And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Some would say that you too are seeing what you want to see - Trump as something negative. :stick_out_tongue:
Very well then. Explain how anything he has done so far will not hurt the country in the long run. Thus far, his cabinet appointments, posturing on the world stage, and executive orders have only benefited wealthy white males, earned enemies and mockery abroad, and undone an unhappy amount of the positive steps we have taken as a nation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Well people where convinced that Trump was looking out for the little guy. That he would end corruption in Washington, cut spending, and create jobs.
That's what drew people to him. Not the hate, or the other issues it was all these other promises made.
I agree with you that many of his supporters believed he would stand up for them, the masses, the workers of America. I will give Trump credit for being an effective con man, as his record as a businessman shouldn't inspire confidence (how exactly does one bankrupt a casino?!). And he did campaign on "draining the swamp." And then promptly appointed wealthy cronies to positions of power who definitely don't give a frog about the 98%, including the Goldman Sachs crowd with whom he berated Hillary for keeping company.

So...yeah. The swamp is looking far more polluted these days.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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It was all being blamed on President Trump and him emboldening his so-called racist and anti-Semitic supporters. It's in black and white in this very same thread. No blame for Sanders. The blame was being placed squarely on President Trump, again and again. Which, of course, was proved completely wrong.
I'm sorry...but how can you discount the fact that so many of Trump's circle have ties to white supremacists, and that when hate speech was raised by such groups during his campaign, and Trump was repeatedly asked if he would distance himself from hate groups...he did nothing.

When the KKK vocally supports you and you don't blast them into the next week, that's a problem for anyone NOT stuck in 1860.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I'm sorry...but how can you discount the fact that so many of Trump's circle have ties to white supremacists, and that when hate speech was raised by such groups during his campaign, and Trump was repeatedly asked if he would distance himself from hate groups...he did nothing.

When the KKK vocally supports you and you don't blast them into the next week, that's a problem for anyone NOT stuck in 1860.
Could this be like how conservatives thought Obama was a Muslim, and a member of ISIS?
Also is the KKK still an organized group? I mean I know there are still neo natzies, but I thought they where just in very small separated groups.
I guess it just surprises me that a group like that would still be around in 2017. I mean I could see how some would think that some fundamental Christians would be a part of that, but that is also not true.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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I'm sorry...but how can you discount the fact that so many of Trump's circle have ties to white supremacists, and that when hate speech was raised by such groups during his campaign, and Trump was repeatedly asked if he would distance himself from hate groups...he did nothing.

When the KKK vocally supports you and you don't blast them into the next week, that's a problem for anyone NOT stuck in 1860.
That wasn't the discussion that was being had. You can't just take a quote out of context of the discussion itself. The discussion was specifically about the vandalism to Jewish cemeteries and the threats to JCCs and how the blame shifted. Earlier in the thread they were being blamed on Trump supporters, which in these cases, proved to be wrong. The argument recently put out was that the blame for the cemetery vandalism and bomb threats were being blamed on Bernie Sanders. The point of the discussion at the time was that the blame all of a sudden shifted from Trump supporters to Bernie Sanders. Hence, the appropriateness of the seeing what you want to see quote.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'll say this once and only once and be done. Wasn't going to bother, but since I'm here for the day:


Let's take away any political discussion here to being with. Trump is a terrible person first and foremost. Always has been, always will be. If he hadn't had that idiotic reality TV show, he probably would have had one bankruptcy too many and would have faded into obscurity. Blame Mark Burnett. Going further back, had he not got that "loan" from his father, he probably wouldn't have survived very much longer. He's a buffoon that got his money from having money and licensing out the brand. Doesn't matter to me if he was a liberal or conservative, he's human garbage and I'd have voted for a Republican if he ran as Democrat.

