Who are the Muppets suppose to be


Sep 20, 2002
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Who are the muppets suppose to be...

1) If Miss Piggy isn't suppose to be a knockoff of Hotlips Hoolahan (and she does the same routines such as the karate chop) then why when Lorretta Swift was on the show did Miss Piggy stand next to her while they immitated one another? Or rather Piggy imitated Swift?

2) Am I mistaken or did Fozzie and Milton Berle do much the same thing when Berle guested on the show? I seem to remember Berle looked pleased that Fozzie looked like him. But it has been a while so I could be wrong about this. It would make sense to me- Fozzie is a bad but lovable version of Berle. They look a lot alike and have the same ears.

3) Following that Piggy was imitating Swift on an episode and they were almost identical- I don't know but Scooter seems a lot like Radar to me. And it's odd how he has the same kind of job as Radar. He even is big on the paperwork like Radar. Plus if I remember right doesn't he call people on the intercom0 like Radar. Plus those glasses. I can't remember but doesn't he also second guess Kermit like Radar second guesses people. I might be wrong about that. That's a lot of coencidences. I'm not saying it's true, but it sure but it sure makes me stop and wonder.

4) If Janis is Californian then the one she'd be most like is probably Joni Mitchell. Yes, Mitchell is from Canada but she was the head chick musician in the Californian scene. Right ahead of Judy Collins. I'd love to get side by side pictures of the two. Again I can't say and Mary Travers(?) is a good guess too except Hensons inspirations from music seem to be leaning more towards the Woodstock era. And the band is more Hippy than Folk. The hippy jam Jazz thing.

5) I thought I heard from an official source that Kermit is meant to be a side of Henson and the giant monster is meant to be another side or the whole Hensen. Again I don't know I just find it curious to remember hearing that - maybe on 60 minutes? and then how the monster looks a lot like Hensen.

6) Also I have no clue about Zoot but I've got to say whoever he is or isn't he looks a lot like Denny Laine from his Wings period. But I don't have a clue on that one.

7) Does Gonzo sometimes dress as women or am I wrong about that. If there is this M*A*S*H* theme going on as I have wondered for years then Gonzo could well be Klinger. Also like Klinger sometimes people think he is weird.

8) If I'm going with the Woodstock connection- I have to say that Crazy Harry oddly looks like Joe Cocker. He just looks like him to me. He also has cocker's Woodstock beard.

9) And the sportscaster reading the sport's news looks like Howard Cosell to me.

10) While I really want to say Animal is Keith Moon and it wouldn't surprise me if he is, he does look a lot like Mick Fleetwood. Wait didn't the later Moon have a beard? And the way he plays the drums. That one probably is Moon.

-Can somebody running this site with some clout get Frank Oz to print in red who the main Muppets are suppose to be? I'm losing sleep over this.


Sep 20, 2002
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Wait a minute...

I seem to remember that in the later period Davis had long hair just like Zoot and wore those glasses and turned his back. Good call poster...


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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while i'm not sure that "based" is necessarily the correct word to use, i would definately say that many of the Muppets were INSPIRED by certain real people.

for example, i always thought that the inspiration for Zoot was "Blue Lou" Marini. he was the Sax player on SNL in the early years (when Henson was there). He's very well respected, and fits Zoot's personality perfectly. if you don't believe me, go back and watch both the Blues Brothers movies...

also, i always thought Animal was inspired by the style of one Mr. Gene Krupa. if you've ever heard a recording of the man, he is Animal personified...


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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I know Miss Piggy's character was based on the model Peggy Lee, but that's all I can think of. A lot of these other people were before my time.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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May I issue a rebuttal?

3) Following that Piggy was imitating Swift on an episode and they were almost identical- I don't know but Scooter seems a lot like Radar to me. And it's odd how he has the same kind of job as Radar. He even is big on the paperwork like Radar. Plus if I remember right doesn't he call people on the intercom0 like Radar. Plus those glasses. I can't remember but doesn't he also second guess Kermit like Radar second guesses people. I might be wrong about that. That's a lot of coencidences. I'm not saying it's true, but it sure but it sure makes me stop and wonder.
I don't think Scooter is that much like Radar. First off, we all know how Scooter uses the fact that his uncle owns the theatre to get in on a skit or something. All he has to do is say something that begins with "My uncle who owns this theatre..." and Kermit's halfway to changing his mind. I could never see Radar doing that. Plus, when was the last time you saw any paperwork on TMS? And you were right; Scooter doesn't have the same "precognative" abilities as Radar does (he doesn't second-guess people; he knows what they're going to say and do before they say and do it).



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Regarding Floyd's name:

The "Sgt. Pepper" part is obviously from the Beatles, as people have said.

