Unaired Dinosaurs episode descriptions


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2002
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Super Scooter said:
I suppose the 7 unaired episodes take place before that.
That will be my guess to since the dinosaurs are going down in that episode.
So it would be very hard, more like impossible, to make other episodes after that one.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Yeah, the last episode was kind of grim, but I mean really - is there any other way to end a series about Dinosaurs?

King Prawn

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Boober_Gorg said:
Scent of a Reptile
Earl and Pearl
Life in the Faust Lane
Variations on a Theme Park
Working Girl
Into The Woods
Georgie Must Die
Okay unless I'm mislead by the titles here are the few I know (i probably know them all, i'm sure I know them all but by the title these are the only episodes i can think of that you're looking for.

Earl & Pearl
Warrick already gave a description on this but i'd like to add the reason Earl hates Pearl is because when their father dies she went off to become a singer leaving Earl all alone to take care of their mother. Pearl identical to earl, except she wears a dress and has earings and to go even further she has a "P" in her name. Roy dates Pearl for a while but for some reason dumps her and Earl consoles her. It ends with Earl & Pearl having a fight and Pearl leaving but before going asks Earl to come to some bar with the family to hear her sing. The Sinclairs go to the bar and Pearl then calls Earl up on stage to sing with her, Robbie and Sharline are very emmbarresed but as it turns out Earl is an excellent singer.

Into The Woods
This could either be one of two, one is that Robbie is found with his pants down (did he wear any ever?) whilst Peeing in the woods with his date near by, Spike see's this and I forget the rest or it could be one where Robbie tells Baby a scary story after he (Baby) plays a practical trick on him, the story Robbie tells Baby is about a time when he got bit my a cave man and turned into a wearman.

Scent of a Reptile
I believe this is an episode where we learn a very important fact about Dinasours, when a female Dinasour reaches a certain age she gets a scent which all other male Dinasours hate and can't stand (for a short period of time) except the man she's suppose to marry, which for poor Sharline turns out to be the janitor of her shcool. She is very upset by this and Ethyl tells her about a flower which only grows somewhere very far which can change her scent, Sharline goes in search of this flower but after weeks of travelling she learns all the flowers have been removed to built a one hour photo stand, whilst on her quest Earl is already planning her Wedding as he takes a very fond likeing of the janitor (his name escapes me at the moment) eventually Sharline retuns and descides she's not going to marry the janitor because she's not in love with him.

Working Girl
This might be the episode where Sharline is trying to find a job but as it turns out only males are hired, she then sends a letter to the council and they decide to take on her request to have every comapny hire at least one woman (they decide by bringing out her letter from one of those things they bring the balls out for the lottory). Mr. Richfields company WE SAY SO must hire a female, Earle, Roy and two other Dinasours pose as woman but are caught out my the inspector which came to see if Mr. Richfield had hired woman at that point Shaline works in bringing Earl his lunch which he had forgotten and Mr. Richfield immediatley names her supervisor to Earl and his co-worker, Earl and his friends take advantage of her but then Sharline presudaes them into working by offering them a donut for every tree they push down.

Variations on a Theme Park
Again i'm not sure if this is the one i'm thinking of but if it is it's one of the best eps of the series. Earl is suckered into taking the family to the new WE SAY SO theme park but once they're there they find out on 1/4 of the park is ready and it won't be complete for another five years, they decide to leave but are not allowed until their time at the theme park is up. Everything is priced, it cost a dollar a second whilst the fridge is open, a dollar a second if you pick up the phone and Seven dollars for what was suppose to be ice on a stick but has melted and is now a wet stick which Baby takes a liking too. Earl meets Roy at the theme park and they both stand in a long line just cause it's long and eventually find out it's for renting strollers, they do so and at the end Earl and family spend their vacation in their hotel room playing a game they made up using the stroller.

I'm not sure about Georgie must die and Life on the faust line, if i remember or can put the episode title to an epsiode i'll let you know

Philip Kippel

Those 7 episodes aired when the show ran in syndication and later on Disney Channel in the second half of the 1990's.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2002
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Philip Kippel said:
Those 7 episodes aired when the show ran in syndication and later on Disney Channel in the second half of the 1990's.
:eek: Re-he-he-HEAAAAALLY?? That I didn't know. That's a good sign. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Jeez! I have the world's slowest Internet connection

I've seen pretty much all those episodes of "Dinosaurs" in syndication.

By the way, King Prawn. You're description of "Into the Woods" was incorrect. That was one of my favorite episodes. What happened was, since the Baby turned 2, he had to go out in the woods in order to provide for himself. Fran had Earl take him out, but he didn't want to do it since he was watching a game with Roy and Robbie, so they took the TV with them. Since they weren't paying attention to the Baby, they stumbled in the tarpit. They then had to have the Baby get help. Just as he was about to, he made friends with some mammal creature (who sounded a bit like Rizzo the Rat). That part was hilarious. They were playing a video game called "Idiots" where they had to get three idiots out of a tarpit. The character also bribed the Baby with candy. Baby eventually realized he had to get help, so he found a woodsman. He was able to get them out of the tarpit. He turned out to be Roy's long lost father. However, neither one of them ever realized it.

Classic moments from this episode:

Earl: (In Baby's thoughts) Hey, don't you look at that other thought bubble.

Robbie: There is no way this idiot box is going to help us. (Throws TV into the pit)

TV announcer: And here are three easy steps for getting out of a tarpit, should you ever brainlessly stumble into one. One: *blub, blub, blub*, Two: *blub, blub, blub,* Three: *blub, blub, blub*

Robbie: What are the odds?

The descriptions for the rest of those unaired eps can be found at the TV tome episode guide. Unfortunatley, I don't think I've ever seen "Changing Nature." Is that one available on video anywhere?

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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I remember Into the Woods! That one was good. You mentioned the tar pits, and I immediately remembered.

Oh, hey, Daffyfan! Haven't seen you around in a while. Everything been okay?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Super Scooter said:
I remember Into the Woods! That one was good. You mentioned the tar pits, and I immediately remembered.

Oh, hey, Daffyfan! Haven't seen you around in a while. Everything been okay?
Yeah, I'm fine. I have this job at this church camp and I don't have Internet access up there. I can only post here when I'm home for the weekend.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Daffyfan2003 said:
Unfortunatley, I don't think I've ever seen "Changing Nature." Is that one available on video anywhere?
I think it was released on VHS. I recall seeing it at my local Blockbuster in the children's section. I'll double check next time I am there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2002
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I found some more descriptions at an eBay auction. Here they are:

Life in the Faust Lane
"Earl is jealous of Richfield's collection of mugs, and to get his own mug, he enters into a pact with the devil."

Georgie Must Die
"Baby becomes infatuated with a children's television program. The star, Georgie, is a seemingly friendly cow who really has a nasty disposition."