VCR ALERT! Kermit appearance on the Food Network coming up!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2006
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I enjoyed Kermit on Paula's Party! :smile:

Kermit also got to plug the second season of The Muppet Show DVD!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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"I guess I'll burglarize a house a make a cake!"

Best line of the night.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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I loved both appearances!
YAAAAAAAAYYYY for Kermit!:smile: :smile:

Convincing John

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Arrrgh! I didn't know Kermit was going to be on Deal or No Deal! I missed it!

Ah well, at least I caught him on Paula. The appearance was awesome awesome AWESOME!

You could tell that Kermit (and Steve) was having fun with this appearance. I won't spoil it by telling what happened (in case some of you missed it), but I will say that there was much of that old Muppet spirit in the appearance. Lots of Muppety goodness.

For those of you who are not Paula fans (I'm indifferent to most cooking show hosts) she gave Kermit a lot of compliments. (What she said about Piggy, however...:wink: ). At least Paula wasn't acting all wooden and fake with having a Muppet on her show unlike other TV hosts have done in the past (COUGHmarthastewartCOUGH!)

If Steve Whitmire ever reads this thread (has he ever been here?) I hope he realizes that this Kermit appearance had a lot of Jim in it. (At least it felt like that to me). The facial expressions, the jokes, the reactions, the ad-libbing, the references...I loved it! Great job, Steve! I just wish I coulda been there! (That ad-lib/reference to the Beatles...Wow!:big_grin: )

Probably the only thing I didn't get about the appearance was what Paula's son did at the beginning of Kermit's appearance. He said he had to leave and he'd be back later.

Now who, I ask, WHO, in their right mind, would leave the room when they could watch and interact with the Kermit the Frog? That's the chance of a lifetime! Yeesh! I tell ya...

Convincing John


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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I really enjoyed it all. My neices loved it all too. They couldn't get enough of Kermit tonight and (since we had watch the "Deal Or No Deal" show) and all but i love all the jokes, ad-libs and Paula was just fantasic with Kermit.

I would love to have seen Kermit at the end of the episode but i still enjoyed and would love to see more characters come on the show.

BobThePizzaBoy said:
"I guess I'll burglarize a house a make a cake!"

Best line of the night.
That one was funny. It made me think how funny would it be to see Kermit in your kitchen baking or frying something? I know i would freak out being that i've always wanted to see him in person. :smile:

Convincing John

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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I know i would freak out being that i've always wanted to see him in person. :smile:
Same here. I've read that even the people who have worked with Henson, Sesame etc. still have a sense of awe for the characters that doesn't go away.

To us are around here, the Muppets have "rock star" status. They mean so much to us. I'm very happy that you shared the Kermit moments with your young ones. They need to know who Kermit is!

I really admire those who can just chat and do a spot with the Muppets and keep their cool. As for me, I'd probably wind up acting like Johnny Fiama in this duet.

Convincing John


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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If you miss Kermit's guest sot the first time, don't worry - the Food Network is planning to re-air the episode several times throughout the month; you'll be able to can catch it again on:
  • November 10th at 12am
  • November 10th at 2pm
  • November 11th at 1pm
  • November 20th at 9pm
  • November 21st at 12am
(Check local listings for details),1974,FOOD_11023,00.html :wink:
That link won't work on my computer. That's alright though. It's not that important. I would have liked to see Kermit though.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2003
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Not to interrupt the conversation, but if you missed either the Deal or No Deal spot or the Food Network spot, they both appear in this week's MuppetCast, show #31. On the website and iTunes right now. I edited the appearances down to fit within the show, but all the important stuff is there.

And I'd just like to restate my continued support for the idea of Fried Cake!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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I love fried turkey! My uncle has a fried turkey deep fryer and we've ate it two Christmases in a row. I've seen them on the shopping channels and in stores. I think my mom is going to fry one this thanksgiving. It's good stuff.

But I can't wait to get a chance to see this appearance!:excited:

Convincing John

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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I hope you get a chance to check it out, it's cool!:smile:

As I said in an earlier post (that's gone now:confused: ) Steve has a big responsibility with Kermit now that Jim isn't around. He is getting better with our favorite frog and it really shows here. "Get back, Loretta!" That line was my favorite of the night.

As I watched, I could just imagine Jim just off-camera chuckling at Steve's ad-libs...or just waiting till they were done cooking. Hey, someone's gotta do something about those dishes...:big_grin:

Fried turkey is something I've never had. My cooking abilities, limited. Quite honestly, I cook like Charlie Brown. If I ever host a Thanksgiving dinner, people will have to settle for popcorn, toast, jellybeans and pretzels.

Convincing John