What's your favorite sound effect?

Was Once Ernie

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Shameless Plug

Since it's appropriate to this thread, I thought I would mention I produced a CD for Rhino records called "Hanna-Barbera Cartoon Sound FX". It has 100 great effects from the H-B library.

I also do a bunch of character voices on it, including Quick Draw McGraw, Snooper and Blabber and Wally Gator.

But my two favorite sound effects are:

1) In the Warner Bros. cartoons, when somebody needs to clear their head by shaking it after getting hit, there's a sound that was described as a trombone gargle, but sounds more to me like someone wiggling their Adam's apple. (It was also used in some of the "Charlie Brown" specials)

2) Goofy falling off a cliff - "Ya-hoo-hoo-hoooeeee!"
