Sesame Street Season 47 Episode 4704 - Super Sitters


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Apr 11, 2002
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Episode 4704 - Super Sitters
HBO Premiere: Saturday January 28, 2017
PBS Premiere: Thursday September 21, 2017

Grover and Cookie Monster help Chris babysit and learn how to take care of a baby.

This episode features an all-new street story, Smart Cookies ("The Hidden Teething Biscuit") and a new Elmo's World ("Babies").

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Again, I wish the show itself was this bright.

But today's episode was a fun one, because when you've got everybody's two favorite furry blue plans in the story, you can't go wrong - and each of their attempts at helping Chris babysit Baby Emma were amusing . . . I think my favorite was Grover dressing up as a cowboy and bringing in a pair of cows for Emma to have milk. Grover caress the stuffed animal all over his face was also worthy of a snicker.

I really liked the "13's Not So Lucky" animation - really felt like the kind of classic animated insert we'd see from back in the 70s, I almost felt a slight Henson sort of vibe to it (like if Jim did something about 13 in the style of "King of 8" or "Queen of 6."

Not sure why there had to be an entirely new EW about babies, considering babies was already done for Season 31, and we've seen that Season 47 may occasionally recycle older EW's - not sure why this couldn't have been another one of those occasions.


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Mar 11, 2009
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This episode gave us our first repeated cold open. The street story was pretty fun. I liked Grover making up a lullaby for Emma. The new Elmo's World was pretty good. I liked Smartie pretending to be a baby to the point that she had a crib.


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May 2, 2008
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Interesting "Dumb and Dumber" rapport they found with Grover and Cookie.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Again, I wish the show itself was this bright.

But today's episode was a fun one, because when you've got everybody's two favorite furry blue plans in the story, you can't go wrong
Yeah. I guess this is the whole reason they had Dave do Cookie rather than having Eric do him as well, so Grover and Cookie could have more interaction and this is a good example of that. I hope to see more of that in the future.

Not sure why there had to be an entirely new EW about babies, considering babies was already done for Season 31, and we've seen that Season 47 may occasionally recycle older EW's - not sure why this couldn't have been another one of those occasions.
Well, they did promise us more new EWs, so I guess they didn't want to go back on their word. Maybe sometimes they do want to go with new ones with the same topic rather than replaying outdated material. Plus this gives Ryan a chance to shine as Elmo.


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Jul 3, 2016
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Yeah. I guess this is the whole reason they had Dave do Cookie rather than having Eric do him as well, so Grover and Cookie could have more interaction and this is a good example of that. I hope to see more of that in the future.
I must have missed something, but when has Eric ever performed cookie? It's not listed on muppet wiki. Tell me of some times he performed him.


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May 2, 2008
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Eric hasn't ever done Cookie, as far as I know.


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Aug 12, 2015
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Eric hasn't played Cookie on the show, but I think I read somewhere that he was originally considered to take over the role, since he already had Frank's other characters. But the writers wanted it to be easy for Grover and Cookie to interact, so they got David to do it instead. Now, i'm not sure where I heard this, so take it with a grain of salt.


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Aug 8, 2003
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Yup, that's exactly it. And it works very well, too. Back when Cookie Monster did the Letter of the Day, I remember the two-part Letter 'N' insert where the first part clearly had Frank doing Cookie trying his hardest not to eat the Letter of the Day cookie - then part two, Cookie was then performed by David, allowing Frank to switch to Super Grover, who flew in to take the cookie away.

I mean, I can only imagine what a hassle it probably was for the whole "Take a Rest" bit, considering all three of Frank's major SST characters were in it: surely Frank had to record each of their lines/verses separately to be mixed together, but who knows which of the three he physically performed (if he even did) for the taping, while other performers did the other two.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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I mean, I can only imagine what a hassle it probably was for the whole "Take a Rest" bit, considering all three of Frank's major SST characters were in it: surely Frank had to record each of their lines/verses separately to be mixed together, but who knows which of the three he physically performed (if he even did) for the taping, while other performers did the other two.
Yeah, I wonder who's idea it was to have all three of them have a song together.
I'm pretty certain that was Frank playing all three of them at the beginning of the song, since none of them appeared together until the end of it. And in the end of the song, I think he was puppeteering Bert. You can kind of tell when it's Frank because he has this sort of precision and a high level of energy to his performances that many of the other performers can't quite match, which I imagine would make his characters hard to recast.