Who do I have to talk to to get a Murray plush?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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..or a PVC... or anything for that matter? Seems like Murray has become such a big monster on SS, being the "Word on the Street" opener, and the star of the main segment, "Murray has a Little Lamb." This character's design is fantastic, and I would love to see someone make some 3-D representation of him at some point.

I just hope he doesn't become like Telly, being featured a lot, and out of the general public's eye.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Don't know how long it may take for Murray to show up in merchandise...yeah, he's featured quite a bit with regular segments "What's The Word on the Street" and "Murray Has a Little Lamb" but even then he just seems so...seperate as a character. For one thing, he really seems kind of lacking in a personality or hook ... just kinda a generic Joey Mazzarino character. I think the main reason for this is he's the one always asking questions of others - one Big Curious Question Asker...but we know so little about who Murray is himself. He had a similar role in the Count on Sports dvd, and even when on rare occasion when he interacts with other characters (like the season opener street story), there really isn't much to him! Add to this that most of the time (such as Word on Street and Murray), he's pretty much by himself (or more recently with his lamb, but even then that's a whole new creation and they're not interacting with other Muppets in those segments), there's been Muppet/kid moments with Murray - but that's ONCE AGAIN interaction with kids and not other actual characters on the show.

I'm behind on my season 39 viewing so hopefully some of the newer episodes have him featured more as more of an actual character, but so far, he's just...there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Yeah, I get what you mean. The character seems to have a sepperate show of his own, and other than the first episode of this season, and one other, Murray hasn't been integrated into the cast. And even then, his second appearance on the street this season was a "Hi Alan" (or Chris) and that was it. I don't think we'll get more out of him unless we see him in a plot or in something a little more scripted. I make him out to be overly eager, playful and clumsy... I could see him being like a younger version of Herry (like his little brother that acts sort of like him).

But you gotta admit... he's got one interesting design that really stands out of the other characters. That is one of the primary reasons I'd like to see some sort of 3D representation of him for sale. Of course, I would also have loved a Forg, since his upside down cone head makes me laugh. Too bad they never did anything with that one outside of a background character.


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
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Our four year-old loves "Murray Has a Little Lamb" and he's already a Muppet expert. It's definitely his favorite part of the new season.

I predict we'll see some Murray merchandise in the next 6-12 months.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I can't help but thinking the best we're gonna get is some page in a coloring book and a puzzle or something. It's too bad they don't make any big collections of SS PVC's anymore.


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
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I, too, would love to see a Murray doll that I could purchase for my daughter, and also an Ovejita (the little lavendar lamb). Ovejita is so cute and seems a natural choice for a plush.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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At this point, I'd be happy to see a PVC, but as I stated, they don't really make PVC sets anymore. Sure, there's the Fisher Price 40th anniversary costs as much as a Galactic Heroes set figures... but they dropped the ball with that one, only offering 6 characters... all old remolds of old sculpts.

I hope if we ever do get Murray stuff, we don't get the likeness softened down into their usual cartoony style guide versions of their puppet selves. He's such a great looking Muppet, and it would be a shame to see him softened down to a barely recognizable ball of fuzz (like Cookie Monster is routinely subjected to).