Happytime Murders...


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Feb 7, 2010
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As with anything anybody says on the internet, feel free to take this with a grain of salt, but a few friends of mine work for Sesame Street, and, on occasion, for the Muppets. From what they've told me, Brian Henson is a little bit of a tyrant who blacklists puppeteers if they cross him the wrong way.

I've met Brian Henson a few times, and he always struck me as nice, but people who've actually worked with him have different stories. I suppose people are complicated, and there are different sides to everybody.

As for the movie, it looks dumb. I don't have a specific opinion on it, as I've not seen it, but I have other things I'd rather use my time doing than watching a movie where puppets cum silly string on walls.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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@MrBloogarFoobly it's true! Business world is alot different from how you act casually when you're out on your own doing whatever.

That supposedly could have been an issue why Steve was let go last year since some puppeteers say he was tough to work with (usually as Kermit, far as I've heard). But his real life, normal self, after having got to meet him, is very outgoing and talkative with his fans.

So I guess that could just be an issue with Brian; sometimes he just doesn't have the best views with business life that it shows a different side to him and rubs people off the wrong way.

When the saying goes "never meet your heroes", I think the best way to say it is don't meet them when they're busy doing something. If you see them at like an airport or whatever, you could risk going up to them and ask an "Excuse me?" So as not to disrupt them rudely and just act casual and if they don't want to be bothered, leave them alone. You can always get the chance to meet them at cons where they're committed to go unless something happens otherwise. You're still at risk of possibly seeing a nasty side either way, but the point is, try and meet them somewhere where you know you'll likely feel comfortable.... And it helps to do some research, too.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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You can always get the chance to meet them at cons where they're committed to go unless something happens otherwise. You're still at risk of possibly seeing a nasty side either way
Yeah. Some of the cast of GOOD TIMES were at the same Fanboy Expo I went to to see the SS cast. I didn't see them, but I've read from others in attendance that Jimmie "J.J." Walker was really rude to people, and ignored a lot of them when approaching their table.

Blue Frackle

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Sep 26, 2015
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When the saying goes "never meet your heroes", I think the best way to say it is don't meet them when they're busy doing something. If you see them at like an airport or whatever, you could risk going up to them and ask an "Excuse me?" So as not to disrupt them rudely and just act casual and if they don't want to be bothered, leave them alone. You can always get the chance to meet them at cons where they're committed to go unless something happens otherwise. You're still at risk of possibly seeing a nasty side either way, but the point is, try and meet them somewhere where you know you'll likely feel comfortable.... And it helps to do some research, too.
I think it also depends on the "hero"; some people I can just tell if it's suitable to meet them or not.


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Aug 8, 2003
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It can go both ways too. I remember years back, when Billy the Exterminator was at the height of his popularity, people were hounding him with requests, saying their kids were big fans of his and wanting to meet him, so they needed him to fly them in, put them up in hotel accommodations, and stop swearing, and what have you, for them - and Billy would explain to them that he couldn't be expected to meet all of these requirements, even for kid fans of his, when he's busy with his show and his business. Then those same people would turn around and claim that Billy is a rude and arrogant ******* who destroyed their kids dreams, and that he should be ashamed of himself for it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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From my experience, voice actors are the ones who usually are the nicest.


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Aug 8, 2003
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Well, I mean, it's not like they're recognized and mobbed by fans like big A-list celebrities are - and most of them hold a special place in many people's childhoods, so I'm sure there's more of a genuine appreciation there.

Bill Farmer and Charles Martinet were at the Fanboy Expo this year - I didn't meet either of them (I was mainly there just for Steve), but Charles particularly had a looong line at his table, and just at a glance, he seemed like a really nice, easy-going guy who appreciated his fans.

And again, I can't say enough how warm, friendly, and neighborly the SS castmembers were in person as they are on TV; Bob in particular.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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At least I got to meet one of them from your photo. :stick_out_tongue:

I'm hoping more come to Granite con in NH next year - that place really seems to love muppets.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I'm keeping an eye on the schedules and guest lists for Fanboy from now on. They usually have one in summer and one in October, but they're doing the October one this year, instead, having a huge weekend combining both next summer, and already they're lining up guests. If other Muppet Performers are going to start showing up at these things, then I'll be on board for attending. They just get so danged pricey . . . $200 to meet the SS cast, and that didn't include the price for buying one of Bob's CDs, and a DVD copy of I AM BIG BIRD.