Now let's put that politics back in. He's a con man that bamboozled the working class to vote against their interests. Partially by race baiting, partially by lifting Bernie's talking points when Bernie lost the primaries, but most of all taking advantage of the angry, hateful propaganda machine his high level supporters have been using since the Dubya era. You know, the ones that scared support of a certain idiotic family vendetta war that no one would have wanted otherwise. I don't want to get into the whole mind boggling debate of "throwing billions if not trillions into unwinnable quagmires good, spending a fraction of that fixing our crap for profit scam artist health care system horrible." But I've been saying FOR YEARS that we get our morality from the least moral people in the country. And I'll say the only good news out this week is that Alex Jones has came out as a fraud (to cover his own butt, putting him in a unique position to either risk losing his kids and keeping his audience or visa versa) and that Bill O'Reilly has had one too many sexual harassment victims come out so he lost enough sponsors for Fox to care about their profit losses more (so you know where their loyalties are). I mean, sure... O'Reilly is going no where, his supporters will say "so what?" and the fact that he had sponsors when he was pimping out Christian Persecution complexes and that familiar "I'm not racist" brand of racism, but this was the last straw somehow.'s a step, I suppose. I miss when we had intelligent, calm and adult conservative commentators. The likes of Ben Stein et al. But those don't scare, they don't sell books. The loudmouth jerks that, while a thing in the 90's under Clinton, that just exploded in 2002 grabbed the party's messages and replaced actual conservative talking points with "if you're not with us, you're against us and likened to every one of our enemies du jour." Basically the working class conservatives were given the "No True Scottsman" ultimatum and they sucked it the heck up.

The fact of the matter for me is this. This is exactly what the Republican party (not the voters, but the politicians and their interests) Gerrymandered and legally (for the sake of keeping it as brief as possible) "cheated" for. To get a monolithic one party system, no matter who's name was on their ticket. Sure, they were oh so hoping they'd just crown Bush III back in 2012, but the fact they did absolutely nothing to impede Trump's candidacy makes them frankly worse in my eyes. No matter how many times a couple politicians actually bothered to speak up and say "He's not representative of our values," no matter how many times they said "oh, we'll stop him at the primaries," and no matter the whole week of them going on masse about how "despicable" his hot mike rapist comments were, they (mostly) jumped on board and said "eh, a win's a win. Party over principles." They KNEW full well if they over turned the will of the vocal minority that hijacked the primaries, they'd split the vote to a third party Trump would inevitably have run for (being an egotistical slimeball and all) and all their redistricting and Voter I.D. laws would have been for naught. Despite the fact their congressional and senatorial operatives would still make sure government dysfunction would have persisted if the Dems won.

In the end, we have a minority voted, low approval rated buffoon who stocked his cabinets with other buffoons, Alt Right fascists (who believe anything left of the far right is fascism) and especially lobbyists, all working directly against the working class. Personally, I feel that true conservatives should have voted Libertarian, but that goes into my REAL problem with the Republican party. Now, I understand and agree. Republican voters do NOT like being called racist or Nazis or stupid or greedy or Bible Thumpers or anything like that. I believe the majority of Republican voters are normal people who disagree with the parties opposite. Problem is, the party out and out refuses to speak up and out about the vocal minority of those with disturbing values and saying "we don't want your kind supporting us, get your own fringe third party." And thus, we have a greedy manchild running the country and being the representative of their party because they know that losing the very small yet vocal amount of intolerant to outright fanatic to a third party would cause them to get caught in a three way race they know they'd lose. That's why you never saw an Evangelical party separate. Then there's the whole Southern Strategy because the Democratic Party was starting to alienate the racists on their side. Wanting the crazy is by design. Meanwhile the Democrats barely pay attention to those slightly to the left of moderate in their party. So basically the supposed Democratic lefty leaning party is basically the true conservative party while Republicans are incredibly far to the right socially, while doling out social Darwinism/Social Engineering policies. I'm not getting into an economics discussion about this, I've gone on long enough, but the working class voting for the same party that would okay corporations paying them 20 cents a day if they could...there's a level of stubbornness and borderline Stockholm Syndrome. They aren't stupid. Stupid can be cured by knowledge, stubborn refuses it.

Now before this goes into the predictable "You're precious lefties are just as bad if not worse because I call hypocrite" route, I'd like to add...

