What kind of Big screen movie should the Muppets do?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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We have been talking in the Muppet headlines about Muppets from Space and why the Muppets have not done another big screen movie since. One person asked if Muppets from Space was really that bad of a movie, and i tryed my best to show them some of the problems within JHC and Sony and within the movie itself that really hurt it. So i have been thinking what do you think the Muppets/Disney need to do to get them ready for a new big screen movie? also what kind of movie do you think they need to do? I personaly belive they need to do another Muppet Movie typ movie to kind of re-introduce the muppets and their true personalitys. Get the great relaionships of the good pairs and gropes we know and love such as Kermit and Fozzie the Electeric Mayhem and so forth. that would also help bring back some old faces we have not seen much of as late. Rolwf, Dr. Theeth Scooter and so forth. It would also give them the chance to get some origanel music and maybe have another big hit such as Rainbow Conection. What do you all think i would love to hear what you all have to say about it. also lets talk about Muppets From Space a little. What if anything do you think could have been done to save this from being a kind of floop of a movie. I have some ideah but i want to see what some others say frist.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2005
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I'm not too sure about ideas for something they could do right now, I'm a little lacking in the creative department lately. :wink: As for MFS, I think they could have easily done something that involved there being Muppets in space, but part of Gonzo's charm was always that he was always a 'Whatever.' To go and specifically pinpoint that he was an alien, well, I think it was one of those mysteries that should've stayed a mystery. Besides that, I think using a couple more classic Muppets would've been nice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2005
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They could do something akin to The Blues Brothers, where Kermit goes around in essence "putting the band back together", so to speak, for some noble purpose.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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i dont know i dont think im to crazy about a muppet movie being about just one muppet with the otheres around. I do think Fozzie need some love he has not been seen much latley and i think he is such a wonderfull bear. I love the muppets being in muppet theater. thats one thing i love about A very merry muppet movie. That was the frist time they had been in the theater in a long time. i really like that movie if they would do some more like that i think the muppets would really be fine.
I also was thinking about a where are they now kind of movie. Like Kermit wants to have an aneversiry show and needs to get his old friends back. Even try to get some of his SS friends. (like that would ever happen thanks to Disney.)
I think though that would really reintorduce the muppets and who they really are.
The main thing though they dont need more new muppets. we need more of the ones we grew up with and miss so much. I think thats one thing that Muppets From Space was lacking they had the newer ones more like pepee and Bobo.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Cool thread. I'll post as the ideas come to me. Whatever they do, it should be a "musical". Since the "older" Muppet movies (ie. TMM, TGMC and TMTM)spoofed older genres, how about something that spoofs current big genres...I'm thinking an "all star" Irwin Allen disaster (Poseidon Adventure/Titanic) or a Gosford Park type murder mystery. Maybe these genres are too dark for the Muppets, but they seem like logical steps to maybe take for them...


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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I do like the Blues Bros. "reunion" type movie. Could start out with Fozzie and Kermit riding along picking up all the other muppets, just like Muppet Movie. You could add some newer ones too (Pepe and Clifford?), just not Bobo Andy Randy or Gary Cahuenga. and be sure to include Scooter, rowlf, the Mayhenm and Sweetums. Definitely a great idea.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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dwayne1115 said:
Get the great relaionships of the good pairs and gropes we know and love such as Kermit and Fozzie the Electeric Mayhem and so forth
Gropes? Whoa! We're going for a PG rating, right? (Just kidding--your typo made me laugh out loud with a few interesting mental images!)

I LOVE the idea of the Muppets doing a musical. How about "My Fair Pyggy." ("My Fair Lady was based on the George Bernard Shaw play "Pygmalian".) Kermit can be Higgins, Fozzie can be Col. Pickering, and they can transform shy, demure (this is fantasy-land, right?)candy-stand girl Miss Piggy into a show-stopping diva with the Electric Mayhem to back her up. Sort of a combination of American Idol and a good old-fashioned hokey musical. Oh please guys--can we? Can we, can we? Huh, can we? (Sam the Eagle can be Simon.) PLEASE can we?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Ruahnna said:
Sort of a combination of American Idol and a good old-fashioned hokey musical. Oh please guys--can we? Can we, can we? Huh, can we? (Sam the Eagle can be Simon.) PLEASE can we?
Oooh! Ooh! Can Clifford be Randy?! And Miss Piggy, Janice, or even Rizzo can be Paula?! *Becomes very excited about movie*


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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lol man i wish i knew what you where talking about. ( looks at what he last wrote.) OHHHHHHHH ROFL man i should sleep before i typ on here. lack of sleep and having a speelling disorder do not really work well together. LOL i think the blues brothers thing typ of movie would be great, they could even get animal out of jail.
Yes i do want a PG rateing or lower for the muppets. If they went to anything higher i would think they where becoming like South Park or somthing.

P.S Please exuse any further spelling mistakes i seem to cant sleep at night anymore and it is makeing my day to day life kind of difficult.