Who remembers this S segment?


Oct 30, 2003
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This memory came back to me just last night. It was a live-action segment about a man in his office who was a very fast talker. (It reminds me of the guy who used to do the FedEx commercials in the 80's.) This guy was naming all kinds of S words. Then the telephone rings and he exclaims: "Stand by! Stand by!" He says into the telephone: "Staff, stand by!" Then he goes crazy and he starts saying: "Snacks! Snacks!" The last thing that I remember was him crazily stuffing his face.

Could anybody tell me some more details about this segment based on what they remember?


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hi Nicole, and welcome to the forums here at Muppet Central. Ah, my memories from when I still had 100% good sight. This sketch wasn't an S-sketch, but rather it started out as a P-sketch. You say the guy from that sketch reminded you of the guy from the Fed Ex commercials? Well, that's because it most probably was the same guy, John Mashita Jr. (please pardon if I misspelled his name).

He starts the sketch in his office talking about the portraits of people behind them and how they're proud proveyors of P products and parafernelia. Then the phone rings and he says surprisedly that the P-Products company has been bought out by the S-Sales company. He then turns the pictures over to show S's across the board and frenzily tries to get rid of all the P-stuff. The bit with the snacks is cause he had popcorn and pretzels and peanuts, and he says the can stay cause they'd be considered as "snacks" which starts with S.
Hope this helps and have a good night.


Oct 30, 2003
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Thank you very much. I had forgotten all about the P segment in that bit. Thank you for all the details.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Don't get fed up, get Fed Ex!

WOW!!!! I totally remember that! Yeah, I used to love that bit as a child. That definitely was the Fed Ex guy, by the way. John Moschitta Jr. He also had a memorable role on "The Gift" episode of Saved By the Bell as teacher Mr. George Testaverde, better known as Terribe Testaverde. Jesse set her notebook on fire trying to take notes in his History class. Very awesome and classic episode of Saved By the Bell, by the way, for any big SBTB fans.

And he was awesome in that Sesame Street sketch. Very cool to be reminded of that. Now that I have been reminded of it, all the memories come rushing back. I can totally picture him in my head in the office with all the P and S signs, etc. Cool! :big_grin: :crazy: :smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Your welcome Nicole. Hope you have fun exploring the other sections and threads of this site.

Hey GonzoLeaper, if you remember that one, then I'm sure you'll know this one too.
There was a sketch with John Moschitta Jr. making baby noises at the supposed baby in the stroller at the park. Then you heard María's voice offscreen ask him what the baby's name was. And he powers through the baby's name, which is one name for each letter of the alphabet with each letter appearing rapidly in the air next to him. She asks him that with such a long name if the baby has a nickname, and he replies yes, Baby ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Then María asks if the baby has any siblings, and he replies with the same babyish tone: "Just one big sister." And he proceeds to power through another list of alphabetical girl's names for the baby's sister. María says that the sister also has a name for every letter of the alphabet. John replies with a "yeah, so?" María asks him what does he call her for short in a bewildered tone. And the end line from John is: "Sis. Doesn't everyone?"
After that the sketch ends.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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Ah yes. John Moschitta Jr. He had a talent for talking really fast. He also did some cartoon voices. In the Transformers, he did Blurr. The fastest car on wheels, along with the fastest talker, who start babbling really fast and long whenever he got nervous.

I believe John was also the announcer for Hollywood Squares.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2002
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Does anybody know where I can find the "P/S" Moschitta sketch?