Valid Fraggle excuses


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2004
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Did you guys ever notice how in some episodes one or more of the Fraggles were missing, sometimes explained and sometimes unexplained. Well here is a complete list of all the reasons the Fraggles weren't in an episode. Some are made up, some are not.

The Challenge: Mokey. She was busy making sandwiches for the picnic

Capture the Moon: Boober. He did not want to take part in the ceremony for he had to wake up early the next day and do everyone's Laundry

The Great Radish Famine: Gobo. Away exploring the singing caverns.

The Trashheap doesn't live here anymore: Gobo, Mokey, and Red. Well Gobo was taking a nap, that's why he got so annoyed with Wembley playing the drums and trying to make a new song, which is why he sent him to the great hall. Mokey and Red were swimming and having races.

All Work and All Play: Boober and Mokey. Boober went with Mokey to the Gorg's garden to get Radishes, and Junior ended up putting them in a cage.

Junior Sells the farm: Gobo, Wembley and Boober. They were back in the Rock playing cards and drinking hard Radish juice in Gobo and Wembley's room saying "I wonder why Red and Mokey haven't came back from the Gorg's Garden yet"

Fraggle Wars: Gobo was away exploring as it was mentioned.

Doozer is as Doozer does: Although Gobo, Mokey, Red and Wembley were only seen briefly, Boober was Cooking a special soup for all the Fraggles. Consisting of Moss, Radishes, crushed Doozer sticks, and Uncle Matt's old postcards :stick_out_tongue:

Believe it or not: Mokey Boober and Gobo. Mokey was painting a still life photo of Gobo and Boober and they had to stand still all day.

The Battle of the Leaking Roof: Gobo and Wembley were sleeping, Red was sitting up worried about Mokey waiting for her to come home.

The Cavern of Lost Dreams: Mokey and Boober went for a walk through one of the caves and got lost.

Gunge the Great and Glorious: Although Wembley and Red were only seen briefly at the very beggining of this episode, Mokey, Gobo, and Boober were
looking through Gobo's old postcards from Uncle Matt and reliving old memories. They were sitting on the floor Indian style in Gobo and Wembley's room doing this.

Red's Blue Dragon: Boober and Wembley were trying to make a new song together. Boober was playing the Harmonica and Wembley playing the drums.

What does everyone think?


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2003
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I like those. I no longer have to stay up at night wondering. Seriously good job! :flirt: