Traveling Matt Memories

Muppet Crypts

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2004
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One of my favorite memories of Fraggle Rock was the Traveling Matt Clips it was so funny being 4-7 yr old too see him experancing the world and his almost toddler perception of it. So i am sarting a thread to talk about diffrent Traveling Matt Memories.

On of my favorite one's was when he tried SMOKING. to see a muppet take a drag was so funny i can see it now but it should smoking in a bad way so that kids sa him coughing and he did like the " Firesticks" as he called them HERE HERE TO TRAVELING MATT


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2004
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I watched tons of Fraggle Rock as a kid, but strangely I don't remember many details about the show like many fans here do. But I do remember a few Traveling Matt bits.

One that stuck out in my mind was when he took an elevator ride. He though it was a special room that boosted the intelligence of the people in it. He noticed buttons on the side of the room that he guessed people used to practice numbers with. When he got in the elevator, he didn't know he was going up or down, so when he got out he thought he had gotten so much smarter that the world around him had changed.

The only other one I remember was when he went to a video arcade. I don't remember what he said it was, I just remember being excited about a Fraggle being in an arcade Me being the video game nut and all.