As for the first name, "Floyd", I thought it was a reference to the band Pink Floyd, especially since Floyd himself is pink.

Regarding Zoot's personality:

As revealed in an interview with Dave Goelz on the Muppet Central web site, Zoot's personality is not based on anyone. He became the way he is because Mr. Goelz had no idea how to perform the character, so whenever lines were scripted for Zoot, he gave them to Floyd instead. As a result, Zoot became a very quiet character. Later, people would come to Mr. Goelz and say that Zoot was like every sax player they'd ever known, and Mr. Goelz would say, what are you talking about?

Mr. Goelz himself worded this far better than I just did, and I'm also just working from vague memories. Check out the interview to get it straight from the puppeteer's mouth. So to speak.

Peace out, homies.

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Re: Miss Piggy and Loretta Swit


In the Muppet Show with Loretta Swit, Miss Piggy gets fired by Kermit for planting items about them in gossip magazines. Kermit has Loretta take Piggy's place in Vet's Hospital and Pigs in Space. During Pigs in Space of course the whole thing is resolved, and at the end, Loretta says:

"I hope no one out there believes that I was really trying to take over for Miss Piggy. Because you know when a great actress and a great star has developed a role it's impossible for another actress to fill her shoes."

Miss Piggy walks in wearing Loretta's MASH outfit.

Piggy: "Ha ha ha... Funny, the shoes don't fit."

So the gag was related specifically to the episode, due to the fact that the guest star was filled in for the recently-fired Miss Piggy at the last minute. Piggy was based, as has been said, on Peggy Lee, at least her design. Her character came quite on it's own.

Fozzie was envisioned as a vaudeville comedian, sort of similar to Milton Berle, but certainly not directly based off of him. Fozzie is more like Henny Youngman in his choice of jokes, but Fozzie doesn't have the same delivery as Youngman.

You were right about one thing, the Muppet sportscaster, Lewis Kazagger, was designed as something of a tribute to Howard Cosell.

Animal was one of a larger group of characters, including Cookie Monster, who embody a living appetite. Frank Oz has said that Animal is composed of five parts: sex, sleep, food, drums and pain. That's all Animal is. He is sort of the wild musician type, but again, no singular basis in one real person.

The Muppets are the Muppets.

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Originally posted by TravellingMatt
I always thought Pepe and Seymour were knockoffs of Ren & Stimpy. Listen to their voices and how they interact with one another!
Hmmmm... I've never seen Seymore secreet bile, while Pepe goes on a hallucinagenic murderous rampage against Seymore!

However, Biff (on Sesame) reminds me a lot of Judd Hurche (sp) from Taxi. But THAT can't be right!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2002
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here are some of my opinions:
I think Zoot's wardrobe is based on springsteen's saxaphone player. He also reminds me of Syd Barrett or Kurt Cobain (i KNOW he wasn't based on kurt, nirvana didn't form until around 1989).

Janice was a surfer girl in the 70's and a valley girl in the 80's.

Floyd is just your average psychedelic musician, his name is a combination of a legendary psychedelic band and a legendary psychedelic album.

Zeke (from the Jug Band) looks just like Jerry Garcia.

Clifford reminds me of Bob Marley.

Oscar is based on Alanis Morissette or maybe even Johnny Lyndon (see, johnny lyndon's the one with TALENT)


New Member
Oct 14, 2006
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Hey Maynard,

Growing up in that era and being a cartoon aficianado (addict), here's what i think:

But first, what, did you forget my personal fav, ANImal. :sing:

Dr. Teeth is Dr. John. Agreed

Janis is Joni Mitchell Why wouldn't it have been Janis?

Miss Piggy is Hotlips Hoolahan Maybe, why not Bette Midler?

Gonzo is Klinger Not; not sure who but ... Jamie Farr???

Kermit is a sock puppet with ping pong balls who is the humble side of Henson

The giant monster is the total persona of Henson

Crazy Harry is Joe Cocker at Woodstock YEP!

Floyd Pepper is Greg Allman as Pepper or some 60s musician who looks like Allman

Who are Statler and Waldorph? Some old Hollywood stars?

And who is Dr. Honeydew?

The Swedish Chef is Omar Sherif Notski

Beeker is Danny Thomas? But Beeker didn't 'talk'

Fozzie Bear is Milton Berle. Okay

Wayne and Wanda is Nelson Eddy and Jennette Mc.Donald.

Sam the Eagle looks like Bob Dole but who is he? Really ... Bob Dole, gotta think about that there are/were sooo many cartoon charactrers in DC, Clarabell as portrayed by Condoleeza Wright, Howdy Doody as portrayed by George Bush, oh sorry wrong era ... did i say that?!?