Trump was EVERYONE'S fault. Not just the small amount of angry at the wrong people types. Certainly not just the microscopic the KKK and militia types (who frankly are terrorists, but they're white and Christian so they're "protestors") who otherwise would stay out completely if not write in David Duke. Not just the moderates in the Rep party that voted because they'd vote for an empty bag of discount potato chips if it had the Republican label slapped on it. The blame should especially lie in the Democrats and their just...pathetic level of suckitude. I won't call the Reps stupid for falling for a snake oil salesman that didn't even give them the snake oil when taking their money, but I will call the Dems completely painfully oblivious for thinking Hillary Clinton was a viable candidate. The Reps especially made sure that every single scandal was in play since she was a name in the party came out, calling various witch hunts and hypocritical nit picks (and the actual valid stuff, which frankly...your precious party sold weapons to a hostile nation to fight another hostile nation that we were backing that we fought 2 times so... yeah...). To not read the room and say "UGH! They have soooo much crap to use against us, let's go with another candidate," was absolutely monumentally idiotic. Hillary, while not quite the egotist Trump is (and who actually accomplished things without Dadsy Wadsy's moolah), still ran on ego and arrogance. And don't get me started on the "They're both equally terrible because makes me genius to say that" types. Saying that you think both parties are terrible to sound smart is the equivalent of saying you read a book to sound smart. And as individualistic as going to the same Hot Topic to wear the same goth clothes your clique wears to be an individual. Or the complete outrage culture that can get furious at a gorilla dying or a Moana costume being cultural appropriation, but can't seem to be focused on something that MATTERS. Hey. La Resistance? Stop marching and start VOTING!

It's telling about how braindead outrage culture is when the guy with the hot mike who holds no power whatsoever gets fired from a nothing celebrity news job that affects nobody when the guy who says rapey things gets the highest office in the land.

So basically "It'll never happen here" happened here even after all the blistering warnings from all over the world they chose to ignore (or at least had a Goldfish's attention span for). Now we're looking at the prospect of one egotistical, disgusting, authoritarian with his button on the trigger fighting with another egotistical, disgusting, authoritarian with his finger on the trigger. Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I'll say this once and only once and be done. Wasn't going to bother, but since I'm here for the day:


Let's take away any political discussion here to being with. Trump is a terrible person first and foremost. Always has been, always will be. If he hadn't had that idiotic reality TV show, he probably would have had one bankruptcy too many and would have faded into obscurity. Blame Mark Burnett. Going further back, had he not got that "loan" from his father, he probably wouldn't have survived very much longer. He's a buffoon that got his money from having money and licensing out the brand. Doesn't matter to me if he was a liberal or conservative, he's human garbage and I'd have voted for a Republican if he ran as Democrat.

Now let's put that politics back in. He's a con man that bamboozled the working class to vote against their interests. Partially by race baiting, partially by lifting Bernie's talking points when Bernie lost the primaries, but most of all taking advantage of the angry, hateful propaganda machine his high level supporters have been using since the Dubya era. You know, the ones that scared support of a certain idiotic family vendetta war that no one would have wanted otherwise. I don't want to get into the whole mind boggling debate of "throwing billions if not trillions into unwinnable quagmires good, spending a fraction of that fixing our crap for profit scam artist health care system horrible." But I've been saying FOR YEARS that we get our morality from the least moral people in the country. And I'll say the only good news out this week is that Alex Jones has came out as a fraud (to cover his own butt, putting him in a unique position to either risk losing his kids and keeping his audience or visa versa) and that Bill O'Reilly has had one too many sexual harassment victims come out so he lost enough sponsors for Fox to care about their profit losses more (so you know where their loyalties are). I mean, sure... O'Reilly is going no where, his supporters will say "so what?" and the fact that he had sponsors when he was pimping out Christian Persecution complexes and that familiar "I'm not racist" brand of racism, but this was the last straw somehow.'s a step, I suppose. I miss when we had intelligent, calm and adult conservative commentators. The likes of Ben Stein et al. But those don't scare, they don't sell books. The loudmouth jerks that, while a thing in the 90's under Clinton, that just exploded in 2002 grabbed the party's messages and replaced actual conservative talking points with "if you're not with us, you're against us and likened to every one of our enemies du jour." Basically the working class conservatives were given the "No True Scottsman" ultimatum and they sucked it the heck up.

The fact of the matter for me is this. This is exactly what the Republican party (not the voters, but the politicians and their interests) Gerrymandered and legally (for the sake of keeping it as brief as possible) "cheated" for. To get a monolithic one party system, no matter who's name was on their ticket. Sure, they were oh so hoping they'd just crown Bush III back in 2012, but the fact they did absolutely nothing to impede Trump's candidacy makes them frankly worse in my eyes. No matter how many times a couple politicians actually bothered to speak up and say "He's not representative of our values," no matter how many times they said "oh, we'll stop him at the primaries," and no matter the whole week of them going on masse about how "despicable" his hot mike rapist comments were, they (mostly) jumped on board and said "eh, a win's a win. Party over principles." They KNEW full well if they over turned the will of the vocal minority that hijacked the primaries, they'd split the vote to a third party Trump would inevitably have run for (being an egotistical slimeball and all) and all their redistricting and Voter I.D. laws would have been for naught. Despite the fact their congressional and senatorial operatives would still make sure government dysfunction would have persisted if the Dems won.

