What classic skits do you want on the upcoming DVD?


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2003
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we all know that "THE STREET WE LIVE ON" will be released on dvd later on this summer,assumming they are going to put bonus classic skits on it like the other disc,what skits would you like to see on it?


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2003
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movies and songs

1. the coconut counting man

2. the golden an

3 exit song

4. joe raposo songs

5, the d and b song with the dog and the boy

6. a stool for me

7, the kangrooo limerrick

:smile: :halo: :excited:


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2003
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That's a hard one but the two that came to me right away were Monster in the Mirror with all the celebrities and Mary had a Bicycle. I'd also like to see some of the 80's music video style songs again like Wet Paint or that althabet rapping song that shows Grover spinning on the records. Stuff like that would just be like going back to my childhood. I'd also like some sort of Bert and Ernie song or sketch. Those two are great together. Yeah but those are some of my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Well,to me every old skit and sketch should be available on video by now.Just my cent worth.Here are some oldies that I personally would love to see on video:

-C is for Cookie
-B is for Bubble
-Daddy Dear
-Capital I
-Lowercase N
-Land of 6
-Land of 8
-Doin' the Pigeon
-Do de Rubber Duck
-Behind Your Face
-Rhyming Song
-Mahna Mahna
-Ladybugs' Picnic
-10 Tiny Turtles on the Telephone
-King Minus
-Bein' Green
-Alligator King
-Ballad of Casey Macphee
-Cowboy X
-I Love Trash
-Happy Feet
-Disco Frog
-E song
-Telephone Rock
-A Hole in the Bucket
-J song
-J friends
-small v
-O song
-MMM Monster Meal
-National Association of W Lovers
-Rubber Duckie
-Sammy the Snake
-Golden An
-S,Your the Best
-Indians don't talk like that....I'm an Indian. Oh.
-Some of Us are Here
-That's about the Size
-Willie Wimple
-Toucan Two-Step
-Two Little Dolls
-Villan in the Panama Hat
-W for Wilhemina
-Wanda the Witch
-What rhymes with 'buy' and is delicious? (Guy!)
-Would you like to buy an 'O'?
-X marks the Spot
-Zizzy Zoomers
-Bert showing his bottle-cap collection
-Letter G(first letter in the word,giggle)
-all of the real live sketches(Milk,Jar of Peanut Butter,Which Came First/Chicken or the egg?,recycling)
-all solo songs sung by Ernie
-all sketches with Grover & Kermit
-all of the Bert & Ernie sketches
-all of the classic Baker sketches
-all of the Grover & Fat Blue sketches
-all of the Joe Raposo song sketches
-all of the old Muppet News Flash sketches
-all of the Don Music sketches
-old Big Bird sketches
-old Kermit sketches
-old Lefty sketches
-old skits with David(and Luis),Mr. Hooper & Big Bird
-old skits with The Painter(Paul Benedict)
-old skits with Raphael(Raul Julia)

Oscar Fan

New Member
Jun 13, 2004
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Telelphone Rock
Count Up to Nine
The People in your Neighborhood (the ORIGINAL one featuring a fireman AM and a postman AM)
C is for Cookie (the one that starts with "Me play piano, Ernie")
Has Anybody Seen My Dog?
X Marks the Spot
Breakfast Time (a.k.a. Soft Boiled Cookie)
Ballad of Casey MacPhee (was this one ever made into a live-action skit or was it audio only?)
Tu Me Gustas (I Like You)
How Do They Get That Toothpaste in the Tube?
Rubber Duckie
I Love Trash
I've Got Two (because it has Mr. Hooper in it)
Everybody Wash
The Question Song (possibly the funniest song/skit ever to hit the show)
At the Library (Oscar wonders if there are books interesting to a grouch)
Being Green
The Opposite Song
The Ten Commandments of Health
ABC-DEF-GHI (BB sings the alphabet as one word)
I Don't Want to Live on the Moon (classic)
Would You Like to Buy aan O?
Doin the Pigeon
Put Down the Duckie
The Count's Lullaby

Now, they will probably only put 5 or 6 in. :frown:


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2002
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I'd like to see the "It's My Cookie" skit as well as the D-train Skit.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2003
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Blackurth,How do you know the DVD "The Street We Live On" will really really really have Bonus Classic Skits on there???? :eek: :eek:

(1)Who told you that?

(2)How many will be on there?

(3)Which ones will be on there?

(4)Why will they just have them on there??



Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2003
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Dantecat said:
Blackurth,How do you know the DVD "The Street We Live On" will really really really have Bonus Classic Skits on there???? :eek: :eek:

(1)Who told you that?

(2)How many will be on there?

(3)Which ones will be on there?

(4)Why will they just have them on there??

to be honest with you I don't know if there will be any classic skits on it,I'm just assuming that there MAY be some on it because the other one "what's the name of that song" had them on it so why not this one, since this is an anniversary dvd it would make since for them to put some extra bonus stuff on it,I haven't seen "the street we live on" yet but from the reviews I've read on this board it looks like there's not enough of the classic stuff on it...


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2002
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Well I can think of two or three I'd nominate (one of which I haven't even seen), I'm not sure if they could exactly be called "classic" since they date to the early 1990's, but I think they stand out:

1) I Get A Kick Out Of U sung by Ethel Mermaid - I nominate this because its so difficult to find a parody of Ethel Merman that truly works, but this one really does.
2) 'I Can Sing Anything When I Sing With You' sung by Herry Monster and Louisey - because while it may not be strictly speaking a Sesame Street Classic, it is a classic performance from Jerry Nelson and Louise Gold together.
3) Anyone's Nose - I haven't seen this one, I believe it was a Monsterpiece Theatre skit, but from what I've heard it sounds like it was one of their really wonderful parodies.