Things That Disappointed You


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2009
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Aww, lol, I'm sure a lot of people felt that way.
I sure did! It was like finding out your whole world as you knew it was different - not in a good way.

I'm still having a hard time with the silent Honkers regardless of the lack of audibility or faded sound.

I was also disappointed to find out I could never take a vacation to Sesame Street. I may not have been the brightest crayon in the box as a child, but I sure did want to visit Sesame Street to see it in real life for myself! :search:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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When SSLFan mentions a season is a disappoint, one can go out on a limb and say it's because of serious lack of appearances by Big Bird.

Not sure of Drtooth's reasoning however.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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I'm sure Drtooth's reason is the vast amount of segment-repeating they've done this season. Can't say I disagree, however.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'll go into in depth either Thursday or Friday, but nail on the head. Most of my beef was with the over-repetition of LONG segments, and use of old, stale bits from the 90's (wouldn't have minded if it was GOOD stuff). Plus, I really wanted to see the Jon and Kate segment, just to see a kid's show, of all things, hand that sorry piece of garbage;s own butt to it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I would also have to say Season 40 was overall a disappointment. As a SST season certainly, but being its historic 40th season, it's really kind of sad that this was one of their weaker years.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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I think my biggest let down is that the cast never goes on big trips or adventures in real life anymore like they use to. When I was little (and even when I wasn't as little anymore and still watched everyday) there was always more of a feeling that the cast and the SST characters where real and interacted with the world at large, like in the first movie and Don't Eat the Pictures. It might have all been acting but I think there was a bit more of a feeling that the characters were a family, and human and muppet were growing together.
There was a bit more of a feeling that the human cast were like parents to the characters, and not just their teachers and... visitors..I dunno how to put it into words exactly...
But I really don't think it is too late to get that feeling of connection between the human world and the character world back :3.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I would also have to say Season 40 was overall a disappointment. As a SST season certainly, but being its historic 40th season, it's really kind of sad that this was one of their weaker years.
I'm going to go deeper into it later, but I really felt that it was a disappointment on so many levels, but it all goes back to their dwindling budget, causing large gaps in crowd scenes (or lack there of), innumerable reruns, and just an overall lack of variety. I really think SW had the opportunity to make the best of the situation and put some older skits into the mix, seeing as it's the 40th anniversary (there are a LOT of stuff that's timeless) instead of tossing a bunch of lame Hello Kitty-esque Cookie Monster segments.

Really, overall... we got a nice book, a nice DVD set, but NO special, NO good collector's merchandise... and no reason to say this season was special.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
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When SSLFan mentions a season is a disappoint, one can go out on a limb and say it's because of serious lack of appearances by Big Bird.
Dude, I literally laughed for like 10 minutes after I read this, lol. :big_grin:

Really, it seemed almost EVERY character were lacking appearances this season except Abby, Murray, and Elmo. It just made the season dull seeing these same 3 characters EVERY episode. And with the repeats of the segments to come after the street story, every episode just became too predictable. And even most of the street stories became predictable, knowing you would see Elmo & Abby thrown in there even if they had nothing to do with the plot itself. The season really did not live up to expectations, IMO. :coy:

If there's one good thing to say about this season, if anything, it would be the new show opening. :sing: