
Gordon: What do you think is in this box?
Kid #1: A diamond ring.
Gordon: No, not a diamond ring.
Kid #2: How about some string?
Gordon: No.
Kid #3: How about an eleven?
Gordon: No, we're not going to go for that cheap joke again.
Kid #4: Is it a cookie?
Gordon: Who are you, Cookie Human? Anyway, I'll show you what is in this box. (Gordon opens the box, and takes out a W) This is a W.
Kids: Oooh....
Gordon: And now here is Kermit the Frog to talk more about this letter.

(cut to the following skits: Kermit's W lecture part 1, The National Association of W Lovers, and Kermit's W lecture part 2)

Oscar: I would like to take the time to show you my dirt collection. Here is some dirt. (points to a small pile of dirt on the crate next to his trash can) But would you like to see a bigger pile of dirt? You would? Okay, here it is. (the camera moves back, revealing a big pile of dirt on the ground, which goes up to the top of Big Bird's doors)
David: Oscar, I can't believe that you put that much dirt in front of the door.
Oscar: Yeah, beautiful, ain't it?
David: Uh, I don't think so.
(Big Bird opens his door, spilling the pile of dirt onto the street)
Big Bird: Oh, sorry.
David: (angered) Big Bird! Look what you've done!
Oscar: Hey, don't be angry.
David: Say what?
Oscar: He's made the street more beautiful.

(cut to the following sketches: The geefle and the gonk, Lefty attempts to sell Ernie a stop sign, You've Gotta Learn, Simon Soundman eats at Grover's resturaunt, and The People in Your Neighborhood, concernign a garbage man and a grocer)

(Mr. Hooper is running his store)
Mr. Hooper: Well, it's a slow, quiet day at Hooper's Store. Not very many people have bought anything here. I hope that buisness isn't like this for the rest of the week. What'll I do? I am the only person in the store.
(several peopel suddenly go into the store, all talking at once)
Mr. Hooper: Now this store is full of people. Now I am too busy!

(cut to the following sketches: Starfish, I'm Square, Kermit and Grover demonstrate the word "yes", and Ernie attempts to borrow a vacume cleaner from Herbert Birdsfoot)

Big Bird: And now, I would like to talk to you about the letter X. X begins words like, uh, uh, hmmm... what does X start?

(cut to the following skits: Harvey Kneeslapper's X Marks the Spot joke, Sherlock Hemlock's X Marks the Spot song, Ernie goes on an X treasure hunt, and Cowboy X)

Oscar: Well, it's time for my favorite part of the show, the end. Sesame Street has been brought to you today by the letters W and X, and by the number 11. Now scram!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Oh crap, I posted this fan fic twice. Anyway, after writing this, I thought of an idea that I wish I had thought up earlier. Regarding Oscar's dirt collection, I should have had Mr. Snuffleupagus standing next to the really big pile, on the opposite side of where others were standing, so that the dirt pile would block their view of Mr. Snuffleupagus. Or I could have had Snuffy on the opposite side of the dirt from where Oscar was and had Snuffy talk to Oscar, with him being unable to see who he was talking to. Oh, well, live and learn.