And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


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Aug 8, 2003
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Funny thing is (though slightly unrelated), we were actually visiting Washington DC and arrived there just after this whole "Trump leaking info to Russia" thing started. We went to the Smithsonian Museum of Space and Aviation, and while we were outside waiting in line we suddenly heard a bunch of police sirens. There were a bunch of police cars, all the other "unimportant" cars moved aside, and there it was: the limo with the president in it. He waved to the crowd. Some people waved back. And it was odd: I suddenly felt this strong sense of confusion, and anger and excitement all at the same time.
Seriously, he literally can't do anything without an adoring crowd!

But you know what else? The right is still so obsessed with Hillary: anytime she's just randomly mentioned in the news - even if it has nothing to do with the election, or even politics, the right starts butthurting and snowflaking out about it and whining about how she refuses to stay out of the limelight (uh-huh) and how she still wants the power to take over the world (uh-huh!)


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Sep 16, 2002
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Yeah, I find i' ve started to have second thoughts about that article. I think if they want to give their opinion they shouldn't have to be afraid. Further, I don't think it was saying that Trump supporters can't be real Muppet fans. It was simply saying that Trump's philosophy was far from that of Jim Henson's and The Muppets' and the article was trying to get certain people to see that.
Hi, just to clarify, I was annoyed with TP, not at you or your comment. :wink:


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Dec 2, 2002
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Certains will soon require passports for people to fly within the country? Is this another one of Trump's cockamamy deals or something?
Do we even read the article before we blame President Trump? From the very second sentence in the article:

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), while gradually implementing the REAL ID Act passed by Congress in 2005, has announced that starting next year it cannot accept some state driver’s licenses that don’t meet acceptable security standards.​

This seems like another case of blaming President Trump for everything. Like I said countless times, place blame where blame is due. And give credit where credit is due. Quit looking for things to blame on President Trump.


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Aug 8, 2003
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Susan Sarandon is a very outspoken liberal, but I'm glad she's seeing some optimism, because it's very hard to find right now . . . but one thing I am optimistic about is Trump's supposed impeding visit to the Vatican to meet with the Pope, because I hope Pope Francis will give Trump the dressing down he needs for the un-Christlike behavior running rampant among him and his supporters. I mean seriously, I cannot imagine what's running through God's mind as He receives prayers from people giving Him thanks and praise for the hate, division, and prejudices they're stirring up in this country.

But, right now, we've got even bigger problems: Trump just gave Saudi Arabia a $110,000,000 spending spree on our weapons, and he's sending U.S. jobs over to their country now in an attempt to "strengthen the bond between our countries." But hey, at least there's more hypocrisy on full-blown display here: Melania (Part-Time First Immigrant) and Ivanka choose opt out of covering their hair and are being praised for it, but Michelle Obama did the same thing and was attacked for it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Recent Harvard study confirms that the media is largely biased against President Trump
"the press’s treatment of him “during his first 100 days set a new standard for negativity.”"
Er...not sure "presenting the facts" and "reporting the many conflicts of interest and investigations into possibly illegal dealings of the current administration" equates to "biased against." I noted that at the exact same moment CNN was reporting the latest Russian bombshell on Friday, Faux News had a story on how awfully mainstream media treats Trump.

Uh, yeah, NO.