In the end, we have a minority voted, low approval rated buffoon who stocked his cabinets with other buffoons, Alt Right fascists (who believe anything left of the far right is fascism) and especially lobbyists, all working directly against the working class. Personally, I feel that true conservatives should have voted Libertarian, but that goes into my REAL problem with the Republican party. Now, I understand and agree. Republican voters do NOT like being called racist or Nazis or stupid or greedy or Bible Thumpers or anything like that. I believe the majority of Republican voters are normal people who disagree with the parties opposite. Problem is, the party out and out refuses to speak up and out about the vocal minority of those with disturbing values and saying "we don't want your kind supporting us, get your own fringe third party." And thus, we have a greedy manchild running the country and being the representative of their party because they know that losing the very small yet vocal amount of intolerant to outright fanatic to a third party would cause them to get caught in a three way race they know they'd lose. That's why you never saw an Evangelical party separate. Then there's the whole Southern Strategy because the Democratic Party was starting to alienate the racists on their side. Wanting the crazy is by design. Meanwhile the Democrats barely pay attention to those slightly to the left of moderate in their party. So basically the supposed Democratic lefty leaning party is basically the true conservative party while Republicans are incredibly far to the right socially, while doling out social Darwinism/Social Engineering policies. I'm not getting into an economics discussion about this, I've gone on long enough, but the working class voting for the same party that would okay corporations paying them 20 cents a day if they could...there's a level of stubbornness and borderline Stockholm Syndrome. They aren't stupid. Stupid can be cured by knowledge, stubborn refuses it.

Now before this goes into the predictable "You're precious lefties are just as bad if not worse because I call hypocrite" route, I'd like to add...

Trump was EVERYONE'S fault. Not just the small amount of angry at the wrong people types. Certainly not just the microscopic the KKK and militia types (who frankly are terrorists, but they're white and Christian so they're "protestors") who otherwise would stay out completely if not write in David Duke. Not just the moderates in the Rep party that voted because they'd vote for an empty bag of discount potato chips if it had the Republican label slapped on it. The blame should especially lie in the Democrats and their just...pathetic level of suckitude. I won't call the Reps stupid for falling for a snake oil salesman that didn't even give them the snake oil when taking their money, but I will call the Dems completely painfully oblivious for thinking Hillary Clinton was a viable candidate. The Reps especially made sure that every single scandal was in play since she was a name in the party came out, calling various witch hunts and hypocritical nit picks (and the actual valid stuff, which frankly...your precious party sold weapons to a hostile nation to fight another hostile nation that we were backing that we fought 2 times so... yeah...). To not read the room and say "UGH! They have soooo much crap to use against us, let's go with another candidate," was absolutely monumentally idiotic. Hillary, while not quite the egotist Trump is (and who actually accomplished things without Dadsy Wadsy's moolah), still ran on ego and arrogance. And don't get me started on the "They're both equally terrible because makes me genius to say that" types. Saying that you think both parties are terrible to sound smart is the equivalent of saying you read a book to sound smart. And as individualistic as going to the same Hot Topic to wear the same goth clothes your clique wears to be an individual. Or the complete outrage culture that can get furious at a gorilla dying or a Moana costume being cultural appropriation, but can't seem to be focused on something that MATTERS. Hey. La Resistance? Stop marching and start VOTING!

It's telling about how braindead outrage culture is when the guy with the hot mike who holds no power whatsoever gets fired from a nothing celebrity news job that affects nobody when the guy who says rapey things gets the highest office in the land.

So basically "It'll never happen here" happened here even after all the blistering warnings from all over the world they chose to ignore (or at least had a Goldfish's attention span for). Now we're looking at the prospect of one egotistical, disgusting, authoritarian with his button on the trigger fighting with another egotistical, disgusting, authoritarian with his finger on the trigger. Enjoy.
*Stands up and applauds again*

Another wonderful speach!

I want to stay hopful though, I mean from what I have seen some of the negative things said about Trump may or may not be true. I hope they are not true, but I'm sure you all can porve otherwise.